
Total Results: 926 records

Showing results for "drug".

    January 01, 2008 - diseases, systemic or unspecified sites 19 Mental diseases and disorders 20 Alcohol/drug … use and alcohol/drug induced organic mental disorders 21 Injuries, poisonings and toxic effects … 648.4 Complications in pregnancy, mental disorders EXHIBIT 5.11 Alcohol-related and drug-related … : ICD-9-CM DIAGNOSIS DESCRIPTION 291 Alcohol induced mental disorders 292 Drug … induced mental disorders 303 Alcohol dependence syndrome 304 Drug dependence 305.0
    January 01, 2007 - 7 9 Enteral and parenteral nutrition 282 280‡ 3.1 3.3 8 14 Alcohol and drug … For alcohol and drug rehabilitation/detoxification, there were more discharges for males (261,000 procedures … Alcohol and drug rehabilitation/detoxification ranked 9th for males and 35th for females. … Alcohol and drug rehabilitation/detoxification: females: 4%; males: 6%. … Other procedures, including colonoscopy and alcohol and drug rehabilitation/detoxification increased
    January 01, 2008 - 231 0.2 Adjustment disorders 213 0.2 Alcohol-related disorders 2,815 2.3 Drug-related … An alcohol-related disorder was noted during 2.3 percent of ED visits (2.8 million visits) and a drug-related … Drug-related disorders: Other: 4%; transfer to other facility: 5%; inpatient admission: 49%; treat-and-release … Almost half (49 percent) of ED visits involving a drug-related disorder led to inpatient admission; 5 … Around half of all drug- and alcohol- related visits to the ED ended in an inpatient admission to a hospital
  4. Section5 2 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - 20% Depression 24% Schizophrenia/Other Psychotic Disorders 19% Alcohol-related Disorders 14% Drug-related … contributed 26 percent of all MHSA discharges, with alcohol-related disorders responsible for 14 percent and drug-related
    January 01, 2008 - 20%; depression: 24%; schizophrenia/other psychotic disorders: 19%; alcohol-related disorders: 14%; drug-related … disorders and depression) are 44% of MHSA stays; substance abuse disorders (alcohol-related disorders and drug-related … contributed 26 percent of all MHSA discharges, with alcohol-related disorders responsible for 14 percent and drug-related
    July 28, 2015 - Neonatal-Maternal-Hospitalizations-Substance-Use.jsp Ra te o f S ub st an ce -R el at ed S ta ys pe r 1 ,0 00 To ta l S ta ys Drug
  7. Section2 4 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - 0 10 20 30 40 Weight Loss Chronic Blood Loss Anemia Coagulopathy Valvular Disease Psychoses Drug … Depression occurred as a comorbid condition in 7 percent of stays in 2007 and alcohol abuse, drug abuse
    November 01, 2015 - mental disorders 292.0 Drug withdrawal 292.11 Drug-induced psychotic disorder with delusions 292.12 … Drug-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations 292.2 Pathological drug intoxication 292.81 … Drug-induced delirium 292.82 Drug-induced persistent dementia 292.83 Drug-induced persistent amnestic … disorder 292.84 Drug-induced mood disorder 292.85 Drug-induced sleep disorders 292.89 Other drug-induced … 305.90–305.93 Other, mixed or unspecified drug abuse 648.30–648.34 Diabetes related to drug dependence
    July 29, 2004 - 29282"-"29289", "2929 ", "30400"-"30493", "30520"-"30593", "64830"-"64834" = "DRUG … " /* Drug abuse */ "29500"-"2989 ", "29910", "29911" = "PSYCH" / … /* Anemia */ 395,396 = "YES"; VALUE ALCDRG /* Alcohol drug
    January 01, 1996 - $4,346 $8,291 $15,438 13.6 0.2 45.7 43.4 16.29.1 Psychiatric drug … $3,440 $6,537 $12,180 11.4 0.1 50.6 38.4 16.30 Alcohol and drug … $5,505 $2,818 $4,387 $6,566 7.8 0.0 71.4 45.2 16.30.4 Drug … $6,396 $2,536 $4,330 $7,929 10.7 0.0 50.5 31.7 16.30.5 Drug … $3,542 $1,906 $2,918 $4,170 4.3 0.0 58.7 35.7 16.30.6 Drug
    February 11, 2011 - 0.48 $11,586 $3,811 $7,689 $14,955 14.2 0.1 48.7 42 16.29.1 Psychiatric drug … 35,633 0.10 $9,651 $3,304 $6,060 $11,696 11.7 0.2 51.0 38 16.30 Alcohol and drug … 42,733 0.12 $5,666 $2,814 $4,449 $7,041 8.5 0.0 72.7 45 16.30.4 Drug … 0.07 $5,493 $2,742 $4,079 $6,512 8.0 0.0 57.4 35 16.30.7 Alcohol and drug … 0.05 $7,708 $3,639 $6,569 $10,640 16.1 0.0 63.9 32 16.30.8 Alcohol and drug
    March 01, 2016 - mental disorders 292.0 Drug withdrawal 292.11 Drug-induced psychotic disorder with delusions … 292.12 Drug-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations 292.2 Pathological drug intoxication … 292.81 Drug-induced delirium 292.82 Drug-induced persistent dementia 292.83 … Drug-induced persistent amnestic disorder 292.84 Drug-induced mood disorder 292.85 Drug-induced … sleep disorders 292.89 Other drug-induced mental disorder 292.9 Unspecified drug-induced
    June 01, 2012 - trends, looking specifically at the top two contributors for unintentional injury deaths: MVC and drug … second largest contributor to unintentional injury deaths was accidental poisoning, in parcticular drug … While both populations had a significant increase in drug overdose deaths over this time period, the … Since 1999, prescription drugs* have outpaced illicit drugs as the most common type of drug overdose. … 10 20 30 40 50 60 A ge -A d ju st e d R at e p e r 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Unintentional Drug
    January 01, 2005 - Exhibit 2.10. Injuries Exhibit 2.10. Injuries Number of Stays, Average Cost per Stay, Average Length of Stay, and In-hospital Death Rate for Discharges with an Injury Diagnosis, 2005 CCS Principal Diagnosis Category and Name Total Number of Stays in Thousands Average Costs per Stay Average Len…
    January 04, 2005 - 29282"-"29289", "2929 ", "30400"-"30493", "30520"-"30593", "64830"-"64834" = "DRUG … " /* Drug abuse */ "29500"-"2989 ", "29910", "29911" = "PSYCH" / … /* Anemia */ 395,396 = "YES"; VALUE ALCDRG /* Alcohol drug
    February 01, 2020 - to being washed overboard from unsp wtrcrft, init N Y EXT015 External cause codes: poisoning by non-drug … operations involving biological weapons, milt, init N Y EXT015 External cause codes: poisoning by non-drug … chem weapons and oth unconvtl warfare, milt, init Y N EXT015 External cause codes: poisoning by non-drug … chem weapons and oth unconvtl warfare, civ, init Y N EXT015 External cause codes: poisoning by non-drug … involving biolg weapons, civilian injured, init N Y EXT015 External cause codes: poisoning by non-drug
    May 10, 2015 - INJURY_POISON Mechanism of injury: poisoning, including drugs and nondrugs 0 No mechanism of injury of drug … or nondrug poisoning 1 Mechanism of injury of drug or nondrug poisoning   Top    
    August 01, 2014 - second largest contributor to unintentional injury deaths was accidental poisoning, in parcticular drug … While both populations had a significant increase in drug overdose deaths over this time period, the … Since 1999, prescription drugs* have outpaced illicit drugs as the most common type of drug overdose. … Whites and AI/ANs have both seen steep increases in prescription drug ODs, but AI/AN rates have increased … Age adjusted rate per 100,000 for unintentional drug overdose mortality by race for 1990 to 2009.
    December 12, 2006 - 29282"-"29289", "2929 ", "30400"-"30493", "30520"-"30593", "64830"-"64834" = "DRUG … " /* Drug abuse */ "29500"-"2989 ", "29910", "29911" = "PSYCH" / … /* Anemia */ 395,396 = "YES"; VALUE ALCDRG /* Alcohol drug
    July 01, 2010 - The remaining common conditions included drug-related conditions, schizophrenia and other psychoses … MHSA-related ED visits), followed by anxiety disorders (26.1 percent), alcohol disorders (22.9 percent), drug … ED visits related to drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and intentional self-harm were more frequently billed … The youngest adults disproportionately accounted for ED visits related to intentional self-harm and drug … Intentional self harm (792,939 visits) Alcohol-related conditions (2,738,638 visits) Drug-related conditions

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