February 14, 2013 - :
Health history
Medicine lists for consistency
Medicine list for appropriate dosing, drug-drug … and drug-food interactions, and major side
Contact sheet
DE notes
Discharge summary and … No change needed in discharge plan as it relates to the drug therapy
Educated patient/caregiver … No change needed in discharge plan as it relates to the drug therapy
Educated patient/caregiver … No change needed in discharge plan as it relates to the drug therapy
Educated patient/caregiver
February 01, 2023 - decreased from 2012 to 2019, according to an AHRQ-funded study published in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug
June 04, 2018 - Hospital-
Acquired Conditions
National efforts to reduce hospital-acquired conditions such
as adverse drug … Adverse
Events CAUTI*
*CAUTI - Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections
May 01, 2014 - The adverse consequences of
inappropriate prescribing practices—including drug reactions/interactions … overuse of newer, broad-spectrum antibiotics when either no antibiotic or an
older narrow-spectrum drug
March 01, 2013 - Medicine list for appropriate dosing, drug-drug and drug-food interactions, and major side effects. … ___ No change needed in discharge plan as it relates to the drug therapy
___ Educated patient/caregiver … ___ No change needed in discharge plan as it relates to the drug therapy
___ Educated patient/caregiver … ___ No change needed in discharge plan as it relates to the drug therapy
___ Educated patient/caregiver
April 06, 2008 - -
allergy and drug-drug interaction checking. … of drug-specific monitoring parameters. … The Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee is overseeing
the customization of drug-allergy and drug-drug … Similarly, the team has learned that the classification systems for drug-drug interactions used in
the … The top 100 drug interactions:
A guide to patient management.
November 03, 2022 - and Quality
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
DoD Department of Defense
FDA Food and Drug … Veterans Affairs
The aims of this meeting were to: (1) listen to a presentation from the Food and Drug … Following agency updates and a presentation from the Food and Drug Administration on the
January 01, 2020 - interaction)
■ Drug-drug, drug-food, or adverse drug reaction as the result of a prescription and/ … ; drug-drug, drug-food, or adverse
drug reaction as a result of a prescription and/or administration … ; drug-drug, drug-food, or adverse
drug reaction as a result of a prescription and/or administration … ; drug-drug, drug-food, or adverse
drug reaction as a result of a prescription and/or administration … interactions); radiopharmaceuticals;
drug-drug, drug-food, or adverse drug reaction as a result of
January 01, 2004 - Incidence of
adverse drug events and potential adverse drug events.
Implications for prevention. … Tenfold
errors in drug dosage. CMAJ 1988;139(1):12–3.
6. … Medication
errors and adverse drug events in pediatric inpatients. … Risk
factors for unlicensed and off-label drug use in
children outside the hospital. … Pediatric
drug labeling: improving the safety and efficacy of
pediatric therapies.
January 01, 2004 - In one
situation, the physician ordered 20 mg of a drug, and the RN administered 20 mL. … Unit-dose dispensing of the drug involved in the error will prevent an
error with that drug, but not … The drug was accessed from the automated drug-
dispensing unit designated for off-hour use by the nursing … The
panel recommended that the unpredictable need for the drug should be
anticipated, with the drug … Leape LL, Bates DW, Cullen DJ, et al., Systems
analysis of adverse drug events.
October 01, 2016 - The adverse consequences of unnecessary antibiotic use include adverse drug reactions or interactions … , the development of Clostridium difficile infections, the emergence of multi-drug resistant organisms … and overuse of newer, broad-spectrum antibiotics when either no antibiotic or an older narrowspectrum drug
February 08, 2008 - If salts are used as part of
medication names, do they
follow the drug name? … reactions, perform drug-laboratory value and drug-drug interaction checks, and warn about
potential … Food and Drug Administration. Medication
errors. … Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research. … ptr=y
March 01, 2020 - • Urine drug screening (UDS).
• Checking Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs). … Monitoring Programs"
OR "Drug Monitoring") OR (AB
“Stewardship” OR
((MH “Drug Overdose” OR “Opioid … -
Related Disorders” OR
"Prescription Drug Overuse" OR
"Prescription Drug Misuse" OR
"Analgesics … "Opioid*" OR "Prescription Drug Misuse"
OR "Prescription Drug Overuse"))
((MH “Hospitals” OR … " OR
"Prescription Drug Misuse" OR
"Prescription Drug Overuse" OR
"Opioid Use Disorder" OR "OUD" OR
October 01, 2011 - Adverse Drug Events
Clinical side effects of drugs. … or drug class causing the ADE. … Drug psychosis
Table 1. … Systems analysis
of adverse drug events. JAMA 1995; 274: 35-43.
8. … High rates
of adverse drug events in a highly computerized
January 01, 2003 - , wrong-dose, omitted-dose or -drug, and wrong-patient medication
administration errors in nursing and … Four classes of patient events (wrong-
drug, wrong-dose, omitted-dose/drug, and wrong-patient medication … Incidence and
preventability of adverse drug events in nursing
homes. … Drug administration errors: a study into
the factors underlying the occurrence and reporting of
drug … Systems analysis
of adverse drug events. JAMA 1995;274:35–43.
June 01, 2021 - Also, he does not consider the possibility for potential drug-drug interactions with the resident’s existing … antibiotic therapy is indicated
· No stop date on the antibiotic
· No post-prescription monitoring for drug-drug … One is to monitor for drug-drug interactions related to antibiotics. … team, you decide to collect data on the following information:
To evaluate baseline monitoring for drug-drug … · There’s no indication based on chart review that anyone considered the potential for drug-drug
January 01, 2004 - use guidelines),12 and one had an
improvement in nephrotoxic drug dose and frequency. … A
similar approach was taken for drug interactions. … A real-time alert was triggered if a drug was prescribed for patients who
had an interacting drug already … Small group
intervention vs formal seminar for improving
appropriate drug use. … Physicians’
decisions to override computerized drug alerts in
primary care.
January 01, 2004 - Drug related morbidity and
mortality: a cost of illness model. … Using information technology to screen for
adverse drug events. … Reporting adverse drug
reactions in ambulatory care setting. … Pharmacoepidemiol Drug
Saf 2001;10(2):113–9.
25. Snoots WM. … Comparison of medication errors, adverse drug events, and intercepted errors
Table 2.
March 01, 2017 - When Do You Need An Antibiotic?
When Do You
Need An
Taking antibiotics when you
don’t need them is like leaving
the lights on all the time.
The lights may burn out, leaving you
in the dark when you most need them.
If you use antibiotics when you don’t
need them, they may not work when
you get s…
October 01, 2016 - The
adverse consequences of unnecessary antibiotic use include adverse drug reactions or
interactions … , the development of Clostridium difficile infections, the emergence of multi-drug
resistant organisms … overuse of newer, broad-spectrum antibiotics when either no antibiotic or an older
narrow-spectrum drug