April 01, 2015 - The highest expenditures among children were for the treatment of mental
disorders (figure 1). … A total of $13.9 billion was spent to treat mental disorders
among those ages 0–17. … for
the treatment of mental disorders. … The highest total expense
($13.9 billion) was for the
treatment of mental
disorders. … The highest average per
child expense was for the
treatment of mental
disorders ($2,195).
April 01, 2015 - The highest total expense ($13.9 billion) was for the treatment of mental disorders. … The highest average per child expense was for the treatment of mental disorders ($2,195). … The highest expenditures among children were for the treatment of mental disorders (figure 1). … A total of $13.9 billion was spent to treat mental disorders among those ages 0–17. … for the treatment of mental disorders.
March 01, 2007 - The biggest increase in the number of people accounting for expenses was for mental disorders. … These top five conditions--heart disease, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental disorders, and pulmonary … , and mental disorders. … Expenditures on trauma-related disorders accounted for 6.5 percent. … Medicare payments were lowest for mental health disorders (13.5 percent).
March 01, 2007 - The biggest increase in the number of people accounting for expenses was for mental disorders. … These top five conditions--heart disease, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental disorders, and pulmonary … , and mental disorders. … Expenditures on trauma-related disorders accounted for 6.5 percent. … Medicare payments were lowest for mental health disorders (13.5 percent).
March 01, 2007 - The biggest increase in the number of people accounting for expenses was for mental disorders. … These top five conditions--heart disease, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental disorders, and pulmonary … , and mental disorders. … Expenditures on trauma-related disorders accounted for 6.5 percent. … Medicare payments were lowest for mental health disorders (13.5 percent).
March 01, 2007 - These top five conditions—heart
disease, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental disorders, and
pulmonary … conditions, and mental disorders. … iggest increase in the
er of people account-
r expenses was for
al disorders. … Medicare payments were lowest for mental health disorders (13.5 percent). … Mental
2000 2004
Figure 2.
April 01, 2009 - The five most costly conditions for children (mental disorders, asthma*, trauma-related
disorders, acute … disorders, acute bronchitis, and infectious diseases. … The highest expenditures were for care and treatment of mental disorders. … Total expenditures to treat mental disorders were $8.9 billion. … Trauma-related disorders averaged $910 per child.
April 01, 2009 - The five most costly conditions for children (mental disorders, asthma*, trauma-related
disorders, acute … disorders, acute bronchitis, and infectious diseases. … The highest expenditures were for care and treatment of mental disorders. … Total expenditures to treat mental disorders were $8.9 billion. … Trauma-related disorders averaged $910 per child.
April 01, 2009 - The five most costly conditions for children (mental disorders, asthma*, trauma-related
disorders, acute … disorders, acute bronchitis, and infectious diseases. … The highest expenditures were for care and treatment of mental disorders. … Total expenditures to treat mental disorders were $8.9 billion. … Trauma-related disorders averaged $910 per child.
December 01, 2011 - , otitis media, and mental disorders. … The total expenditures for treating children's mental disorders were $12.2 billion, with an average of … , otitis media (middle ear infection), and mental disorders. … asthma at $9.3 billion and trauma-related disorders at $6.9 billion (figure 3). … 225–236, 239, 240, 244; and mental disorders 650–663, 670.
December 01, 2011 - The five most
common conditions (acute bronchitis*, asthma*, trauma-related disorders,
otitis media … , otitis media
(middle ear infection), and mental disorders. … asthma at $9.3
billion and trauma-related disorders at $6.9 billion (figure 3). … , otitis media, and
mental disorders … 225–
236, 239, 240, 244; and mental disorders 650–663, 670.
December 01, 2011 - , otitis media, and mental disorders. … , otitis media (middle ear infection), and mental disorders. … About 4.9 million children were treated for mental disorders, the fifth most common condition. … asthma at $9.3 billion and trauma-related disorders at $6.9 billion (figure 3). … 225–236, 239, 240, 244; and mental disorders 650–663, 670.
January 01, 2021 - Conditions
(in billions)
Mental disorders … $115
Heart disease
Nervous system disorders
COPD, asthma, and other … respiratory conditions
Back problems
Other stomach and intestinal disorders … In 2020, cancer, mental disorders, osteoarthritis and other joint disorders, and diabetes were among … and other joint
disorders ($129 billion), and diabetes ($124 billion).
February 01, 2012 - , cancer, mental disorders, and COPD/asthma. … , mental disorders, and asthma. … disorders, and COPD/asthma was paid out of pocket by these high-cost patients relative to the overall … , cancer, mental disorders, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/asthma. … In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $79.8 billion with an annual mean
February 01, 2012 - , cancer, mental disorders, and COPD/asthma. … , mental disorders, and asthma. … disorders, and COPD/asthma was paid out of pocket by these high-cost patients relative to the overall … , cancer, mental disorders, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/asthma. … In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $79.8 billion with an annual mean
October 01, 2014 - , cancer, mental disorders, and COPD/asthma. … , mental disorders, and asthma. … A lower percentage of health care expenditures associated with care for trauma-related disorders and … , cancer, mental disorders, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/asthma. … In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $83.6 billion with an annual mean
October 01, 2014 - , cancer, mental
disorders, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/asthma. … , cancer, mental
disorders, and COPD/asthma. … , mental disorders,
and asthma. … A lower percentage of health
care expenditures associated with
care for trauma-related disorders
and … In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $83.6 billion with an annual mean
April 01, 2015 - pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, and mental
disorders. … During this period, the largest increase in expenditures was for mental
disorders. … The biggest increase
in number of people with expenditures was for mental disorders (31.1 million to … The percentage of expenses paid out of pocket (OOP) was highest for the treatment of mental disorders … Cancer Mental disorders Asthma
2002 2012
Figure 3.
February 01, 2012 - , cancer, mental
disorders, and COPD/asthma … , mental disorders, and
asthma … , mental disorders,
and COPD/asthma was paid
out of pocket by these high-
cost patients relative to … , cancer, mental disorders,
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/asthma. … In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $79.8
billion with an annual mean
April 01, 2015 - , mental disorders, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma—were ranked highest for … The number of people with expenses for mental disorders increased from 31 million in 2002 to 45 million … The percentage of out-of-pocket expenses was highest for the treatment of mental disorders in both 2002 … pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, and mental disorders. … During this period, the largest increase in expenditures was for mental disorders.