
Total Results: 1,980 records

Showing results for "disorders".

    July 25, 2024 - T U V W X Y Z Health Topics Mental Disorders … Description Mental disorders include a wide range of problems, including Anxiety disorders … Personality disorders Psychotic disorders , including schizophrenia There are many causes of … mental disorders. … Medications and counseling can help many mental disorders.
    January 16, 2024 - T U V W X Y Z Health Topics Sleep Disorders … There are treatments for most sleep disorders.
    T U V W X Y Z Health Topics Genetic Disorders … There are three types of genetic disorders: Single-gene disorders, where a mutation affects one gene … Chromosomal disorders, where chromosomes (or parts of chromosomes) are missing or changed. … Complex disorders, where there are mutations in two or more genes. … Genetic tests on blood and other tissue can identify genetic disorders.
    March 16, 2017 - U V W X Y Z Health Topics Psychotic Disorders … Description Psychotic disorders are severe mental disorders that cause abnormal thinking and
    January 07, 2013 - U V W X Y Z Health Topics Swallowing Disorders … It often happens because of other conditions, including Nervous system disorders, such as Parkinson's … NIH: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Source
    May 04, 2015 - T U V W X Y Z Health Topics Tooth Disorders … But tooth disorders are nothing to smile about. … Fortunately, you can prevent many tooth disorders by taking care of your teeth and keeping them clean
    U V W X Y Z Health Topics Peritoneal DisordersDisorders of the peritoneum are not common. … Treatment of peritoneal disorders depends on the cause.
    U V W X Y Z Health Topics Eosinophilic Disorders … Your body may produce more of them in response to Allergic disorders Skin conditions Parasitic … and fungal infections Autoimmune diseases Some cancers Bone marrow disorders In some conditions
    U V W X Y Z Health Topics Platelet Disorders … With other platelet disorders, the platelets do not work as they should. … Treatment of platelet disorders depends on the cause.
    February 01, 2012 - U V W X Y Z Health Topics Bleeding Disorders … Bleeding disorders can be the result of other diseases, such as severe liver disease. … Bleeding disorders can also be a side effect of medicines.
    July 26, 2016 - T U V W X Y Z Health Topics Blood Disorders … Blood disorders affect one or more parts of the blood and prevent your blood from doing its job. … Many blood disorders are inherited. … Types of blood disorders include Platelet disorders , excessive clotting , and bleeding problems … oxygen to the rest of your body Cancers of the blood, such as leukemia and myeloma Eosinophilic disorders
    July 28, 2017 - U V W X Y Z Health Topics Metabolic Disorders … There are different groups of disorders.
    June 11, 2018 - T U V W X Y Z Health Topics Muscle Disorders … Muscle disorders can cause weakness, pain or even paralysis. … Causes of muscle disorders include Injury or overuse, such as sprains or strains , cramps or
    June 11, 2018 - U V W X Y Z Health Topics Neuromuscular Disorders … Description Neuromuscular disorders affect the nerves that control your voluntary muscles. … Examples of neuromuscular disorders include Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Multiple sclerosis
    August 07, 2018 - T U V W X Y Z Health Topics Mood Disorders … Nearly one in ten people aged 18 and older have mood disorders. … Mood disorders can increase a person's risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. … With treatment, most people with mood disorders can lead productive lives.
    January 25, 2018 - U V W X Y Z Health Topics Movement Disorders … Dyskinesia is abnormal uncontrolled movement and is a common symptom of many movement disorders. … Nerve diseases cause many movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease . … Many movement disorders are inherited, which means they run in families. … Medicine can cure some disorders. Others get better when an underlying disease is treated.
    October 21, 2011 - U V W X Y Z Health Topics Learning Disorders … Description Learning disorders affect how a person understands, remembers and responds to new … People with learning disorders may have problems Listening or paying attention Speaking Reading … or writing Doing math Although learning disorders occur in very young children, they are usually … Learning disorders do not go away, but strategies to work around them can make them less of a problem
    September 23, 2011 - T U V W X Y Z Health Topics Voice Disorders … Other causes of voice disorders include infections, upward movement of stomach acids into the throat, … Your throat often feels raw, achy, or strained It's become an effort to talk Treatment for voice disorders … NIH: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Source
    March 16, 2017 - T U V W X Y Z Health Topics Eating Disorders … Description Eating disorders are serious behavior problems. … Types of eating disorders include Anorexia nervosa, in which you become too thin, but you don't eat … They usually start in the teenage years and often occur along with depression, anxiety disorders, and … Eating disorders can lead to heart and kidney problems and even death.
    U V W X Y Z Health Topics Personality Disorders … Description Personality disorders are a group of mental illnesses. … People with personality disorders have trouble dealing with everyday stresses and problems. … The cause of personality disorders is unknown. … People with personality disorders may have trouble realizing that they have a problem.

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