March 31, 2013 - A National Web Conference on Enhancing Behavioral Health Care Using Health IT
Event Details
Date: February 27, 2013 Time: 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Presenters: Ketan Mane, Ph.D., M.S., Benjamin Druss, M.D., Silke von Esenwein, Ph.D., and Wende Baker, M.Ed.
Overall Purpose:
The Agency for Healthcare Re…
February 01, 2010 - Add "or your
partner" if chose
"Male" or "Both"
to Question 3 in
disorders … apply:
Add "or your partner" if chose "Male" or "Both" to Question 3 in Health
disorders … partner's family"
if chose "Male"
or "Both" to
Question 3 in
disorders … your
partner's family"
if chose "Male"
or "Both" to
Question 3 in
January 01, 2022 - educational level, income level, type of
neighborhood, health insurance status, disability status, comorbid disorders
January 01, 2007 - John R et al. 2007 "Development and evaluation of a PDA-based decision support system for pediatric depression screening."
John R, Buschman P, Chaszar M, et al. Development and evaluation of a PDA-based decision support system for pediatric depression screening. Stud Health Technol Inform 20…
July 02, 2015 - PDA Screener
• Health Concerns, Social and Medical History
• Nutrition, Physical Exercise and Eating disorders
February 28, 2023 - Multivitamins, Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron, Essential Fatty Acids, Iodine, Underweight, Overweight, Eating Disorders … compensation, plus travel costs and snacks.
114 primarily Spanish speaking patients. 74 psychiatric disorders … . 40 chronic medical
4-hour clinic visit.
January 01, 2023 - emergence of associated comorbidities such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders
January 01, 2014 - VisualDecisionLinc: Real-Time Decision Support for Behavioral Health - Final Report
AHRQ Grant # R21HS019023
VisualDecisionLinc: Real--‐time
Decision Support in Behavioral Health
Principal Investigator
Ketan Mane, PhD, Senior Research Scientist,
RENCI kmane@renci.org (919) 445--‐9703
Team Mem…
January 01, 2019 - suggesting under recognition of perinatal health risks in busy practices.7
Pregnancy health risks: Mood disorders … Prenatal alcohol exposure has been linked to birth defects of major organ systems, growth disorders, … treatment for pregnant patients.61 The SBIRT framework has primarily been used for
perinatal substance use disorders … and to some extent mood disorders.62 An extended SBIRT model was used
to develop StartSmart which: … Common sleep disorders: management strategies and pregnancy outcomes.
January 01, 2020 - Research Summary
The mission of AHRQ’s Digital Healthcare Research Program is directly aligned with the overall AHRQ mission. Through rigorous research, AHRQ generates the ground-breaking knowledge, tools, and data needed to improve health system performance and health outcomes.
July 05, 2012 - including hospitalizations for depression,
schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder, and personality disorders
January 01, 2023 - Research Themes and Findings
The DHR program funds research that demonstrates how digital healthcare solutions can be designed and implemented to improve healthcare system performance and patient health outcomes. Our funded research focuses on advancing patient safety, care, and shared decis…
January 01, 2019 - designed to measure quality of communication life from the perspective of adults with
communication disorders
January 01, 2021 - Executive Summary
Chris Dymek, Ed.D.
Director, Digital Healthcare Research Division
"The Digital Healthcare Research Program funds research to create actionable findings around 'what and how digital healthcare technologies work best' for its key stakeholders: patients, …
January 01, 2023 - Medication Adherence
Dissemination of the WiseApp for Improving Health Outcomes Across Settings
This research will evaluate the use of WiseApp, a medication tracker mobile app linked to a smart pill box aimed at improving medication adherence in those living with H…
January 01, 2020 - Executive Summary
In early 2020, the burdens of the global COVID-19 pandemic forced society to shut down and disrupted our healthcare system within the span of a few weeks. Fortunately, the application of digital healthcare technologies and digital practices in healthcare—such as artificial …
August 06, 2024 - Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for Chronic Pain Management
Clinical Decision Support for Chronic Pain Management
Practice Orientation
Project Aims
What is Opioid Tapering?
Why is Opioid Tapering Important?
Changes to Practice Workflow
What is Next?
Project Aims
Clinical Decision Support (CDS…
August 06, 2024 - Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for Chronic Pain Management
Clinical Decision Support for Chronic Pain Management
Practice Orientation
Project Aims
What is Opioid Tapering?
Why is Opioid Tapering Important?
Changes to Practice Workflow
What is Next?
Project Aims
Clinical Decision Support (CDS…
January 01, 2021 - Improving Healthcare Through AHRQ's Digital Healthcare Research Program: 2021 Year in Review
Executive Summary
"The Digital Healthcare Research Program funds research to create actionable findings around 'what and how digital healthcare technologies work best' for its key stakehold…
January 01, 2023 - Behavioral Health
Empower NICU - A Bridge to Resources for Adjusting and Coping with Emotions (EmBRACE)
This research will develop, evaluate, and test the efficacy of Empower NICU – A Bridge to Resources for Adjusting and Coping with Emotions (EmBRACE), a mobile he…