January 01, 1996 - and costly mental health problem, seen frequently in general medical settings. 1 Major depressive disorder … A patient cannot truly be asymptomatic and have major depressive disorder. … Medical comorbidity of major depressive disorder in a primary medical practice. … Screening for depressive disorder in children and adolescents: validating the Center for Epidemiologic … Detection of depressive disorder for patients receiving prepaid or fee-for-service care: results from
June 20, 2013 - Share to Email
Final Research Plan
Autism Spectrum Disorder … Abbreviations: ASD = autism spectrum disorder … illustrates the process through which children ages 12 to 36 months may receive screening for autism spectrum disorder … Is screening for autism spectrum disorder
September 05, 2023 - (ie, gener-
alized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder,
agoraphobia, separation … -26for generalized anxi-
ety disorder, 2 studies24,27 for panic disorder, 1 study25 for separation
anxiety … disorder, and 1 study for global anxiety not specific to any
given disorder.22
The prevalence of anxiety … disorder. … 2 required
either generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or sepa-
ration anxiety disorder
May 13, 2014 - , adults, and older adults in the general U.S. population who do not have an identified psychiatric disorder … Risk factors for suicide attempt include presence of a mental health disorder; serious
adverse childhood … include traumatic brain injury, separation from service within the past
12 months, posttraumatic stress disorder
June 01, 2023 - postpartum persons, and older
adults (65 years or older) who do not have a diagnosed mental health disorder … • To achieve the benefit of screening for anxiety disorders and reduce disparities in anxiety disorder–associated
October 11, 2022 - (ie, gener-
alized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder,
agoraphobia, separation … -26for generalized anxi-
ety disorder, 2 studies24,27 for panic disorder, 1 study25 for separation
anxiety … disorder, and 1 study for global anxiety not specific to any
given disorder.22
The prevalence of anxiety … disorder. … 2 required
either generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or sepa-
ration anxiety disorder
Risk Factors: Behavioral Counseling
Autism Spectrum Disorder … Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Resource List
Autism Spectrum Disorder … in Young Children: Screening
Autism Spectrum Disorder … National Library of Medicine
Resource List
Autism Spectrum Disorder
November 15, 2013 - Based on the diagnostic evaluation, the framework depicts a path to either the endpoint of no delay or disorder … detected or to an intervention for the speech or language delay or disorder. … Is the accuracy of screening different for children with an inherent language disorder compared with … analytic framework to reflect that referral and diagnostic evaluations for a speech and language delay or disorder … The USPSTF also added a loop in the analytic framework, from no disorder or delay detected during the
November 15, 2013 - Based on the diagnostic evaluation, the framework depicts a path to either the endpoint of no delay or disorder … detected or to an intervention for the speech or language delay or disorder. … Is the accuracy of screening different for children with an inherent language disorder compared with … analytic framework to reflect that referral and diagnostic evaluations for a speech and language delay or disorder … The USPSTF also added a loop in the analytic framework, from no disorder or delay detected during the
August 21, 2023 - language delay is when a child
develops speech and language at a slower-than-expected rate, whereas
a disorder
January 01, 2024 - children with another condition that may cause speech or language
impairment (eg, autism spectrum disorder
January 20, 2022 - younger who speak any language KQs 4-6: Children who were diagnosed with a speech and language delay or disorder … infants (<36 weeks of gestation) or with known conditions associated with speech and language delay or disorder
February 17, 2022 - community involvement), developmental delays (language, cognitive)
Incidence of reactive attachment disorder … Incidence of disinhibited social engagement disorder
Incidence of acute stress disorder
Incidence … of posttraumatic stress disorder
Incidence of traumatic stress symptoms: attachment, self-regulation
October 05, 2015 - for Depression in
Children and Adolescents
Task Force recommends screening for major depressive disorder … Force (Task Force)
today posted a draft recommendation statement on screening for major depressive disorder … Learn more here
Major depressive disorder is a serious form of depression. … “Major depressive disorder can be a debilitating condition for adolescents and their families,” says
September 01, 2023 - all pregnant women and pregnant persons of all genders without a known
diagnosis of a hypertensive disorder
July 01, 2015 - This is different
from a speech and language disorder, which occurs when the child’s speech and language … disorder
When a child’s speech and
language development is not
typical (e.g., stuttering or having
July 01, 2023 - recommendation statement applies to children and adolescents who do not have signs or symptoms of a
lipid disorder … FH is a genetic disorder of cholesterol metabolism that causes very high levels of
low-density lipoprotein
April 01, 2019 - .1
Primary Studies
We identified a single study addressing screening for developmental language disorder … Identifying children at risk for developmental language
disorder using a brief, whole-classroom screen
September 19, 2023 - all pregnant women and pregnant persons of all genders without a known diagnosis of a hypertensive disorder … preterm births and 19% of medically indicated preterm births in the US. 7 Having any hypertensive disorder … all pregnant women and pregnant persons of all genders without a known diagnosis of a hypertensive disorder … visit and demonstrated no difference in the proportion of individuals diagnosed with a hypertensive disorder … Racial differences in postpartum blood pressure trajectories among women after a hypertensive disorder
February 09, 2016 - for Depression in
Children and Adolescents
Task Force recommends screening for major depressive disorder … Force (Task Force)
today published a final recommendation statement on screening for major depressive disorder … care clinicians can play an important role in helping to identify adolescents with major
depressive disorder … evidence for the Task Force to make a recommendation for or against screening
for major depressive disorder