April 01, 2009 - Screening and Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Recommendation Statement … SPECIAL ARTICLE
Screening and Treatment for Major Depressive
Disorder in Children and Adolescents … Preventive Services Task Force recom-
mendation on screening for child and adolescent major depressive disorder … Services Task Force weighed the benefits and harms of
screening and treatment for major depressive disorder … to a bipolar disorder.
November 15, 2021 - This I statement focuses on
people who have no signs or symptoms of an eating disorder. … The most common eating disorders
are anorexia, binge eating disorder, and bulimia.
March 11, 2014 - Population
Children and Adolescents without a Substance Use Disorder … It does not apply to children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder. … All persons with a substance use disorder should receive appropriate treatment. … Adolescents who are diagnosed with a substance use disorder require treatment. … Adolescents who have a substance use disorder should receive appropriate treatment.
June 01, 2023 - pregnant and postpartum persons, and older adults (65 years or older):
Screen for major depressive disorder … postpartum persons, and older adults
(65 years or older) who do not have a diagnosed mental health disorder … MDD is a common disorder in the US that can have a substantial impact on an individual’s life.
August 30, 2018 - including harmful or hazardous use or drug abuse or dependence ( DSM-IV-TR ) or those with a drug use disorder … buprenorphine, naltrexone)
Maintaining abstinence after substance use treatment for dependence or drug use disorder … measures):
Abstinence (use/no use)
Frequency and/or quantity of use
Severity of substance use disorder … effective treatment due to fears of addiction (e.g., medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder … persons with the full spectrum of unhealthy drug use, from regular or risky use through substance use disorder
February 01, 2016 - Screening for Major Depressive Disorder in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review for the USPSTF … Screening for Major Depressive Disorder in Children and Adolescents:
A Systematic Review for the U.S … Perrin, MD, MPH; and Meera Viswanathan, PhD
Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is common
among … ” OR “Major Depressive Disorder” OR “Dysthymic Disorder“
OR “dysthymia” OR “Seasonal Affective Disorder … “Depressive Disorder,
Major”[Mesh] OR “Dysthymic Disorder”[Mesh] OR “Seasonal Affective Disorder”[Mesh
May 16, 2024 - drinking) or mental (e.g., depressive episodes secondary to drinking)
A diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder … recruited via population-based screening, and at least 50% do not meet criteria for severe alcohol use disorder … court-mandated to treatment, and incarcerated persons)
KQs 4, 5: Persons with severe alcohol use disorder … including:
Frequency and/or quantity of alcohol use
Abstinence (use/no use)
Severity of alcohol use disorder … , Addiction Severity Index, or the Severity of Dependence Scale)
Meeting criteria for alcohol use disorder
September 19, 2023 - This
recommendation applies to pregnant people without a known
diagnosis of a hypertensive disorder … Native
American, and Alaska Native people are much more likely to both have and die from a hypertensive disorder
August 02, 2016 - Familial hypercholesterolemia is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by a genetic mutation.
May 19, 2022 - community involvement), developmental delays (language or cognitive)
Incidence of reactive attachment disorder … Incidence of disinhibited social engagement disorder
Incidence of acute stress disorder
Incidence … of posttraumatic stress disorder
Incidence of traumatic stress symptoms: attachment, self-regulation
May 19, 2022 - community involvement), developmental delays (language or cognitive)
Incidence of reactive attachment disorder … Incidence of disinhibited social engagement disorder
Incidence of acute stress disorder
Incidence … of posttraumatic stress disorder
Incidence of traumatic stress symptoms: attachment, self-regulation
June 09, 2022 - communicate using any language KQs 4-6: Children who were diagnosed with a speech and language delay or disorder
June 30, 2015 - hearing loss in all newborn infants, and is developing a recommendation on screening for
autism spectrum disorder
February 21, 2023 - for children and adolescents who do not have
signs, symptoms, or a known diagnosis of a cholesterol
disorder … on the benefits and harms of screening children and teens without symptoms or a
known cholesterol disorder
July 18, 2023 - for children and adolescents who do not have signs,
symptoms, or a known diagnosis of a cholesterol disorder … the benefits and harms of screening all children and teens without symptoms or a
known cholesterol disorder
February 01, 2016 - recommendation applies to children and
teens up to age 18 who have not been diagnosed
with major depressive disorder … What are depression
and major depressive
disorder? … Major depressive disorder (MDD) is severe form of depression that lasts longer
than two weeks and interferes … for Depression in Children and Adolescents
1 The USPSTF recommends screening for major depressive disorder … I Statement
1 major depressive disorder
February 01, 2016 - recommendation applies to children and
teens up to age 18 who have not been diagnosed
with major depressive disorder … What are depression
and major depressive
disorder? … Major depressive disorder (MDD) is severe form of depression that lasts longer
than two weeks and interferes … for Depression in Children and Adolescents
1 The USPSTF recommends screening for major depressive disorder … I Statement
1 major depressive disorder
May 15, 2004 - Of those "feeling suicidal," 85 percent had a psychiatric disorder as determined by structured clinical … without schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, or antisocial personality disorder … , substance abuse, eating disorder, or personality disorder
Sequential allocation … Efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy in women veterans with borderline personality disorder. … Lithium and suicidal behavior in major affective disorder: a case-control study.
May 15, 2004 - Of those "feeling suicidal," 85 percent had a psychiatric disorder as determined by structured clinical … without schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, or antisocial personality disorder … , substance abuse, eating disorder, or personality disorder
Sequential allocation … Efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy in women veterans with borderline personality disorder. … Lithium and suicidal behavior in major affective disorder: a case-control study.
May 01, 2014 - interventions to help adolescents who are using drugs but do
not meet criteria for a substance use disorder … All persons with a substance use
disorder should receive appropriate treatment. … The consequences of drug
use include risk for progression to a substance use disorder,
an increase in … Adoles-
cents who are diagnosed with a substance use disorder
require treatment. … Adolescents who have a sub-
stance use disorder should receive appropriate treatment.