January 01, 2001 - : Electronic feedback of the diagnosis of major depression can affect PCP initial management of the disorder … "Although agreement with the diagnosis of depression typically precedes treatment of the disorder, we
January 01, 2004 - delegating routine aspects of therapy to a computer: a randomized controlled trial in phobia/panic disorder
January 01, 2023 - effects; 2) use of critical decision points based on a state-of-the art algorithm for major depressive disorder
January 01, 1990 - Summary: Settings: Patients who met Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for major or minor depressive disorder
January 04, 2021 - NCQA HIV/AIDS: Medical visit —
0105 NCQA Antidepressant Medication Management X
NA RAND Bipolar I Disorder … 2: Annual assessment of weight or BMI, glycemic control, and
NA RAND Bipolar I Disorder … C: Proportion of patients with bipolar I disorder treated with
mood stabilizer medications during the … course of bipolar I disorder treatment
NA RAND Schizophrenia 2: Annual assessment of weight/BMI,
January 01, 2023 - Phenomenology and clinical correlates of family accommodation in pediatric anxiety disorders.
Storch EA, Salloum A, Johnco C, et al. Phenomenology and clinical correlates of family accommodation in pediatric anxiety disorders. J Anxiety Disord 2015;35:75–81. PMID: 26398305.
January 01, 2023 - Clinical characteristics and predictors of hoarding in children with anxiety disorders.
Hamblin RJ, Lewin AB, Salloum A, et al. Clinical characteristics and predictors of hoarding in children with anxiety disorders. J Anxiety Disord 2015;36:9–14. PMID: 26407051.
January 01, 2020 - Table 1: Sample rules (and numbering) from DSM-IV-TR to diagnose Autistic Disorder
Rule Description … “Large-scale Text Analysis of Electronic Health Records for Autism
Spectrum Disorder", Women in Data … • Case Status Prediction for Autism Spectrum Disorder based on Electronic Health Records: Features … Electronic Health
Record Based Algorithm to Identify Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder. … A Language Based Analysis of Individuals with Autism Spectrum
January 01, 2011 - The VDL is designed to provide decision support for
treatments of major depressive disorder (MMD), one
January 01, 2023 - : A Client-Centered Digital Intervention for Addressing the Needs of Individuals with Substance Use Disorder … mobile app and companion web-based platform that supports communication between those with substance use disorder
January 01, 2012 - The VDL is designed to provide decision support for treatments of major depressive disorder (MDD), one
January 01, 2023 - Automated extraction of diagnostic criteria from electronic health records for autism spectrum disorders: development, evaluation, and application.
Leroy G, Gu Y, Pettygrove S, et al. Automated extraction of diagnostic criteria from electronic health records for autism spectrum disorders: dev…
January 01, 2023 - tool called VisualDecisionLinc (VDL) to aid in the initial treatment strategies for major depressive disorder
November 01, 2009 - monitoring (regime/therapy) 401004000 P0-00975 XaIxD
Moderate persistent asthma Moderate persistent asthma (disorder … ) 427295004 F-04F3F XUfiW
Severe persistent asthma Severe persistent asthma (disorder) 426656000 F-04F40 … XUfiX
Severe exacerbations Exacerbation of asthma (disorder) 281239006 D2-00076 Xa1hD
Action Type
January 01, 2011 - common mental health cause for disability, and treatment should
consider the chronic nature of the disorder … of measurement-based care (MBC) to improve the quality of care for
patients with major depressive disorder
January 01, 2010 - common mental health cause for disability, and treatment should consider the chronic nature of the disorder … use of Measurement Based Care (MBC) to improve the quality of care for patients with major depressive disorder
January 01, 2023 - Enabling Large-Scale Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders Through Automated Processing of EHR Using Natural Language Understanding - Final Report
Leroy G. Enabling Large-Scale Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders Through Automated Processing of EHR Using Natural Language Understanding - Fin…
January 01, 2012 - The VDL is designed to provide decision support for
treatments of major depressive disorder (MDD), one
May 17, 2021 - It was recommended that interactive, sequential, disorder-specific treatment pathways be implemented
July 11, 2012 - An X marks your risk factors for falling:
R Dizziness or fainting
R Seizure disorder
R Irregular