December 01, 2018 - Implementing the New CAHPS® Protocol for Obtaining Patient Comments About Their Care
Plan for Phase Two
Tara Servati, M.P.H.
Patient Experience Specialist for the Ambulatory Care
Network, New York-Presbyterian
New York, NY
Study Phase 2
How can narrative information be reported to
practice leaders and clinic…
March 01, 2021 - Observational Audits
Observational Audits
A Pathway to Improving Infection Prevention and Preventing the
Spread of COVID-19
Infection prevention is the vital first line of defense against COVID-19. Observational audits are the best way to
understand if your staff fully comply with infection prevention p…
November 16, 2011 - each step so that team members have the map of the current process in front of them during the team discussion … Hold team discussion.