
Total Results: 447 records

Showing results for "dietary".

    July 01, 2003 - pyrimidine synthesis, may also have a role in preventing cancer.4 In epidemiological studies, low dietaryDietary intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber of persons ages 2 months and over in the United States … Dietary carotenoids and vitamins A, C, and E and risk of breast cancer. … Dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, and E, and risk of breast cancer: a cohort study. … Dietary supplementation with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E after myocardial infarction
    April 13, 2021 - Low dietary vitamin D intake may be asso- ciated with lower 25(OH)D levels.7 Little or no UV B exposure … Both are avail- able as either a prescription medication or an over-the-counter dietary supplement. … interference from other chemical compounds.19 In 2010, the National Institutes of Health Office of DietaryDietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. National Academies Press; 2011. 2. … The 2011 report on dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D from the Institute of Medicine
    March 04, 2021 - States from the 10 leading causes of death to lifestyle-related behaviors such as tobacco use, poor dietary … Can dietary interventions change diet and cardiovascular risk factors? … Physician recommendations for dietary change: their prevalence and impact in a population-based sample … Improving dietary behavior: the effectiveness of tailored messages in primary care settings.  … A dietary intervention in primary care practice: The Eating Patterns Study. 
    December 01, 2003 - The CTFPHC review found weight reduction was most effective during supervised dietary treatment, with … Impact of Mediterranean diet education versus posted leaflet on dietary habits and serum cholesterol … Dietary intervention focused on reduced calorie intake by less consumption of fat, sugar, and alcohol … Participants were asked to lower dietary fat intake and daily caloric intake. … Dietary advice was tailored to each participant based on quarterly food diaries and included behavioral
    December 15, 2003 - The CTFPHC review found weight reduction was most effective during supervised dietary treatment, with … Impact of Mediterranean diet education versus posted leaflet on dietary habits and serum cholesterol … Dietary intervention focused on reduced calorie intake by less consumption of fat, sugar, and alcohol … Participants were asked to lower dietary fat intake and daily caloric intake. … Dietary advice was tailored to each participant based on quarterly food diaries and included behavioral
    March 01, 2014 - and Early Treatment The USPSTF found adequate evidence that treatment of screen-detected GDM with dietary … Initial treatment includes moderate physical activity, dietary changes, support from diabetes educators … Treatment Initial treatment includes moderate physical activity, dietary changes, support from diabetes … level of �95 mg/dL [5.27 mmol/L]) who were randomly assigned to an intervention group that received dietary … at 24 to 34 weeks of gestation with mild GDM (based on WHO criteria) who were randomly assigned to dietary
    August 01, 2023 - Periconceptional vitamin use, dietary folate, and the occurrence of neural tube defects. … Neural tube defects among Mexican Americans living on the US-Mexico border: effects of folic acid and dietary … Folic acid intake and spina bifida in the era of dietary folic acid fortification. … The association between mother and child MTHFR C677T polymorphisms, dietary folate intake and childhood
    January 02, 2020 - How effective are preventive interventions (dietary fluoride supplementation, topical fluoride application
    September 21, 2021 - Effects of lifestyle intervention on dietary intake, physical activity level, and gestational weight … Effect of antenatal dietary interventions in maternal obesity on pregnancy weight-gain and birthweight … Efficacy of a group-based dietary intervention for limiting gestational weight gain among obese women … Effects of an antenatal dietary intervention in overweight and obese women on 6 month infant outcomes … Antenatal dietary and lifestyle interventions for women who are overweight or obese: outcomes from the
    May 13, 2021 - and harms): Lipid-lowering medications Lifestyle modifications, including diet or exercise or dietary
    July 20, 2020 - age, African American race, a family history of hypertension, excess weight, lifestyle habits, and dietary
    October 22, 2024 - Obstetricians and Gynecologists 42 , the American Academy of Family Physicians 43 , and the 2020–2025 DietaryDietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020–2025. 9th ed. … Return
    January 01, 1996 - One trial of dietary and pharmacologic treatment 88 and a nonrandomized trial of diet and physical activity … modified diet can reduce hyperglycemia in GDM, only one controlled trial has examined the effect of dietary … 104 In a retrospective analysis of 445 gestational diabetics, women who received both insulin and dietary … may subject many low-risk women to the inconvenience, costs and possible risks of follow-up testing, dietary … 128 Targeting screening to women with risk factors for GDM (including older age), with emphasis on dietary
    March 28, 2017 - Treatment is removal of dietary gluten. … The in-progress Celiac Disease and Diabetes-Dietary Intervention and Evaluation Trial (CD-DIET) ( … Quality of life in screen-detected and typical coeliac disease and the effect of excluding dietary gluten … The Celiac Disease and Diabetes-Dietary Intervention and Evaluation Trial (CD-DIET) protocol: a randomised … Exclusions: previous diagnosis of celiac disease, age <18 y, evident clinical symptoms, dietary gluten
    January 01, 1996 - One trial of dietary and pharmacologic treatment 88 and a nonrandomized trial of diet and physical activity … modified diet can reduce hyperglycemia in GDM, only one controlled trial has examined the effect of dietary … 104 In a retrospective analysis of 445 gestational diabetics, women who received both insulin and dietary … may subject many low-risk women to the inconvenience, costs and possible risks of follow-up testing, dietary … 128 Targeting screening to women with risk factors for GDM (including older age), with emphasis on dietary
    December 15, 2007 - following non-pharmacological therapies are associated with reductions in blood pressure: Reduction of dietary … Nonpharmacological therapies, such as reduction of dietary sodium intake, potassium supplementation,
    May 01, 2022 - diagnosed in childhood and reports current self-reported health, health concerns, quality of life, dietary
    February 25, 2021 - Response Training (PRT), milieu teaching, and incidental teaching Interventions limited to: Dietary
    June 10, 2021 - Interventions limited to: Dietary approaches Medication Complementary and alternative medicine
    November 01, 2020 - Dietary counseling advice includes reductions in saturated fats, sodium, and sweets/sugars and increased

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