June 05, 2014 - control and/or patient health outcomes, and consisting of at least one of: a) DSME; or b) a structured dietary … e.g., volume of activity per week) or fitness (e.g. cardiorespiratory fitness, strength)
Change in dietary … glycemic control, change in body composition, change in physical activity or fitness, and change in dietary … Structured dietary intervention . … Dietary interventions may related to weight loss (e.g., caloric restriction), glycemic control (e.g.,
January 01, 2009 - medical evaluation to detect and treat commonly associated
medical conditions (e.g., sleep disorder, dietary
January 01, 2013 - deficiencies and ruling out other potential conditions that can either mask as CD or
accompany CD, a dietary
August 13, 2018 - malignancy.13,14 In addition,
pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic measures such as 5-aminosalicylates and dietary … are the effectiveness and harms of pharmacological (e.g., mesalamine)
and non-pharmacologic (e.g., dietary … dietary)
KQ1: Antibiotics KQ2: Diagnostic
KQ3: Follow-up
colonoscopy … A systematic review of high-fibre dietary
therapy in diverticular disease. … cond=diverticulitis&draw=5&rank=41
• Elective laparoscopic sigmoid resection vs. dietary supplement
January 01, 2014 - inadequate renal excretion of UA or, less commonly, UA overproduction (UA is a
breakdown product of dietary … multifactorial, including a combination of genetic, hormonal,
metabolic, pharmacologic, renal disease, and dietary … or, in women, early menopause have been associated with a higher risk of
gout and/or gout flares.4 Dietary … Pharmacologic/dietary management
o Intermediate outcomes
! sUA
! Synovial fluid crystals
August 17, 2021 - parent training, school-based interventions, social skills training, neurofeedback, physical activity, dietary … interventions, cognitive training therapies, biofeedback or neurofeedback, parent behavior training, dietary
March 31, 2010 - obesity
(e.g., blood pressure, blood lipids); behavioral outcomes
related to energy balance (e.g., dietary … waist circumference, percent body fat,
skinfold thickness, prevalence of obesity and overweight,
dietary … We described the interventions based on their focus:
(a) the targeted behavior outcomes (e.g., dietary … clinical outcomes (e.g., blood pressure, blood lipids) and
intermediate behavioral outcomes (e.g., dietary … A simple dietary
intervention in the school setting decreased incidence of
overweight in children.
April 01, 2014 - Dietary
Supplements in Adults Taking Cardiovascular
Drugs. … Interactions of
commonly used dietary supplements with
cardiovascular drugs: a systematic review. … Dietary Supplements in Adults Taking Cardiovascular Drugs. … Interactions of commonly used
dietary supplements with cardiovascular drugs: a systematic review. … Interactions of commonly used dietary
supplements with cardiovascular drugs: a systematic review.
September 11, 2015 - an intervention
not meeting our definition of a behavioral program,
such as basic education or a dietary … basic education not meeting our criteria for DSME), and
active “other” control (e.g., stand-alone dietary … intensity/
6m followup 2 (272) SMD, -0.26; 95% CI, -1.00 to 0.49 Insufficient
Change in dietary … studies of only participants <65 in the network analysis,
the active “other” control group (e.g., dietary … available to assess the
SOE for many outcomes, including behavioral outcomes
related to changes in dietary
October 12, 2020 - Key Question 2: Dietary management
is considered a mainstay of inpatient
diverticulitis management … (often in
addition to antibiotics) - what is the role of
dietary changes in reducing inflammation … rejected studies (accepted at
the abstract level, but rejected in full text)
did not find any studies of dietary
May 18, 2021 - . treatment
Combination of treatments v. placebo
Treatments include:
Lifestyle changes (i.e., dietary
January 01, 2019 - parent training, school-based interventions, social skills training, neurofeedback,
physical activity, dietary … interventions, cognitive training therapies,
biofeedback or neurofeedback, parent behavior
training, dietary
August 16, 2010 - Lysosomal Storage Disorders
Research Protocol
October 5, 2011
Effects of Dietary
January 01, 2019 - parent training, school-based interventions, social skills training, neurofeedback,
physical activity, dietary … interventions, cognitive training therapies,
biofeedback or neurofeedback, parent behavior
training, dietary
December 16, 2011 - When dietary management fails to achieve glucose control, insulin or oral antidiabetic medications may … diagnostic threshold for GDM
Interventions: Any treatment for GDM including, but not limited to, dietary … diagnostic threshold for GDM
Interventions: Any treatment for GDM including, but not limited to, dietary … For KQs 2, 4, and 5, any treatment for GDM, including but not limited to dietary advice, blood glucose
March 25, 2013 - Added to p3 of Executive Summary and p25 of Methods under
scope and key questions “Dietary and physical … It is not clear why one would control for
change in diet over time when examining the effects of
dietary … “Adjusted for age,
race/ethnicity, baseline BMI, change in dietary and physical
activity patterns over … Thus one is left with including in this review
those dietary and combination approaches that only
involve … Goals to change
dietary intake and physical activity commonly reported on
weight without a weight-related
January 01, 2020 - The strategies of interest were self-
management techniques, diet, physical activity, use of the
dietary … KQ2: What is the comparative effectiveness of dietary
strategies for the prevention of weight gain among … KQ5: What is the comparative effectiveness of a
combination of self-management, dietary, physical activity … Dietary and physical activity strategies
inherently include some aspects of self management. … Prevention
Clinical OutcomesAdverse Effects
Self-Management (KQ1),
November 01, 2016 - complications) and addresses
psychosocial issues related to living with diabetes;
b) a structured dietary
September 06, 2016 - Obtaining empirical data on studies of dietary supplements (e.g., fish oil) and interventions (e.g., … Nutrition, FFQ Baseline intake: Was the dietary assessment instrument (eg, FFQ) described to have measured