
Total Results: 88 records

Showing results for "dietary".

    January 01, 2023 - Evaluation of herbal and dietary supplement resource term coverage. … Evaluation of herbal and dietary supplement resource term coverage.
    Improving dietary self-monitoring and adherence with hand-held computers: a pilot study Authors … Purpose of Study:  Assess the effect of a PDA-based system to improve dietary habits of women Years of … effectiveness and satisfaction Summary: Settings:  Women participating in the Women's Health Initiative Dietary … Modification Intervention Intervention:  PDA-based dietary monitoring and adherance Evaluation Method
    January 01, 2019 - Results: An innovative, personalized, just-in-time mobile application intervention for lowering dietary … Based on 2005 estimates, high dietary sodium is responsible for 102,000 deaths annually. … for dietary research, will be used to estimate dietary sodium intake during the trial. … Database for Dietary Studies (FNDDS). … Also, the measures of dietary intake are imperfect.
    January 01, 2023 - This complex epidemic is attributed to various dietary behaviors, such as decreased fruit and vegetable … The research team designed and developed a narrative-based, interactive, mobile-enabled dietary self-management … the perceived individual, social, and environmental factors that influence children’s obesity-related dietary … Design and develop an interactive, Internet mobile-enabled intervention promoting dietary self-management … By using the individual, social, and environmental factors that affect the dietary choices of urban minority
    Reminders System (CPRS), consisting of computer-generated lists of overdue screening tests, and smoking and dietary … Papanicolaou's smear, +30.7; breast examination, +8.7; smoking assessment, +10.2; smoking counseling, +17.3; dietary … assessment, +12.3; and dietary counseling, +13.9.
    January 01, 2023 - Type of Care Self-Management Health Care Theme Mobile Health High dietary … adaptive notification message system for the mobile app using participant feedback to facilitate reducing dietary … the effectiveness of the newly developed mobile app that provides geofencing-based push messages on dietary … Participants were followed with dietary assessments, self-care measurements, and clinical measurements
    January 01, 2008 - Dietary Feedback: Based on feedback from 19 dietary staff, the following questions showed improvement … : change from zero percent daily or weekly weight change calculations per resident by dietary staff to … 40 percent, dietary staff participation in care planning meetings, nurses notifying dietary staff when
    January 01, 2023 - Key Words: clinical decision support, nutrition education, dietary behavior change, chronic disease … Scope Despite the necessity of dietary management for chronic disease prevention and management, most … Patients who receive diet advice from providers more frequently report dietary behavior change attempts … Social desirability bias in dietary self-report may compromise the validity of dietary intake measures … Using goal setting as a strategy for dietary behavior change.
    January 01, 2009 - Dietary Feedback: Based on feedback from 19 dietary staff, the following questions showed improvement … : change from zero percent daily or weekly weight change calculations per resident by dietary staff … to 40 percent, dietary staff participation in care planning meetings, nurses notifying dietary staff
    January 01, 2018 - at designing and developing a human-centered, interactive, narrative-based internet/mobile-enabled dietary … Secondary measures comprised dietary knowledge, preferences, and intake and anthropometric measures … Knowledge & Attitudes Questionnaire Items C C C C Dietary Intake Questionnaire Items C C C C … Child dietary-related outcomes (secondary measures). … Dietary energy density is associated with body weight status and vegetable intake in U.S. children.
    January 01, 2023 - Tools for Optimizing Medication Safety (TOP-MEDS) Evaluation of herbal and dietary … Evaluation of herbal and dietary supplement resource term coverage.
    January 01, 2023 - Description The research team designed and developed “Invention INC,” an interactive nutrition comic for dietary
    June 30, 2023 - support shared decision making for collaborative diet goal setting can improve efficient, evidence-based dietary … Care Theme Chronic Disease Management Clinical Decision Making Despite the need for dietary
    January 01, 2010 - Preliminary analyses of dietary data show no significant relationships between broad dietary components
    May 23, 2013 - Vetting” Content expert 1 “Responsible for Vetting” Vendor (name) 1 “Responsible for Vetting” Dietary … expert 1 “Responsible for Hazard Mitigation” Vendor (name) 1 “Responsible for Hazard Mitigation” Dietary
    January 01, 2010 - Preliminary analyses of dietary data show no significant relationships between broad dietary components
    January 01, 2023 - Description The research team designed and developed “Invention INC,” an interactive nutrition comic for dietary
    January 01, 2008 - Currently, each RN manager, dietary, and Wound RN round weekly using reports summarized manually by … Based on feedback from 19 dietary staff in 11 facilities, the following questions showed improvement … : • How often is weight change calculated and/or assessed for each resident by dietary staff. … • Dietary staff participate in care planning meetings (% increased from 70% to 84% participate … • Nurses notify dietary staff when a resident has significant decreased meal intake (Baseline =
    January 01, 2018 - By using the individual, social, and environmental factors that affect the dietary choices of urban minority
    January 01, 2023 - indicating they are overweight or obese) to test the effect of the adapted tool on children’s BMI, child dietary

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