March 01, 2021 - Many other interventions show limited or no
impact (e.g., counseling or beta blockers for
hypertension … review fails to
note that many other widely deployed and accepted
interventions, from nutritional counseling … care provider it enables
accurate diagnosis, medication management, and
referrals for behavioral counseling … for diet and physical
activity. … contribution of a connected device absent
clinician, software-based, or coaching based chronic
disease counseling
January 22, 2024 - framework.11-13 Frequent shifts and frequent calls during shifts
can lead to inadequate sleep, poor diet … that aim to improve recovery address the
subacute manifestations of distress and dysfunction through counseling
February 16, 2011 - aromatase inhibitor)
Behavioral interventions
• Psychotherapy
• Cognitive behavioral therapy
• Counseling … therapy
Complementary and alternative interventions
• Dietary restrictions (e.g., low oxalate diet
December 01, 2020 - Psychotherapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Professionally administered
Counseling … Exercise therapy
Complementary and alternative
Dietary restrictions
Example: low oxalate diet
January 22, 2024 - framework.11-13 Frequent shifts and frequent calls during shifts
can lead to inadequate sleep, poor diet … that aim to improve recovery address the
subacute manifestations of distress and dysfunction through counseling
January 01, 2015 - patients, may have factors associated with asthma such as air
pollution, cockroaches, dust mites, poor diet … The analysis
also showed displeasure in physician counseling of asthma in this group.
February 16, 2011 - aromatase inhibitor)
Behavioral interventions
• Psychotherapy
• Cognitive behavioral therapy
• Counseling … therapy
Complementary and alternative interventions
• Dietary restrictions (e.g., low oxalate diet
July 10, 2018 - Collins et al included 2 components delivered individually by a nurse: risk factor modification and counseling … screening for hypertension, PAD, and abdominal aortic aneurysm; the intervention included subsequent counseling … for physical activity, smoking cessation, and a low-fat diet, as well as cholesterol testing with aspirin
January 01, 2011 - The opportunity to use an electronic system to establish goals (e.g.,
exercise and diet) and to manage … Patient Education and Counseling, 2004. 52: p. 107–
14. … Patient
Education and Counseling, 2003. 51: p. 229–238.
July 01, 2014 - psychosocial interventions do not include information technology-based and assisted services, media, diet … Other excluded interventions include:
Dietary supplements and specialized diets
Allied health interventions … behavioral therapy"[tiab] OR "cognitive behavioural therapy"[tiab] OR "conflict management"[tiab] OR counseling … [tiab] OR "coping power"[tiab] OR "Counseling"[Mesh] OR "drug therapy"[tiab] OR "early intervention"[
October 01, 2009 - problems,
while others cause episodic problems or symptoms that can be controlled with medication, diet … ,
exercise, surgery, physical therapy, counseling, etc. … problems, while others cause episodic problems or symptoms that can be controlled with
medication, diet … , exercise, surgery, physical therapy, counseling, etc.
January 01, 2019 - evidence-based plan of care for a typical CHF patient is complicated.7-9 In addition to
medications, diet … Patient Education and Counseling.
17. Lam C, Smeltzer SC.
June 30, 2015 - improved cognitive outcome; glucose transporter type
1 (GLUT-1) deficiency treated with ketogenic diet … In the tables in Appendix D, we reported
information on “Genetic Counseling Required
Pre-Test or Post-Test … benefit for patients who
had actually been seen by a geneticist and had
appropriate testing and genetic counseling … Recommendations for weight management and
nutrition counseling are now included in the
management sections
June 30, 2015 - improved cognitive outcome; glucose transporter type
1 (GLUT-1) deficiency treated with ketogenic diet … In the tables in Appendix D, we reported
information on “Genetic Counseling Required
Pre-Test or Post-Test … benefit for patients who
had actually been seen by a geneticist and had
appropriate testing and genetic counseling … Recommendations for weight management and
nutrition counseling are now included in the
management sections
August 18, 2011 - Examples include: Patient education
Face-to-face or telephone counseling or therapy (individual, couple … Interventions intended to improve compliance with primary prevention measures (e.g., screening, diet
July 10, 2018 - Collins et al included 2 compo-
nents delivered individually by a nurse: risk factor modification
and counseling … screen-
ing for hypertension, PAD, and abdominal aortic aneurysm; the
intervention included subsequent counseling … for physical activity,
smoking cessation, and a low-fat diet, as well as cholesterol test-
ing with
June 12, 2012 - #1
("Cerebral Palsy/drug therapy"[MeSH] OR "Cerebral Palsy/surgery"[MeSH] OR "Cerebral Palsy/diet … Antireflux" OR (KW="Reflux" AND (KW="Surgery OR KW="Surgical")) OR KW="Family Therapy" OR KW="Family counseling … " OR KW="Psychotherapeutic Counseling" OR KW=”Parent Training” OR ((KW="Family OR KW="Parent*" OR KW=
January 01, 2013 - such as brief but useful health information,
e.g., advice on what to avoid if you are in a low sodium diet … A
telecommunications system for monitoring and
counseling patients with hypertension. … Effects of a computer-
based, telephone-counseling system on physical
April 22, 2013 - -- but of
combinations of interventions (e.g. smoking cessation,
physical activity, and nutrition counseling … BUT suggesting that the combination of physical
activity and nutrition counseling is eligible for this … services, including behavioral
approaches to reduce risk, such as smoking
cessation, weight control, diet
April 22, 2013 - -- but of
combinations of interventions (e.g. smoking cessation,
physical activity, and nutrition counseling … BUT suggesting that the combination of physical
activity and nutrition counseling is eligible for this … services, including behavioral
approaches to reduce risk, such as smoking
cessation, weight control, diet