May 06, 2011 - almost exclusively on interventions related to maternal weight gain, including exercise, nutritional counseling … , and lifestyle counseling, with additional trials on acupuncture for prevention of post-due date pregnancy … that had cesarean birth rate as a primary or secondary outcome included the following interventions: diet … and lifestyle counseling to prevent weight gain during pregnancy (1 RCT); prenatal and antenatal education
May 01, 2021 - Current smokers
(regardless of whether COPD is diagnosed) should receive smok-
ing cessation counseling … therapies) and nonpharmacologic therapies (eg, in-
terventions addressing self-management of disease, diet … tobacco.14 The USPSTF also recommends that clinicians
provide interventions, including education or brief counseling … poten-
tial treatment harms, there are opportunity costs to screening that
may include time spent on counseling
June 04, 2024 - Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
June 04, 2024 - Behavioral
counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet
and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral
counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet
and physical activity for cardiovascular
January 01, 2024 - These services include behavioral counseling, screening tests, and
preventive medications. … interventions for healthy weight and weight gain in pregnancy: New
counseling recommendation in 2021 … These recommendations include screening tests, behavioral counseling, and preventive
medications. … • The effectiveness and harms of oral health education and behavioral
counseling interventions on … factors for developing oral health problems include lack of
brushing and flossing teeth, high sugar diets
January 25, 2022 - cardiovascular disease and stroke, including screening for high blood pressure, 18 use of statins, 19 counseling … on smoking cessation, 20 and counseling to promote a healthy diet and physical activity. 21
Return … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
May 15, 2009 - Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) on counseling and interventions to prevent tobacco use and tobacco-caused … history of pregnancy affected by neural tube defects nor the evidence on folic acid food fortification, counseling … hypothesized that this was due to a reduction in fortification levels and the popularity of low-carbohydrate diets
May 15, 2009 - Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) on counseling and interventions to prevent tobacco use and tobacco-caused … history of pregnancy affected by neural tube defects nor the evidence on folic acid food fortification, counseling … hypothesized that this was due to a reduction in fortification levels and the popularity of low-carbohydrate diets
September 15, 2013 - status or age, breast density, estrogen and progestin use, smoking, alcohol use, physical activity, and diet … Other Relevant USPSTF Recommendations
The USPSTF has made recommendations on risk assessment, genetic counseling … Other Approaches to Prevention
The USPSTF recommendation on risk assessment, genetic counseling, and … Cancer Institute provides information about potential ways to prevent cancer, including lifestyle and diet … Preventive Health Care recommended that women who are at high risk for breast cancer should receive counseling
June 18, 2024 - The interventions included were
behavioral counseling and pharmacotherapy approved by the US
Food and … Two trials
of interpersonal therapy with limited counseling to change diet
and physical activity found … individual counseling. Int J Obes (Lond). 2007;31
(10):1500-1508. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0803628
24. … J Am Diet Assoc. 1987;87
(3):333-338. doi:None. doi:10.1016/S0002-8223(21)
31. … Motivational interviewing and dietary counseling
for obesity in primary care: an RCT.
November 01, 2009 - visits, integrate that data with the
physician’s EHR, and offer
personalized followup assessment
and counseling … set of diabetes self-care
queries about medication
adherence, self-monitoring of
blood glucose, diet … characteristics, disease-related
knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviors, including medication
adherence, diet
November 01, 2009 - visits, integrate that data with the
physician’s EHR, and offer
personalized followup assessment
and counseling … set of diabetes self-care
queries about medication
adherence, self-monitoring of
blood glucose, diet … characteristics, disease-related
knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviors, including medication
adherence, diet
October 30, 2019 - diseases, relapse rates to unhealthy behavior (e.g., alcohol use in an alcohol-dependent patient; poor diet … patients adhere to their antihypertensive regimens, fewer than 30% of patients adhere to the recommended diet … Counseling plus buprenorphine-naloxone maintenance therapy for opioid dependence.
November 18, 2016 - Education about diet, exercise, and glucose monitoring should begin at diagnosis for all patients and … She and her family were provided appropriate counseling and resources. … The management of T2DM in adolescents begins with education about diet, exercise, body weight, and glucose
January 10, 2017 - However, most women do not receive the recommended daily intake of folate from diet alone. … legumes, and oranges. 1 However, most women do not receive the recommended daily intake of folate from diet … increased risk because of decreased consumption of fortified foods and greater intake of corn masa–based diets … Evidence on folic acid fortification, counseling to increase dietary intake of folic acid or naturally
December 01, 2014 - Each
certified center must provide a patient follow-up program with diet and lifestyle modification … SCALE trial (SCALE™ Maintenance), 422 patients were pretreated with a 4- to 12-
week, low-calorie diet … ) in a 2:1 ratio to receive treatment with 3 mg liraglutide daily or placebo, in
combination with diet … 340) was a safety and efficacy trial investigating
once-daily 3 mg liraglutide in combination with diet … .65 Drug therapy is typically offered in conjunction
with a program of physical activity, nutrition counseling
December 01, 2014 - Each
certified center must provide a patient follow-up program with diet and lifestyle modification … SCALE trial (SCALE™ Maintenance), 422 patients were pretreated with a 4- to 12-
week, low-calorie diet … ) in a 2:1 ratio to receive treatment with 3 mg liraglutide daily or placebo, in
combination with diet … 340) was a safety and efficacy trial investigating
once-daily 3 mg liraglutide in combination with diet … .65 Drug therapy is typically offered in conjunction
with a program of physical activity, nutrition counseling
February 01, 2012 - counselling)
281 Corn oil (w/ or
w/o diet
Group 3 (patients with implantable … For quality items, A= randomization mode, B=double blinding, C= less than 20% dropouts, D= valid diet … dietary guidance
of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans58 and 2006 American Heart Association Diet … Although no data were reported for background diets in RCTs, most are from western
countries where the … Expression of concern: Indo-
Mediterranean Diet Heart Study. Lancet
August 24, 2021 - that clinicians offer or refer patients with abnormal blood glucose levels to intensive behavioral counseling … interventions to promote a healthful diet and physical activity (B recommendation). … Enhanced fitness: a randomized controlled trial of the effects of home-based physical activity counseling … Effects of diet and exercise in preventing NIDDM in people with impaired glucose tolerance: the Da Qing … a Eligible interventions included pharmacotherapy and primary care–relevant behavioral counseling focused
March 01, 2016 - Recurrence
Pharmacotherapy: Dietary/Lifestyle Interven�ons:
-NSAIDs -Low purine diet … Risk for
• Recurrence of gout flares
Diet … • The SoE is insufficient to support a role for gout-
specific dietary advice (counseling about reducing … fat dairy
consumption, and even restriction of high purine foods)
compared with standard healthy diet … of Evidence
Sources of Evidence Included in
This Systematic Review
of Evidence
KQ2 Diet