May 01, 2008 - populations
Pregnant women
(24–28 weeks)
High-risk pregnant
(first trimester)
counseling … Diet plus insulin compared to diet alone in the treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic … Hypocaloric diets and ketogenesis in the management of obese gestational diabetic women. … group: 27.5
(SD, 6.1)
Median (range):
Diet plus intensive
monitoring group:
31 (24–38)
Diet plus … monitoring group:
2 (6)
Diet plus standard
monitoring group:
6 (17)
(P 5 NS)
Diet plus intensive
February 03, 2003 - Counseling for Diet, Physical Activity, and Smoking Cessation
For both diabetic persons and nondiabetic … No study has found that counseling is more effective in changing long-term behavior for diabetic persons … behavioral and social program included a case manager with frequent meetings, group and individual support, diet … Effects of diet and exercise in preventing NIDDM in people with impaired glucose tolerance. … 18.7% vs. 17.9% ( P > 0.2)
UKPDS 34, 1998 47
Conventional therapy, primarily diet
September 15, 2013 - : Measuring blood pressure to confirm diagnosis of hypertension
Measurement of short-term diet … high-normal” blood pressure category was added as a third possible result after screening, with lifestyle counseling
September 15, 2013 - : Measuring blood pressure to confirm diagnosis of hypertension
Measurement of short-term diet … high-normal” blood pressure category was added as a third possible result after screening, with lifestyle counseling
September 15, 2013 - : Measuring blood pressure to confirm diagnosis of hypertension
Measurement of short-term diet … high-normal” blood pressure category was added as a third possible result after screening, with lifestyle counseling
January 01, 1996 - Encouraging mothers to breastfeed their infants and advising parents to include iron-enriched foods in the diet … 12 , 102-107 Evidence is more limited regarding clinical benefits from iron fortification of infant diets … the Canadian Task Force, 123 IOM, 15 AAP, 130 , 131 and Bright Futures. 124 The AAFP recommends counseling … infants and pregnant women have been published. 1-4 Appropriate hematological studies and nutrition counseling … Can Diet Assoc J . 1991;52:20–23. 108. Hemminki E, Nemet K, Horvath M, et al.
August 23, 2022 - for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, 25 interventions for tobacco smoking cessation, 26 behavioral counseling … to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for CVD prevention in adults (with and without cardiovascular … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention
June 01, 2014 - has made recommendations related to several of the risk factors for cognitive impairment, including counseling … on tobacco cessation, alcohol use, healthful diet, physical activity, and falls prevention and screening … saturated fat intake,
longer-chain �-3 fatty acids, high fruit and vegetable in-
take, Mediterranean diet … published recommendations related
to several of the risk factors for cognitive impairment,
including counseling … on tobacco cessation, alcohol use,
healthful diet, physical activity, and falls prevention and
November 10, 2020 - overweight or obese, in-
creased physical activity, and the Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension (DASH) diet … , as well as education and counseling. … mm Hg; P < .05; 1 RCT; n = 40) and
8 months (–4.9 mm Hg; P � .05; 1 RCT; n = 69).1,19,20 A DASH-type
diet … significant reduction of SBP
(–7.6 mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure (–6.9 mm Hg).1,22,23 Low-
salt diet … The efficacy of a clinic-based
behavioral nutrition intervention emphasizing a
DASH-type diet for adolescents
June 01, 2015 - Diet or diet plus physical activity versus usual care
in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes … Interventions: Combined
lifestyle, diet, or lifestyle + diet
Diet intervention: Increase
vegetable intake … Intensive diet and counseling
group (n=257)
B. … Interventions: Combined
lifestyle, diet, or lifestyle + diet;
diet intervention: increase
vegetable intake … Lifestyle counseling, including
weight loss 7% over 3 months,
diet information, walking 30
minutes per
April 26, 2022 - other recommendations on CVD pre-
vention, including statin use to prevent CVD,15 smoking cessation,16
counseling … to promote a healthful diet and physical activity in per-
sons with and without cardiovascular risk … Behavioral
counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet
and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral
counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical
activity for cardiovascular disease prevention
January 01, 1996 - Versions
Burden of Suffering
Efficacy of Chemoprophylaxis
Effectiveness of Counseling … . 114 , 115
Return to Table of Contents
Effectiveness of Counseling … Counseling should include asking about presence and severity of menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, urogenital … , including screening for high cholesterol (see Chapter 2 ) and hypertension (see Chapter 3 ) and counseling … to prevent tobacco use and promote physical activity and healthy diet (see Chapters 54 - 56 ).
September 13, 2022 - through 6 (benefits and harms of interventions), studies that evaluated primary care–relevant behavioral counseling … The lifestyle intervention focused on diet/nutrition, physical activity, and family support. … The lifestyle program focused on both diet/nutrition and physical activity. … focused on healthy diet and nutrition, physical activity, or both. … OGTT, 130-199 mg/dL) seen in a pediatric obesity clinic; high-contact lifestyle intervention with both diet
July 01, 2013 - Data Synthesis: All studies compared diet modification, glucose
monitoring, and insulin as needed with … Initial treatment of GDM involves diet modification,
glucose monitoring, and moderate exercise. … mp.
57. glibenclamid$.mp.
58. acarbos$.mp.
59. exp Diet Therapy/
60. … (diet adj2 (therap$ or restrict$ or advice)).tw.
61. medical nutrition$ therapy.tw.
62. … Counseling/
Appendix Table 1—Continued
70. counsel$.tw.
71. Labor, Induced/
72. (induc$ adj2 labo?
January 01, 2010 - Preven-
tive Services Task Force to support its 2003 recommenda-
tion on counseling to promote breastfeeding … Counseling to promote breastfeeding.
In: Guide to Clinical Preventive Services. 3rd ed. … A meta-analysis of infant diet and insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus: do biases play a role? … J Am Diet Assoc.
2002;102:981-4. [PMID: 12146564]
100. … Association of degree
and timing of exposure to breastfeeding peer counseling services with breastfeed
May 23, 2019 - � 0.2)
Intensive therapy (n � 2729)
UKPDS 34, 1998 (47) Good 10.7 Conventional therapy, primarily diet … Counseling for Diet, Physical Activity, and Smoking Cessation
For both diabetic persons and nondiabetic … No study has found that counseling is more
effective in changing long-term behavior for diabetic per- … behavioral and social program included a case manager
with frequent meetings, group and individual support, diet … Effects of
diet and exercise in preventing NIDDM in people with impaired glucose toler-
May 01, 2021 - screening for prediabetes and
type 2 diabetes,25 interventions for tobacco smoking cessation,26
behavioral counseling … to promote a healthy diet and physical activ-
ity for CVD prevention in adults (with and without cardiovascular … Behavioral
counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet
and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral
counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical
activity for cardiovascular disease prevention
November 07, 2023 - No trial evaluated primary care counseling or dental referral. … Eligible preventive interventions were primary care oral health behavioral counseling, referral to a … There were no eligible trials of primary care counseling or referral to a dental professional. … Rather, the review addressed the effectiveness of oral health counseling, which includes counseling on … tooth brushing, flossing, and diet.
January 01, 1996 - population
There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against trying to prevent lead exposure by counseling … There is also evidence that clinician counseling at the worksite to reduce lead dust ingestion by workers … to reduce their blood lead levels. 128 Diets deficient in calories, calcium, and zinc have been associated … There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against trying to prevent lead exposure by counseling … to Promote a Healthy Diet ).
June 04, 2024 - Behavioral
counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet
and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral
counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet
and physical activity for cardiovascular