January 01, 2019 - interventions to promote a healthful diet and physical activity. … Preventive Services Task Force | 43
Grade Title
Healthful Diet and Physical Activity to Prevent … interventions
to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention … C
Healthful Diet and Physical Activity to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease: Behavioral
Counseling Interventions … to promote a healthful diet and
physical activity.
February 25, 2020 - , higher
longer-chain omega-3 fatty acid intake, high fruit and vegetable
intake, the Mediterranean diet … to
reduce unhealthy alcohol use29; counseling to promote healthful
diet and physical activity30,31; … Screening
and behavioral counseling interventions to
reduce unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful
diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease
prevention … Behavioral
counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical
activity for cardiovascular disease prevention
August 04, 2020 - tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant persons 11
Interventions to promote a healthful diet … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention
January 01, 2010 - Behavioral Counseling to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Review
Behavioral Counseling … counseling) to high in-
tensity (multiple-session counseling up to 18 hours). … In addition, some types of counseling interventions
(for example, HIV counseling and testing, risk avoidance … intervention (18 h) but not a high-intensity counseling intervention (10 h). … intervention program;
2) maintenance counseling program; or 3) diet and
exercise attention control group
January 01, 2010 - Does Counseling by Clinicians Improve Physical Activity? … studies20,22,24-26 targeted physical activity alone,
while 319,21,23 also had other behavioral targets (eg,
diet … Only the Activity Counseling
Trial reported rates of physical harm in the 2 years
following counseling … , follow-up counseling telephone
calls, and classes (the counseling group) spent 9
more hours with a … Effects of physical activity
counseling in primary care: the Activity Counseling
Trial: a randomized
May 15, 2012 - Limitations: There are limited rigorous counseling trials. … Do primary care-relevant counseling interventions have adverse effects? … Skin cancer prevention counseling and clinical practices of pediatricians. … interventions: impact of simultaneous stage-matched expert system interventions for smoking, high-fat diet … Sun exposure, diet, and melanoma in Hawaii Caucasians. Am J Epidemiol . 2006;164:232-45.
June 20, 2017 - “Comprehensive treatment programs, which include behavioral counseling, can help children improve
their … Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling
August 25, 2021 - Interventions to lower lipid levels are available, including lifestyle modification (eg, changes in diet … Americans,” which
provide advice on what to eat and drink at every stage of life to build a healthy diet … achieved goal in 4 trials
reporting this metric.1,17
Evidence from a very small, fair-quality behavioral counseling … The diet and physical activity counseling in-
tervention trial did not mention harms, and the 3 supplement … for FH reported that there were no adverse events.1,17
Multifactorial Dyslipidemia
The 2 behavioral counseling
April 30, 2020 - <15 minutes if self-administered) instruments are eligible
KQs 4, 5 (depression and suicide):
Counseling … modalities (e.g., exercise, light therapy, transcranial magnetic nerve stimulation, electroshock treatment, diet … adjunctive agents to enhance the effects of antidepressants) except as optional adjunctive components to counseling
March 29, 2022 - <15 minutes if self-administered) instruments are eligible
KQs 4, 5 (depression and suicide):
Counseling … modalities (e.g., exercise, light therapy, transcranial magnetic nerve stimulation, electroshock treatment, diet … adjunctive agents to enhance the effects of antidepressants) except as optional adjunctive components to counseling
April 30, 2020 - <15 minutes if self-administered) instruments are eligible
KQs 4, 5 (depression and suicide):
Counseling … modalities (e.g., exercise, light therapy, transcranial magnetic nerve stimulation, electroshock treatment, diet … adjunctive agents to enhance the effects of antidepressants) except as optional adjunctive components to counseling
September 21, 2015 - interventions, tailored self-help print materials, 37 and telephone counseling, 60 when compared with … and
individual and group counseling), and all 3 first-line
medications approved by the U.S. … Counseling and interventions to prevent tobacco use and tobacco-caused disease in adults and pregnant … Effectiveness of cultural adaptations of interventions aimed at smoking cessation, diet, and/or physical … Summary of Smoking Abstinence Results (KQ2) From Reviews of Behavioral Counseling and Pharmacotherapy
January 01, 2018 - interventions to promote a healthful diet and physical activity. … Preventive Services Task Force | 37
Grade Title
Healthful Diet and Physical Activity to Prevent … interventions to
promote a healthful diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention … C
Healthful Diet and Physical Activity to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease: Behavioral
Counseling Interventions … to promote a healthful diet and physical
October 15, 2008 - Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling Interventions
Appendix Table 2. … counseling) to high intensity (multiple-session counseling up to 18 hours). … In addition, some types of counseling interventions (for example, HIV counseling and testing, risk avoidance … intervention program; 2) maintenance counseling program; or 3) diet and
exercise attention control group … Reproductive health counseling for young men: what does it do?
January 01, 2020 - on smoking cessation, counseling on healthful diet and physical activity, screening for peripheral artery … Interventions
Asymptomatic adults at increased risk for CVD are usually treated with
a combination of diet … on smoking cessation,15 counseling on health-
ful diet and physical activity,16 and screening for peripheral … vs risk factor assessment counseling alone. … Behavioral counseling to promote a healthful
diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease
January 01, 2021 - Behavioral Counseling Interventions to Promote a Healthy Diet and Physical Activity for
Cardiovascular … Behavioral Counseling
Interventions to Promote
a Healthy Diet and
Physical Activity for
Cardiovascular … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and
physical activity for cardiovascular … (Grade B)
Behavioral Counseling
Interventions to Promote a
Healthy Diet and Physical
Activity for … interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity.
October 19, 2020 - There are several factors associated with lower vitamin D levels, including:
• A diet lacking in vitamin … Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive
services, such as screenings, counseling
August 19, 2021 - benefits and harms):
Lipid-lowering medications
Behavioral interventions to promote healthy diet … Behavioral intermediate outcomes:
Physical activity, sedentary behavior, dietary intake (for behavioral counseling
August 19, 2021 - benefits and harms):
Lipid-lowering medications
Behavioral interventions to promote healthy diet … Behavioral intermediate outcomes:
Physical activity, sedentary behavior, dietary intake (for behavioral counseling
March 23, 2022 - cited reason for
using supplements is for overall health and wellness and to fill nutrient gaps in the diet … cited
reason for using supplements is for overall health and wellness and to
fill nutrient gaps in the diet … outcomes might vary based on patient popula-
tion characteristics (eg, baseline vitamin D level or diet … Behavioral
counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet
and physical activity for cardiovascular … Behavioral
counseling to prevent skin cancer: US Preventive
Services Task Force recommendation statement