February 15, 2004 - The evidence for diet-based prevention of pancreatic cancer is limited and conflicting. … cancer, such as stopping the use of tobacco products, moderating alcohol intake, and eating a balanced diet
July 12, 2005 - , 38 reduced glycemic load, reduced fat or kilocalorie diets), and physical activity components (broadly … Behavioral counseling interventions included behavioral modification, special diets, and/or activity … A reduced-glycemic load diet in the treatment of adolescent obesity. … Effect of diet and controlled exercise on weight loss in obese children. … Diet, exercise and behavior therapy: A cautionary tale. Obes Res 1996; 4:293-94.
April 22, 2004 - Amphetamine type stimulants (speed, diet pills, ecstasy, etc.) 0 3
f. … Amphetamine type stimulants (speed, diet pills, ecstasy, etc.) 0 2 3 4 6
f. … Amphetamine type stimulants (speed, diet pills, ecstasy, etc.) 0 6 3
f. … Amphetamine type stimulants (speed, diet pills, ecstasy, etc.) 0 6 3
f. … Amphetamine type stimulants (speed, diet pills, ecstasy, etc.)
April 07, 2020 - Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults
Public Comment on Draft Research Plan: Diet
January 01, 2019 - office–based intervention to help families of children with overweight or obesity make recommended changes in diet
August 02, 2016 - and
Interventions for dyslipidemia include lifestyle modification (eg, changes in diet
December 01, 2015 - with abnormal blood glu-
cose to intensive behavioral counseling interventions to promote
a healthful diet … ab-
normal blood glucose to intensive behavioral counsel-
ing interventions to promote a healthful diet … Treatment and
Effective behavioral interventions combine counseling on a healthful diet … Useful Resources
The Community Preventive Services Task Force
recommends combined diet and physical … and exercise, meetings with a
trained diet or exercise counselor, or individually
tailored diet or exercise
March 16, 2025 - Insecurity: Screening Genital Herpes Infection: Serologic Screening Gestational Diabetes: Screening Healthy Diet
September 25, 2014 - 2014-09-09
Final Recommendation Statement: Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthful Diet
June 15, 2017 - Providers included primary care clinicians, exercise physiologists,
physical therapists, dieticians, diet
May 25, 2021 - change
• Multiple components, most commonly including active/supervised exercise or counseling about diet … types of behavioral counseling interventions
included active or supervised exercise or counseling about diet … Participants were counseled on healthy
diet and exercise through individual or group education sessions … Mediterranean-style diet in pregnant
women with metabolic risk factors (ESTEEM):
a pragmatic multicentre … Behavioral
counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet
and physical activity for cardiovascular
February 01, 2010 - These interventions
promoteweight loss throughmodifica-
tions in diet and activity level and of-
ten … J Am Diet Assoc. 2006;106(6):
6. Spear BA, Barlow SE, Ervin C, et al. … Exercise therapy
andhypocaloric diet in the treatment of obese
children and adolescents. … Therapy�
60 “Diet-Fat-Restricted”/
61 “Diet-Reducing”/
62 “Diet-Therapy”/
63 “Fasting”/
64 (diet or … diets or dieting).mp.
December 01, 2003 - There is fair to good evidence that high-intensity
counseling—about diet, exercise, or both—together … • The most effective interventions combine
nutrition education and diet and exercise
counseling with … only as part of a
program that also includes lifestyle modification
interventions, such as intensive diet … Counseling interventions include a variety of
approaches aimed at promoting change in diet
and/or physical … 1 year) compared with sibutramine alone,
and that a combination of intensive behavioral
therapy and diet
August 24, 2021 - normal blood glucose levels.15-17
Preventive Interventions
Both lifestyle interventions that focus on diet … The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends
diet and physical activity promotion programs … thecommunityguide.org/findings/diabetes-combined-diet-and-
physical-activity-promotion-programs-prevent-type … 2 diabetes and the benefits and
harms of interventions (such as behavioral counseling focused on
diet … of type 2 diabetes.2,23
In most trials (18 trials), the lifestyle interventions focused on
both diet
August 24, 2021 - normal blood glucose levels.15-17
Preventive Interventions
Both lifestyle interventions that focus on diet … The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends
diet and physical activity promotion programs … thecommunityguide.org/findings/diabetes-combined-diet-and-
physical-activity-promotion-programs-prevent-type … 2 diabetes and the benefits and
harms of interventions (such as behavioral counseling focused on
diet … of type 2 diabetes.2,23
In most trials (18 trials), the lifestyle interventions focused on
both diet
May 18, 2023 - through usual care in a primary care setting)
Weight-neutral healthy lifestyle intervention (i.e., diet … measures of glucose, blood pressure, or lipid levels
Behavioral changes (e.g., physical activity or diet
July 01, 2014 - include quitting smoking, being physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a healthful diet … Eat a healthy diet and stay at a
healthy weight. Be physically active.
June 12, 2018 - Treatments
Asymptomatic adults at increased risk of CVD events are usually treated with a combination of diet … blood pressure, use of statins, counseling on smoking cessation, and counseling to promote healthful diet … Recommendations for diet and exercise modifications, lipid-lowering medications, and aspirin are based … pressure, 8 use of statins, 9 counseling on smoking cessation, 10 and counseling to promote healthful diet … as high blood pressure, abnormal lipid levels, diabetes, current smoking, physical inactivity, and diet
June 01, 2021 - The best way to
get enough nutrients is through a balanced diet. … powder, gel tab, extract, or liquid form and are taken to add certain nutrients to an
individual’s diet
November 01, 2018 - Drug Administration for use in children, adolescents, or both
Lifestyle modifications, including diet … Interventions for which treatment of high blood pressure is not the primary objective of the study (i.e., diet