
Total Results: 638 records

Showing results for "diet".

    June 08, 2020 - recommendation statement and draft evidence review on behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet
    November 13, 2016 - Gemfibrozil/ Fenofibrate/ Niacin/ or/9-16 Diet/ or Diet, Reducing/ Exercise Therapy/ Weight … Loss/ (diet or exercise or lifestyle).ti,ab. … Gemfibrozil/ Fenofibrate/ Niacin/ or/9-16 Diet/ or Diet, Reducing/ Exercise Therapy/ Weight … Loss/ (diet or exercise or lifestyle).ti,ab. … Gemfibrozil/ Fenofibrate/ Niacin/ or/9-16 Diet/ or Diet, Reducing/ Exercise Therapy/ Weight
    November 13, 2016 - Gemfibrozil/ Fenofibrate/ Niacin/ or/9-16 Diet/ or Diet, Reducing/ Exercise Therapy/ Weight … Loss/ (diet or exercise or lifestyle).ti,ab. … Gemfibrozil/ Fenofibrate/ Niacin/ or/9-16 Diet/ or Diet, Reducing/ Exercise Therapy/ Weight … Loss/ (diet or exercise or lifestyle).ti,ab. … Gemfibrozil/ Fenofibrate/ Niacin/ or/9-16 Diet/ or Diet, Reducing/ Exercise Therapy/ Weight
    August 09, 2016 - familial hypercholesterolemia) or from both genetic and environmental factors, such as a high fat diet … “Helping children improve their diet and physical activity, may also improve their cardiovascular health
    September 08, 2015 - However, eating a diet rich in iron may be enough to prevent development of IDA. … “A healthy diet with iron-rich foods can help maintain iron levels in children.
    May 13, 2014 - cardiovascular disease be offered or referred to behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet … cardiovascular disease is that intensive behavioral counseling interventions, with the goal of improving diet
    July 13, 2023 - Evidence will be evaluated to determine if there are common components of efficacious interventions (e.g., diet … Targeting thresholds of blood pressure control independent of specific antihypertensive agent(s) Diet … (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension [DASH] diet or similar) Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors
    March 01, 2014 - Diet and physical activity interventions were categorized as low (≤30 minutes), medium (>30 minutes to … For example, studies associating diet with incident cardiovascular disease often focus on saturated fat … intake, 23 whereas studies of diet and cancer focus on the percentage of calories from fat; grams of … For example, the evidence review on diet and physical activity noted a large variation in the type of … The science was better for diet and physical activity to prevent cardiovascular disease outcomes, with
    January 02, 2017 - recommendation statement and draft evidence review on behavioral counseling to promote a healthful diet … Adults who have a healthy diet and are physically active have lower rates of heart health problems than
    June 09, 2014 - draft Recommendation Statement and draft Evidence Review on behavioral counseling to promote a healthy diet
    July 01, 2005 - ,38 reduced glycemic load, reduced fat or kilocalorie diets), and physical activity components (broadly … Behavioral counseling interventions included behavioral modification, special diets, and/or activity … Effect of diet and controlled exercise on weight loss in obese children. … A reduced-glycemic load diet in the treatment of adolescent obesity. … Diet, exercise and behavior therapy: A cautionary tale. Obes Res 1996; 4:293-294. 113.
    October 01, 2016 - Regarding treatment, both drug therapy and lifestyle interventions (such as exercise and diet changes … Diet/ or Diet, Reducing/ 19. Exercise Therapy/ 20. Weight Loss/ 21. … (diet or exercise or lifestyle).ti,ab. 22. or/18-21 23. 8 and (17 or 22) 24. limit 23 to evidence based … Diet/ or Diet, Reducing/ 19. Exercise Therapy/ 20. Weight Loss/ 21. … Diet/ or Diet, Reducing/ 19. Exercise Therapy/ 20.
    June 01, 2021 - Many people get most of the nutrients they need through a balanced diet. … and discuss other proven and effective ways to prevent heart disease and cancer, including a healthy diet
    June 21, 2022 - Many people get most of the nutrients they need through a balanced diet. … their risk and discuss other proven and effective ways to prevent CVD and cancer, including a healthy diet
    January 01, 2021 - Morbidity and Mortality: Preventive Medications Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes: Screening Healthy Diet
    January 01, 2022 - recognizes that everyone can improve their health by participating in physical activity, eating a healthy diet
    November 01, 2013 - (%) Heart disease 258.2 Tobacco 435,000 (18.1) Malignant neoplasm 200.9 Poor diet
    March 16, 2021 - blood glucose levels. 8-10 Preventive Interventions Both lifestyle interventions that focus on diet … The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends diet and physical activity promotion programs … cardiovascular risk factors to intensive behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet … with abnormal blood glucose to intensive behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
    March 16, 2021 - blood glucose levels. 8-10 Preventive Interventions Both lifestyle interventions that focus on diet … The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends diet and physical activity promotion programs … cardiovascular risk factors to intensive behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet … with abnormal blood glucose to intensive behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet … Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular
    January 15, 2010 - J Am Diet Assoc 2006;106(6):925-945. 6. Spear BA, Barlow SE, Ervin C, et al. … J Am Diet Assoc . 1987;87(3):333-338. 40. … Exercise therapy and hypocaloric diet in the treatment of obese children and adolescents. … exp OBESITY/dh [Diet Therapy] "Diet-Fat-Restricted"/ "Diet-Reducing"/ "Diet-Therapy … "/ "Fasting"/ (diet or diets or dieting).mp.

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