
Total Results: 74 records

Showing results for "diet".

  1. My Medicines List (pdf file)
    September 20, 2022 - , cold or cough medicines, aspirin, pain relievers, allergy relief medicines, antacids, laxatives, diet … , cold or cough medicines, aspirin, pain relievers, allergy relief medicines, antacids, laxatives, diet … , cold or cough medicines, aspirin, pain relievers, allergy relief medicines, antacids, laxatives, diet
    May 01, 2014 - Are you ready to start a diet and increase exercise?"  No. Open Example 1. … "What is working for you around diet and exercise? … Why might you want to make a change in diet and exercise?" What works for me is…. … If you decided to make a change in diet and exercise, what would you do to be successful? … What do you think would work for you if you decided to change your diet or exercise more?
    May 01, 2014 - Indication that brief counseling around diet, exercise, weight management occurred during the encounter … We discussed (check all appropriate): Weight   ___ Yes ___ No Diet   ___ Yes ___ No  Exercise   _ …    ___ Other (specify): ____________________ Text Format At-the-point example —Discussed weight, diet … Plan: Discussed the importance of a healthy diet and exercise.
    January 01, 2010 - . 1880) Children with BMI ≥85th percentile should receive regular lifestyle counseling addressing diet … CMS guidance will encourage States to remind providers to include diet and exercise advice
    May 01, 2014 - Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycles regarding increasing assessment of weight status, documentation of diet … discussions per patient         Weight, mean (range) 0.2 (0 – 8) 0.3 (0 – 5) 0.2199   Diet … Current patient efforts on health behavior change for diet and exercise. … indicated they were currently working on or intended to start losing weight (71%), eating a healthy diet
    March 01, 2021 - Prevention begins with a healthy lifestyle—following a heart-healthy diet, being physically active, avoiding … illustrated pamphlet popular in Mexico and Latin America) covers basics about cholesterol levels and diet … illustrated pamphlet popular in Mexico and Latin America) covers basics about cholesterol levels and diet
    May 01, 2014 - Physical activity and diet are associated with good health and can prevent or improve conditions such … We may talk with you about your diet and exercise goals.
    March 01, 2023 - It also includes tips on diet, medicines and foods to avoid, important precautions for some daily activities … Ask your doctor if your diet can affect how well your blood thinner works. … Keep your diet the same. … Do not make any major changes in your diet or start a weight loss plan unless you talk to your doctor
    May 01, 2014 - Are there places in your community or nearby to assist adults with weight loss (e.g., diet programs … Are there places in your community or nearby to assist kids with weight loss (e.g., diet programs, … ___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 b. diet?
    October 01, 2014 - collaborative (HEALTH-LC) in increasing assessment of weight status and provision of family-centered care for diet … Demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of a HEALTH-LC in improving short-term diet and physical
    September 01, 2015 - Ask your doctor if your diet can affect how well your blood thinner works. … Keep your diet the same. … Do not make any major changes in your diet or start a weight loss plan unless you talk to your doctor
    February 04, 2020 - Follow-up Visits for Children Who Are Obese or Overweight with a Weight-Related Comorbidity: Tables 1-3 Table 1. Documentation of Weight Addressed Table 2: ICD-9 Codes for Weight-Related Comorbidities Description Code Diabetes 250.xx Hyperlipidemia 272.0, 272.1, 272.2, 272.3, 272.4 Hypertension 401 …
    September 01, 2018 - illustrated pamphlet popular in Mexico and Latin America) covers basics about cholesterol levels and diet
    May 22, 2014 - obesity reduction are lifestyle interventions.4 Some of the lifestyle interventions recommended include diets … Medications for obesity approved by the FDA for long-term use o Lifestyle interventions, including diet … Therapeutics"[Mesh] OR "therapy"[Subheading] OR "surgery"[Subheading] OR "drug therapy"[Subheading] OR diet … [mh] OR diet[tiab] OR "energy intake"[tiab] OR nutrition[tiab] OR exercise[mh] OR exercise[tiab] OR
    September 01, 2015 - It is also important not to make major changes in your diet or start a weight-loss plan without first … The most important thing is to remember to keep your diet consistent.
    February 01, 2017 - Pressure Control 62% For people with high blood pressure, 62% are successfully managing it through diet
    February 01, 2017 - Pressure Control 62% For people with high blood pressure, 62% are successfully managing it through diet
    February 04, 2020 - Follow-up Visits for Children Who Are Obese or Overweight with a Weight-Related Comorbidity: Technical Specifications The percentage of children, ages 2 through 17 years, with either a BMI >95th percentile or a BMI ≥85th percentile with weight-related comorbidities, and an outpatient visit, who had at least one subs…
    June 01, 2023 - family reviewers for the colorectal surgery booklet had questions about the bowel prep and clear liquid diet
    May 01, 2010 - CMS guidance will encourage States to remind providers to include diet and exercise advice

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