December 01, 2015 - ,
and diet counseling with either an antidepressant or an
antiobesity medication. … These involved
two trials comparing CBT alone with CBT plus a diet or
weight-loss intervention65,69 … J Am Diet Assoc.
1996 Jan;96(1):58-61. PMID: 8537571.
5. Spitzer RL, Yanovski S, Wadden T, et al. … J Am Diet Assoc. 2011
Aug;111(8):1236-41. PMID: 21802573.
11. De Baptista GA. … J Am Diet Assoc. 2011
Jul;111(7):1004-11. PMID: 21703378.
April 02, 2015 - Randomised controlled trial of cardioprotective diet in patients with recent acute myocardial infarction … (fish consumption or fish intake or (fish adj2 diet$)).mp. … (mediterranean adj diet$).mp. … (fish consumption or fish intake or (fish adj2 diet$)).mp. … (mediterranean adj diet$).mp.
April 02, 2015 - studies where only servings/week defined, Mediterranean diet studies without n-3
quantified). n-3 … (fish consumption or fish intake or (fish adj2 diet$)).mp. … (mediterranean adj diet$).mp. … (fish consumption or fish intake or (fish adj2 diet$)).mp. … (mediterranean adj diet$).mp.
October 18, 2022 - behavior
change techniques would likely
help all individuals live healthier
lives with improved diet … behavior
change techniques would likely
help all individuals live healthier
lives with improved diet
March 31, 2010 - the effectiveness of interventions on food and
nutrition policies at school on changes in children’s diet … combination of interventions as the
priority for future rather than interventions focusing solely on diet … the effectiveness of interventions on food and
nutrition policies at school on changes in children’s diet … intake
Toddler Hispanic Middle income Community Physical activity
Adolescent Native American Home Diet … Study design:
Diet and Physical activity
January 01, 2010 - which prenatal care begins
Different pain management strategies, including anesthesia
Maternal diet
January 29, 2014 - Type 2 diabetes is often treated with oral medications or lifestyle changes such as improved diet and
June 11, 2014 - Video capsule endoscopy
Combinations of the above
For KQ 4:
Endoscopy with biopsy
Gluten free diet … KQ 1b, for clinical decision-making
Additional testing for CD
Nutritionist advice on gluten-free diet … Gluten-free diet: the medical and nutrition management of celiac disease. … endoscopy" OR endoscop* OR misdiagnos* OR undiagnos* AND intermediate outcome* OR decision* OR dietary OR diet … OR endoscop* OR misdiagnos* OR undiagnos*) AND ts=(intermediate outcome* OR decision* OR dietary OR diet
March 01, 2013 - 55-58 progestogen (1 study),59 triphasic birth
control pills (1 study),51 cabergoline (1 study),60 diet … and a carbohydrate-restricted diet in
conjunction with 30 minutes of aerobic activity 3 days
a week … of acupuncture in 84 women61
also included an exercise control group at the same
intensity as the diet … We did not find evidence comparing diet to
exercise directly. … jLow-fat diet (n=12) vs. low-carbohydrate diet (n=12).
January 01, 2009 - related to the
additional support provided to the patient, such as counseling regarding adherence
to diet
February 09, 2017 - experiments to evaluate the efficacy of policy and built environment changes on body mass index (BMI), diet … physical activity. 16 The review identified 37 studies: 18 studies evaluated impacts on nutrition/diet … a validated instrument (see Appendix B for list of commonly used validated instruments) to measure diet … We will maintain a list of these excluded articles that used non-validated instruments for diet and physical … Diet and obesity in Los Angeles County 2007-2012: Is there a measurable effect of the 2008 "Fast-Food
February 22, 2012 - These include, but are not limited to,
diet modifications, such as limiting the intake of high-sodium … Diet and tinnitus: what to eat . . . and what not to eat. … Tinnitus and your diet. New Tinnitus Treatments Blog. … Tinnitus Relief Through Diet—Foods to Avoid to Relieve Tinnitus. … Available to: http://www.thetinnitussite.info/tinnitus-relief-2/tinnitus-relief-through-diet-foods-to
June 01, 2013 - and BPD to answer KQ1; and
(2) surgical procedures to conventional nonsurgical
therapies (e.g., diet … We also included 20 systematic reviews on diet, exercise,
medication, or bariatric surgery in our target … At
1 year, surgery patients show much greater weight loss
than usually seen in studies of diet, exercise … However, the
RCT comparing LAGB with SG was conducted in Taiwan,
where diets and lifestyle may … Diet,
behavior, and culture in many of these locations may differ
dramatically from that in the United
September 28, 2015 - For body mass index, lifestyle programs (usually combining structured diet and exercise) provided the
March 14, 2012 - Testing can also inform physicians about the length and severity of delay; thus, changes in diet can … Recommended changes in diet may include a low-fat diet, a low-residue (low fiber, easy to digest) diet … , a liquid diet, or increasing consumption to multiple small meals taken 4 to 6 times per day.
March 29, 2011 - case management, residential supports, psychopharmacology, complementary and alternative medicine, diet … Dietary supplements (melatonin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, magnesium-vitamin B6)
Specialized diets … (gluten and casein free diets, restrictive diets)
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers
Allied health interventions … targeted educational interventions, transition support, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), diet
May 04, 2017 - infrared, or ultrasound; orthoses (knee braces, shoe inserts, or specially designed shoes); weight loss diets
February 08, 2017 - experiments to
evaluate the efficacy of policy and built environment changes on body mass index (BMI), diet … or physical activity.16 The review identified 37 studies: 18 studies evaluated impacts on
nutrition/diet … validated instrument (see Appendix B for list of
commonly used validated instruments) to measure diet … We will maintain a list of these excluded
articles that used non-validated instruments for diet and … Diet and obesity in Los
Angeles County 2007-2012: Is there a
measurable effect of the 2008 "Fast-Food
March 14, 2012 - Testing can also inform physicians about the length
and severity of delay; thus, changes in diet can … Recommended changes in diet may include a low-fat diet, a low-residue (low fiber, easy to
digest) diet … , a liquid diet, or increasing consumption to multiple small meals taken 4 to 6 times
per day.
January 01, 2012 - demonstrated to be effective
for morbidly obese patients who do not respond to conservative treatments (e.g., diet … generated
a call for novel pharmacologic therapies aimed at weight reduction and maintenance when diet … to be effective for morbidly
obese patients who do not respond to conservative treatments (e.g., diet … device is intended to
remain in place for 12–24 weeks, during which time the patient is on a liquid diet … Losing weight through diet and exercise
alone has often not been successful for this patient population