December 01, 2019 - An herb or other botanical
An amino acid
A dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet … powder or liquid form not represented for use as a conventional food or as the sole item of a meal or diet … gender, ethnicity/race, health status, comorbidities, baseline nutrient exposures and/or background diet … c Important baseline/prognostic factors to be evaluated: age, gender, race, baseline diet/nutrient exposures
September 02, 2016 - “degarelix”[tiab] OR “Firmagon”[tiab] OR
“ganirelix”[tiab] OR “antagon”[tiab] OR exercise[tiab] OR diet … • Interventions:
o Clomiphene citrate, letrozole, diet/exercise/other weight loss strategies, timed
February 16, 2016 - external, non-behavioral procedures to treat
symptoms of ASD, which includes pharmacologic agents, diet … discretely into categories such as antipsychotics, stimulants,
vitamin supplements, and therapeutic diets … external, non-behavioral procedures to treat
symptoms of ASD, which includes pharmacologic agents, diet … external, non-behavioral procedures to treat
symptoms of ASD, which includes pharmacologic agents, diet
January 01, 2016 - not be
considered current.
The only effective treatment for CD is avoidance of gluten
in the diet … All methods
other than HLA typing require the patient to maintain a
gluten-containing diet during the … Villous atrophy present on
a duodenal biopsy and clinical remission when a gluten-
free diet is followed … 1b, for clinical decisionmaking—
• Additional testing for CD
• Nutritionist advice on gluten-free diet … Gluten-free diet: the medical and nutrition
management of celiac disease.
October 13, 2021 - J Acad Nutr Diet. 2019 Jul; 119(2):1168-
1175. … getting a procedure, then it is important
to time the NPO correctly to not extend it and place
a diet … Evidence
Another important aspect about nutrition in the
hospital is limiting unnecessary restrictive diets … For
example, putting frail patients on restrictive diets
because they have diabetes. … Peer Reviewer 4 Introduction Pg. 16, lines 4-8: Making diet changes (i.e., 2 gram
sodium to general
December 01, 2019 - Additional components for (b) and (c) above may include interventions related to: diet or physical activity
December 01, 2020 - Urinary Incontinence/Surgery"[Mesh]
OR "Urinary Incontinence/Therapy"[Mesh]
OR "Urinary Incontinence/Diet … Complementary Therapies"[Mesh]
OR ((alternative or complementary) AND (therapy or treatment))
OR "diet … "[Mesh]
OR diet
OR "Quality of Life"[Mesh]
OR biofeedback
OR Vaginal cone*
OR bladder support
December 15, 2010 - herb or other botanical
• An amino acid
• A dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet … powder or liquid form not represented
for use as a conventional food or as the sole item of a meal or diet … gender, ethnicity/race, health status, comorbidities, baseline
nutrient exposures and/or background diet … cImportant baseline/prognostic factors to be evaluated: age, gender, race, baseline diet/nutrient
January 01, 2007 - In addition to several
effective nonpharmacological
interventions—including diet, exercise, and
June 06, 2017 - Urinary Incontinence/Surgery”[Mesh]
OR “Urinary Incontinence/Therapy”[Mesh]
OR “Urinary Incontinence/Diet … Complementary Therapies”[Mesh]
OR ((alternative or complementary) AND (therapy or treatment))
OR “diet … ”[Mesh]
OR diet
OR “Quality of Life”[Mesh]
OR biofeedback
OR Vaginal cone*
OR bladder support*
August 01, 2012 - study should have
included interviews with renal nutritionists to assess how
effective changing the diets … to conform to a diet lower in
potassium, phosphorous, sodium and protein. … The majority
of these trials compared low protein versus
usual protein diets. … recovering from a kidney transplant have
told me they were never told they needed to change their diet … A change of diet can be beneficial for the
CKD patient with no unpleasant or dangerous side effects
September 28, 2015 - its
inclusion of programs (classified as lifestyle due to
the predominance of programs focusing on diet … well as other programs
incorporating interactive components that target
multiple behaviors (e.g., diet … Introduction In ES on page 2, it should read...People with T2DM are
often treated progressively though diet … From the
definition provided on page ES-10, it does not appear
that “Lifestyle programs” focus on diet … clinical and health outcomes,
analysis based on valid outcomes of changes to
physical activity or diet
May 18, 2011 - DNA in the feces is of human origin; most fecal DNA is acquired through outside sources,
including diet … smear samples from consecutive bowel
movements that are required for the FOBT and FIT tests) and no diet
August 13, 2018 - interventional
KQ5: Prevention
of recurrence
Comparators No antibiotics,
clear liquid diet … OR
Prevention strategies Mesalamine/ or exp Diet/ or Dietary Fiber/ or Probiotics/ or (5-
aminosalicylate … * or "5-amino salicylate*" or diet* or drug* or fiber or
fibre or mesalamine or non-drug or nondrug
October 01, 2020 - combined-modality therapy, psychological adaptation therapies
Exercise (physical activity), diet … combined-modality therapy, psychological adaptation therapies
Lifestyle : Exercise (physical activity), diet … OR neurotherap*[tw] OR (autonomic*[tw] AND train*[tw]) OR “Combined Modality Therapy”[ALL FIELDS] OR Diet … ,ab,kw or (autonomic*:ti,ab,kw and train*:ti,ab,kw) or "Combined Modality Therapy":ti,ab,kw or [mh "Diet … OR (TX autonomic* AND TX train*) OR TX “Combined Modality Therapy” OR DE "Dietary Restraint" OR TX “diet
December 01, 2019 - DNA in the feces is of human origin; most fecal DNA is acquired through outside sources, including diet … smear samples from consecutive bowel movements that are required for the FOBT and FIT tests) and no diet
July 01, 2016 - � Might changes in my diet help?
� If I have surgery, how long would my recovery be?
April 01, 2013 - Specifically, no study evaluated HMG-CoA reductase
inhibitors (statins), niacin, fibrates, or low-fat diets … quetiapine, or risperidone to
aripiprazole in the context of a manualized,
behaviorally oriented diet … three second-generation antipsychotic medications
to aripiprazole in combination with a structured diet … Diet, smoking and cardiovascular risk in
people with schizophrenia: descriptive study.
December 01, 2014 - factors for developing gout include obesity,
hypertension, alcohol consumption, diuretic use, and a diet … Diet and lifestyle modifications (e.g., reducing alcohol
and dietary purine intake as well as weight
January 01, 2012 - Clinical Pathway at Point of This Intervention
Initial treatment of T2DM includes diet control, exercise … Also essential to
successful blood glucose management are diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. … Initial treatment of T2DM includes diet control, exercise, and self-
monitoring of blood glucose. … FDA approved EQW in January 2012 as “an
adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in … Initial treatment of T2DM includes diet control,
exercise, and self-monitoring of blood glucose.