June 03, 2013 - Program
▪ + Interpersonal communication with providers
▪ + Self-management behaviors (diet … – Another caregiver who was very concerned about her child’s
weight gain found the diet information
January 01, 2012 - Counsel patients on diet or exercise or medications 1 2 3 1 2
January 01, 2018 - Key Words: mHealth, childhood obesity, minority, diet
The purpose of this study … Furthermore, positive psycho-social and behavioral changes
related to diet were observed among children … J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016 Jan;116(1):21–7.
27. Moss JL, Liu B, Zhu L.
November 01, 2009 - set of diabetes self-care
queries about medication
adherence, self-monitoring of
blood glucose, diet … characteristics, disease-related
knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviors, including medication
adherence, diet
November 01, 2009 - set of diabetes self-care
queries about medication
adherence, self-monitoring of
blood glucose, diet … characteristics, disease-related
knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviors, including medication
adherence, diet
January 01, 2023 - recommended that active issues related to nutrition needs should be
accessible from the stand-alone “Diet … Revision Type Description Revision Date
Usability Added links between stand-alone sections such as “Diet
January 01, 2007 - Resources used for intervention can be located either within the practice (diet and exercise counseling
January 01, 2018 - it also reduces pain and decreases the risk of weight gain.9, 10 In knee OA, the combination of
diet … dietary weight loss in overweight
and obese older adults with knee osteoarthritis: the Arthritis, Diet
January 01, 2007 - The letter detailed information about changes to the patient’s previous medication
regimen, diet and … discharge medications,
medication instructions, post discharge activities and restrictions, post discharge diet
January 01, 2009 - improved participants’ satisfaction with their management of smoking,
ACE I/ARB use, and especially diet … improved participants’ satisfaction
with their management of smoking, ACE I/ARB use, and especially diet
January 01, 2016 - A Geofencing-Based
Adaptive Messaging System to Support
Patient Self-Management of a Low-
Sodium Diet … Most patients prescribed a low-
sodium diet are unaware of the sodium
content of the foods they eat. … Michael A Geofencing-Based Adaptive Messaging System to Support Patient Self-Management of a Low-Sodium Diet
January 01, 2021 - Factors to Consider in Managing
Chronic Pain: A Pain Management
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Healthful Diet … factors-consider-managing-chronic-pain-pain-management-summary
https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/artifact/healthy-diet-and-physical-activity-cvd-prevention-adults-cardiovascular-risk … https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/artifact/healthy-diet-and-physical-activity-cvd-prevention-adults-cardiovascular-risk … https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/artifact/healthy-diet-and-physical-activity-cvd-prevention-adults-cardiovascular-risk
January 01, 2023 - For example, when a user opens an order set, orders for labs, medications, and diet should be located
April 01, 2015 - measured the impact of patient adherence to suggested testing,
prescribed medication, recommended diet … on outcomes of
patient adherence to
§ Suggested testing
§ Prescribed medication
§ Recommended diet … outcomes of patient
adherence to:
§ Suggested testing
§ Prescribed medication
§ Recommended diet … outcomes of patient
adherence to:
§ Suggested testing
§ Prescribed medication
§ Recommended diet … outcomes
of patient adherence to:
§ Suggested testing
§ Prescribed medication
§ Recommended diet
June 15, 2023 - Discussed the importance of healthy diet and exercise for osteoporosis self-management and
provided … Discussed the
importance of healthy diet and exercise for osteoporosis self-management and provided
June 25, 2015 - input of possible pertinent information
about the patient home environment (“Red
Flags”: Activity, Diet … Educating and Coaching Patients
• Variety of topics
► Insulin, diet, and exercise
► Management and
January 01, 2017 - Social History The patient’s lifestyle practices (e.g., diet, exercise) and habits
(e.g., smoking,
January 01, 2013 - information needed to make complex
care decisions, and then they must comply with regimens related to diet
January 01, 2017 - results in terms of
behavior changes, “Basically…I would likely have to go on medication and change my diet … , such as consider starting cholesterol
medication, getting a hepatitis B vaccine, adjusting their diet
June 05, 2006 - Annual Meeting June 5, 2006
Nutrition Summary
Meal intake for 4 weeks
Fluid intake for 4 weeks