
Total Results: 252 records

Showing results for "diet".

    May 22, 2014 - obesity reduction are lifestyle interventions.4 Some of the lifestyle interventions recommended include diets … Medications for obesity approved by the FDA for long-term use o Lifestyle interventions, including diet … Therapeutics"[Mesh] OR "therapy"[Subheading] OR "surgery"[Subheading] OR "drug therapy"[Subheading] OR diet … [mh] OR diet[tiab] OR "energy intake"[tiab] OR nutrition[tiab] OR exercise[mh] OR exercise[tiab] OR
    September 01, 2008 - Eat a healthy diet, and stay active. YOUR QUIT PLAN 1. YOUR QUIT DATE: 2. WHO CAN HELP YOU: 3.
    October 01, 2014 - interventions can support self-management behaviors crucial for a member's health (e.g., adherence to diet … If a member identifies that he or she wants to adopt a healthier diet, care managers can offer to share … materials on health diets as followup. … Indiana's former program, ICDMP, developed disease-specific materials that included information on diet … him or her on a plan to quit smoking, even if the care manager feels that working on the patient's diet
    September 01, 2015 - He is following his diet, by his account. … He will work harder on diet. … He is following his diet, by his account. … He is following his diet, by his account. … He is following his diet, by his account.
    September 01, 2015 - It is also important not to make major changes in your diet or start a weight-loss plan without first … The most important thing is to remember to keep your diet consistent.
    January 01, 2011 - "-"-~'"--- SIGNATUREs ; \ y~ GENE o No re~trictions ,\ METHOC OESTINATION,General 0 Diabetic dietDIET/NUTRITION F 48Y :t ORIGINAL - Patient COpy - Medical Record Physician Signature (Optional)
    November 01, 2023 - Some people go on a “low residue diet.” … F Follow your doctor’s instructions about when to start a clear liquid diet. … F Ask if you should avoid raw fruits and vegetables or stay on a low residue diet. … F Follow your doctor’s instructions about when to start a clear liquid diet. … F Ask if you should avoid raw fruits and vegetables or stay on a low residue diet.
    May 01, 2022 - Practice Center Program , also found that children who participate in WIC are more likely to have better diet … It provides nutritious foods to supplement diets, nutrition education and referrals to health and other
    January 01, 2024 - /N) defined as depression, anxiety, behavioral changes—ex. changing drug abuse behavior or exercise/diet … Screening, Tobacco use, Substance use, behavioral counseling, preventative medications (aspirin, statins), diet
    November 01, 2020 - pain relievers ___ Allergy relief medicines ___ Antacids ___ Sleeping pills ___ Laxatives ___ Diet
    February 01, 2017 - Pressure Control 62% For people with high blood pressure, 62% are successfully managing it through diet
    December 14, 2015 - mg daily) Y Shared decision making results in initiation of aspirin Y Y N Mediterranean diet
    September 01, 2015 - He is following his diet, by his account. … He will work harder on diet. … He is following his diet, by his account. … He is following his diet, by his account. … He is following his diet, by his account.
    February 04, 2020 - Follow-up Visits for Children Who Are Obese or Overweight with a Weight-Related Comorbidity: Technical Specifications The percentage of children, ages 2 through 17 years, with either a BMI >95th percentile or a BMI ≥85th percentile with weight-related comorbidities, and an outpatient visit, who had at least one subs…
    June 01, 2023 - family reviewers for the colorectal surgery booklet had questions about the bowel prep and clear liquid diet
    March 01, 2024 - We discuss sleep hygiene, sodium in my diet, and treatment options for both issues. … says I don't need to start an anti-hypertensive medication yet, so we discuss how I might change my diet … Examine food labels for sodium content, attempt to change diet. =15! Slide 25.
    July 01, 2018 - face-to-face meetings), which lifestyle changes have been emphasized by program staff (e.g., improving diet … assess people's confidence in their ability to perform or adhere to specific behaviors such as exercise, diet … recommends that disease management programs evaluate change in medication adherence and lifestyle behaviors (diet … Reliable sources of data on other aspects of patient behavior (e.g., physical activity or diet) are less
  18. Slide 1 (ppt file)
    January 01, 2010 - We discuss sleep hygiene, sodium in my diet, and treatment options for both issues. … says I don’t need to start an anti-hypertensive medication yet, so we discuss how I might change my diet
    May 01, 2010 - CMS guidance will encourage States to remind providers to include diet and exercise advice
    May 01, 2010 - CMS guidance will encourage States to remind providers to include diet and exercise advice

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