March 11, 2025 - In adults, it has been linked with obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, among others. … Medically tailored meal delivery for diabetes patients with food insecurity: a randomized cross-over … American Diabetes Association. … Improving care and promoting health in populations: standards of medical care in diabetes-2021. … Diabetes Care . 2021;44(Suppl 1):S7-S14. Medline:33298412 doi:10.2337/dc21-S001 42.
March 11, 2025 - In adults, it has been linked with obesity, diabetes, and
cardiovascular disease, among others. … Medically tailored meal delivery for diabetes
patients with food insecurity: a randomized
cross-over … American Diabetes Association. … Improving care
and promoting health in populations: standards of
medical care in diabetes—2021. … Diabetes Care.
2021;44(suppl 1):S7-S14. doi:10.2337/dc21-S001
January 01, 2025 - in postmenopausal women and adequate evi-
dence that it has a small benefit in reducing the risk of diabetes … Estrogen
usealoneisassociatedwithadecreasedriskoffractures, invasivebreast
cancer, and diabetes; however … or not receiving treatment for diabetes at base-
line. … ; HR, 0.65 [95% CI,
0.48-0.89])28 and self-reported incident diabetes in the WHI trial
(mean follow-up … The overall reduction in diabetes risk was no
longer observed 6.6 years postintervention (HR, 1.07 [95%
July 26, 2022 - proportion of CVD cases can be prevented by addressing modifiable risk factors, including smoking, obesity, diabetes … Statin use for the primary prevention of CVD in adults 36
Screening for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes … adults without obesity who do not have hypertension, dyslipidemia, abnormal blood glucose levels, or diabetes … Screening for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement … , a history of gestational diabetes, or a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome, and at a lower BMI
September 18, 2018 - programs are safe and effective, can
help patients lose and maintain weight loss, and reduce risk of diabetes … with
several chronic and life-threatening health issues, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes
September 22, 2020 - have been associated with risk for fractures, falls, functional limitations, some types of cancer, diabetes … 31.2 ng/mL) on a variety of health outcomes, including all-cause mortality, fractures, incidence of diabetes … A pooled analysis of the five trials (n=3,356) found no difference in the incidence of diabetes among … Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol . 2017;5(12):986-1004. 4. Ross AC, Manson JE, Abrams SA, et al. … Vitamin D 20,000 IU per week for five years does not prevent progression from prediabetes to diabetes
March 09, 2024 - the second stage of labor, the impact of guidelines on obstetric care, the prevention of gestational diabetes
March 28, 2017 - because of family history or presence of conditions associated with celiac disease, such as type 1 diabetes … 19 , 22 A small (n = 62), fair-quality study of patients in Iraq (mean age, 23 years) with type 1 diabetes … Identifier: NCT01566110), which involves screening of children and adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus … The Celiac Disease and Diabetes-Dietary Intervention and Evaluation Trial (CD-DIET) protocol: a randomised … controlled study to evaluate treatment of asymptomatic coeliac disease in type 1 diabetes.
June 12, 2018 - CVD events include older age, male sex, high blood pressure, current smoking, abnormal lipid levels, diabetes … Two studies of asymptomatic adults with diabetes reported that 6% and 12% of patients who were screened … events, including older age, male sex, high blood pressure, current smoking, abnormal lipid levels, diabetes … identified 2 fair-quality randomized clinical trials of screening with exercise ECG in persons with diabetes … Detection of silent myocardial ischemia in asymptomatic patients with diabetes: results of a randomized
November 24, 2020 - Diabetes Educ . 2018;44(2):118-129. doi:10.1177/0145721718759982 153. … Diabetes Metab . 2011;37(6):546-552. doi:10.1016/j.diabet.2011.06.001 161. … Diabetes Metab . 2018;44(5):449-451. doi:10.1016/j.diabet.2018.04.008 190. … nutrition intervention randomized trial ( Diabetes Care . 2011;34:14-19). … Diabetes Care . 2018;41(10):2259-2260. doi:10.2337/dc18-er10 199.
January 01, 2020 - Two studies of asymptomatic adults with
diabetes reported that 6% and 12% of patients who were screened … CVD events include older age, male sex, high blood pressure, current smoking, abnormal lipid levels, diabetes … identified
2 fair-quality randomized clinical trials of screening with exercise ECG
in persons with diabetes … treat-
ing traditional, modifiable CVD risk factors such as high blood pressure,
abnormal lipidlevels,diabetes … Detection of silent myocardial
ischemia in asymptomatic patients with diabetes:
results of a randomized
August 06, 2019 - Other factors such as new-onset diabetes, preexisting diabetes, older age, cigarette smoking, obesity … Other factors such as new-onset diabetes, preexisting diabetes, older age, cigarette smoking, obesity … high-risk persons, studies of screening in persons who may be at increased risk (eg, adults with new-onset diabetes … complications in another patient. 14 In another study, 2 cases of postoperative fistula and 3 cases of diabetes
March 01, 2022 - proportion of CVD cases
can be prevented by addressing modifiable risk factors, including smoking, obesity, diabetes … counseling21
Provide or refer to intensive,
multicomponent behavioral counseling20
Prediabetes or diabetes … c The USPSTF recommends screening for prediabetes and diabetes as part of
cardiovascular risk assessment … , a history of gestational
diabetes, or a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome, and at a lower BMI … Screening
for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes: US Preventive
Services Task Force recommendation statement
October 25, 2016 - get illnesses such as ear infections, or to develop
chronic conditions such as asthma, obesity, and diabetes … For mothers, breastfeeding is associated with a lower risk
of breast and ovarian cancer and type 2 diabetes
November 27, 2018 - Congress
Final Research Plan: Screening for Abnormal Blood Glucose and Type 2 Diabetes
January 13, 2022 - Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement and Draft Evidence Review: Screening for Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
October 11, 2022 - Adults
Final Recommendation Statement: Screening for Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
May 24, 2022 - Risk factors for cataracts include older age, smoking, alcohol use, exposure to ultraviolet light, diabetes … 21 , 22 Risk factors for cataracts include older age, smoking, alcohol use, exposure to UV light, diabetes … of impaired visual acuity, is not addressed in this recommendation because it is considered part of diabetes … retinopathy is a common cause of blindness; however, surveillance for this condition is considered part of diabetes
July 01, 2012 - The incidence of diabetes was reduced for women who
received estrogen plus progestin in the WHI trial … Diabetes was diagnosed by self-report in the WHI
trial and fasting glucose levels of 6.9 mmol/L or greater … In comparison,
women in HERS who received estrogen plus progestin also
had reduced risk for diabetes … Women in HERS who
received estrogen plus progestin had
reduced diabetes but not fractures.
2. … Effect of oestrogen plus progestin
on the incidence of diabetes in postmenopausal women: results from
October 07, 2013 - sex, smoking status, race/ethnicity, 10-year cardiovascular risk, or related risk conditions (e.g., diabetes … age, sex, smoking status, race/ethnicity, 10-year cardiovascular risk, related risk conditions (e.g., diabetes