July 07, 2015 - Prior ASCVD < 75 y - > 75 y
190mg/dl YES
If not a candidate
for high-intensity
Diabetes … + Diabetes mellitus
+ C-reactive protein (CRP)
+ Family history
January 01, 2010 - , et al., 2001)
Higher patient-perceived quality of care (Campbell, et al., 2001)
Superior care for diabetes … Features of primary health care teams associated with successful quality improvement of diabetes care
March 01, 2021 - having a heart attack for people at increased risk for heart attack and stroke, including those with diabetes … disease (including those with known heart disease, those with high LDL cholesterol levels, and those with diabetes … for cholesterol management in high-risk groups, including patients with prior cardiovascular disease, diabetes
October 01, 2022 - Performance scores are reported on the website for preventive care, care for chronic conditions such as diabetes … Clinical quality measures are reported for asthma care, cancer screening, diabetes care, mental health … website provides scores on patient experience as well as several aspects of effective care, such as diabetes
December 01, 2020 - in Disparities for Blacks
Treatment for Depression
New HIV Cases
End Stage Renal Disease Due to Diabetes … Natives
Changes in Disparities for American Indians and Alaska Natives
End Stage Renal Disease Due to Diabetes … Weight Check
Childhood Vaccinations
Emergency Department Visits for Asthma
Hospital Admissions for Diabetes … Care by Insurance Status
Changes in Disparities by Insurance
Receipt of Flu Vaccine by Patients With Diabetes
August 01, 2017 - example, HealthPartners (an integrated Minnesota system that
includes a large health plan) offers a diabetes … This diabetes education program led
to improved disease control among participants, increased patient … Clinics Offer Culturally Tailored Diabetes Education and Culturally
Appropriate Care to Ethiopian Patients … https://innovations.ahrq.gov/profiles/clinics-offer-culturally-tailored-diabetes-education-and-culturally-appropriate-care … https://innovations.ahrq.gov/profiles/clinics-offer-culturally-tailored-diabetes-education-and-culturally-appropriate-care
September 01, 2015 - key driver model for the WeServeEveryone Clinic (see
Appendix), which is interested in improving diabetes … example, a team
implementing an intensive care management clinic for people with poorly controlled
diabetes … Figure 20.1 shows a program-level key driver model for
improving outcomes for patients with diabetes … Improved clinical •
outcomes for patients
with diabetes and asthma •
Measures of success:
Diabetes … ;tomize e,;:-idence-ba.:.ed
• -"9ffl.• v.i.th influmu (asthma. diabetes) protocols foi· asthma and
November 01, 2020 - health/public/heart/mi/heart_attack_fs_en.pdf
Bullets With Bold Type
From 4 Steps to Control Your Diabetes … National Diabetes Education Plan. http://ndep.nih.gov/media/NDEP67_4Steps_4c_508.pdf
Item 13: Text
May 01, 2019 - user to compare doctor’s offices in the following areas of care: women’s health, children’s health, diabetes … that include breast cancer surgery, cancer surgery volume, cardiac care, chronic health conditions, diabetes
April 01, 2022 - Other previous topics based on AHRQ research include depression, diabetes, kidney disease, pressure ulcers … Center Program (EPC),
Evidence Report
August 01, 2021 - Now his heart disease and diabetes are under control. Watch his video (YouTube, 2 min. 20 sec.) … Hope Health Services; Erickson Living-Oak Crest; and University of Maryland Medical Center, Center for Diabetes
June 01, 2021 - Care and Severe Maternal Morbidity in the United States
Postpartum Health Care Use After Gestational Diabetes … Other AHRQ Resources
Data and Analytics
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Burden and Cost of Diabetes
September 01, 2015 - The cost-effectiveness of improving diabetes care in U.S. federally qualified
community health centers … available, tracking patients with diabetes with a registry, and implementing
evidence based guidelines … In the case of
patients with diabetes overdue for an HbA1c (done by a point-of-care machine) or a foot … The percentage of patients with diabetes who set goals has improved from 28 to 46% and
continues to … Patients
with A1c 7%
33.86% 39.92% 41.32% 33.90%
Diabetes Patients
with A1c 9%
21.81% 20.67%
May 10, 2018 - He has no history of
diabetes. He’s a nonsmoker, and he likes to walk daily. … Recent studies have
shown that a small increase in risk of diabetes occurs with statins, particularly … He has no history of diabetes. He’s a nonsmoker, and he likes
to walk daily. … Most trials enrolled patients with some
elevation in LDL or who had elevated risks due to diabetes.
November 01, 2016 - having a heart attack for people at increased risk for heart attacks and strokes,
including those with diabetes … including those with known heart disease, those with high LDL cholesterol levels, and
those with diabetes
October 01, 2016 - Certified Diabetes Educator
Edina has a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) who conducts independent … Though Edina does not track exact CDE panel size, the average full-time CDE sees 20–30
diabetes patients … health
care professional staff (especially MAs and RNs) for a specific reason (e.g., uncontrolled
diabetes … Self-management goal
setting and action
Patients newly diagnosed with diabetes are referred … ▌pg. 10
Care packages are available for 13 conditions including diabetes, adult preventive care
January 01, 2014 - commitment to the uninsured,
underinsured, and special populations, e.g.,
patients with HIV/AIDS, diabetes … hours
Topic 7 Chronic disease management: HTN management 1 hour
Topic 8 Chronic Disease Management: Diabetes … care part 1 1 hour
Topic 9 Chronic Disease Management: Diabetes care part 2 1 hour
February 01, 2014 - Areas for Delivery Systems Research
Implementing Team Approaches for Improving Diabetes … interventions, simple health education, usual care) to reduce health disparities in cardiovascular disease, diabetes … Quartile
Compare the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of conventional medical management of type 2 diabetes
January 01, 2012 - in the new way would be that a patient would call in,
we would identify them right there as having diabetes … patients, how do we
make sure that we talk about you’re going to have four visits this year for your diabetes … the support group could help him, he was able to lose weight, quit
smoking and has really gotten his diabetes
November 01, 2023 - Hospital Mortality Rates for Diabetes
In 2018, the in-hospital mortality rate among adults aged 18 to … 64 years was twice as high for type 2 diabetes (41 deaths per 10,000 stays) as compared with type 1 … (Source: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Statistical Brief #279: Diabetes-Related Inpatient … with diabetes, compared with 10 percent of Hispanics and 9 percent each of whites and Asians. … A1C Tests for Adults Diagnosed With Diabetes
In 2015-16, at least one in five adults with diabetes in