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    January 01, 2020 - diabetes who received all four recommended services for diabetes in the calendar year, United States … Adults age 40 and over with diagnosed diabetes who received all four recommended services for diabetes … for diabetes. … Hospital Admissions for Uncontrolled Diabetes Hospital admissions for uncontrolled diabetes without … National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017.
    January 01, 2015 - renal failure AMI Complication of device Stroke Top 10 Medicaid Dx: Mood disorder Schizophrenia Diabetes … Readmission rate 40% v. 8% 74% of discharged to home Top Discharge Diagnoses: Mood disorders Schizophrenia Diabetes
    July 01, 2022 - discussed and ranked the importance of use cases from a predetermined set of clinical priority topics: DiabetesDiabetes: Some members ranked this condition as high priority due to the large proportion of health … Diabetes also offers an opportunity for improvement by better understanding differences in patterns of … More TEP members prioritized diabetes than other categories, stating that the topic has the prospect … In addition to diabetes, members suggested expanding the topic to focus on high-cost, manageable, chronic
    June 01, 2014 - (Y/N) [Measure #9b, item 6 (CTM-15)] In the past 3 months, how often did someone on your diabetes … care team teach you how to take care of your diabetes? … examples of conditions that would be included: HIV/AIDS, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes … These may be two or more specific chronic diseases (e.g., congestive heart failure and diabetes), or … in one of the other Patient Condition Group categories (e.g., a measure designed for patients with diabetes
    September 01, 2018 - for cholesterol management in high-risk groups, including patients with prior cardiovascular disease, diabetes
    July 01, 2021 - include pain with opioid use disorder (OUD) AHRQ is collaborating with the National Institute of Diabetes … chronic kidney disease and the following co-morbid health conditions: cardiovascular disease, OUD, and diabetes
    September 01, 2019 - create results for a broad topic—a particular aspect of care (e.g., prevention) or condition (e.g., diabetes … For example, a composite score for diabetes care could include rates for measures relating to blood sugar
    January 01, 2023 - Two exemplars of preventive services provided in primary care settings are chronic diabetes management … • Diabetes management: ■ For preventive diabetes care, the percentage of people with diabetes who … The percentage of people with diabetes who received a foot examination decreased (worsened), continuing … ■ Disparities in delivering preventive diabetes care were observed. … In 2020, Hispanic adults age 40 and over with diabetes were less likely to have at least two hemoglobin
    February 01, 2016 - Superior care for diabetes patients ( Bower, et al., 2003 ). … Features of primary health care teams associated with successful quality improvement of diabetes care
    October 01, 2014 - Hospital Units 8/31/2014 Ejebe, Ifunanya R36 HS023407-01 University of Wisconsin-Madison Diabetes … Virginia Commonwealth University Development of a Collaborative Goal Setting Measure for Patients with Diabetes
    June 01, 2014 - Further testing was performed on a sample of 957 patients with diabetes. … of varying education levels. 1 Link to Outcomes or Health System Characteristics: Patients with diabetes … validation of an instrument to measure resources for chronic illness self-management: a model using diabetesDiabetes Educator 2008;34(4):707-18. Measure #22a.
    February 01, 2017 - Practices submitted monthly data on population-level diabetes clinical measures and benchmarking reports … The small projects funded through the CHIOs focused on depression, diabetes, opioid management, care … Similarly, PA SPREAD had its origins in the Pennsylvania Chronic Care Commission and efforts to improve diabetes … For example, in Pennsylvania, learning collaborative participants improved diabetes process and outcome
    April 29, 2024 - D Data Data: Data Visualization Decision Making Dental and Oral Health Depression Diabetes
    June 01, 2018 - Effective Treatment Trends and Measures Cardiovascular Disease Cancer Chronic Kidney Disease DiabetesDiabetes . HIV and AIDS . Mental Health and Substance Abuse . Musculoskeletal Diseases .
    April 01, 2018 - (such as nursing homes or hospitals), and clinical areas (such as care for patients with cancer or diabetes
    May 17, 2021 - Create a problem statement, such as, “Patients have stopped attending our diabetes self-management classes
    May 01, 2014 - MEDICAL HISTORY Diabetes: Yes No ? If Yes, most recent blood sugar:________ COPD: Yes No ?
    October 01, 2017 - Low body mass index Significant weight change An active physician’s order for vitamin D Osteoporosis Diabetes … Depression Score Increase Monthly BMI <22  kg/m2 Significant Weight Change Vitamin D Order  Osteoporosis Diabetes … 9 or PHQ-90V) Increase Monthly BMI <22 kg/m2 Significant Weight Change Vitamin D Order Osteoporosis Diabetes … Increase Mobility: More Independent Room Change Bed Mobility Transfer Toileting Depression Score (0-27) Diabetes … Monthly BMI <22 kg/m2 Significant Wt Change Vitamin D Order Osteoporosis Diabetes  Visual Impairment
    May 14, 2013 - higher socioeconomic status is a necessary but not sufficient condition for achieving better optimal diabetes … Truth Table Analysis Results Another example: factors associated with low performance on Optimal Diabetes … Practice + phone Practice + phone Practice + phone Practice + phone Patient access All BCBS BCBS Diabetes … BCBS All All All; BCBS focus Reported C Mgr team use Lower Lower Low-med Med; High for diabetes
    November 01, 2020 - Understanding Diabetes Your body needs sugar for energy. … CHOOSE "DISAGREE"—Poor header: Seatbelts CHOOSE "AGREE"—Informative header: Medicines for your diabetes

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