December 01, 2012 - Board Checklist
CUSP Toolkit
Who should use this tool? Senior leaders.
Checklist items
Leader Responsible
Date Initiated
1. Set an organization aim of annually assessing the safety and teamwork climate.
2. Improve the safety and teamwork climate using valid measures.
June 01, 2018 - The 4 E's
CUSP Toolkit
The CUSP toolkit includes training tools to make care safer by improving the foundation of how your physicians, nurses, and other clinical team members work together. These videos reinforce the material presented in each module of the CUSP toolkit.
The 4 E's — Engage, Educate, Exec…
June 01, 2018 - Building Your CUSP Team
CUSP Toolkit
These videos reinforce the material presented in each module of the CUSP toolkit.
Building Your CUSP Team [1 min. 41 sec.]
YouTube embedded video: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BvsZWTDsgyw
December 01, 2012 - Infection Checklist
CUSP Toolkit
Who should use this tool? Infection preventionists.
Checklist items
Leader Responsible
Date Started
1. Meet with the CEO and hospital project leader to learn about the initiative and understand the infection prevention (IP) roles.
2. Introduce …
June 01, 2018 - Engage the Senior Executive
CUSP Toolkit
The CUSP toolkit includes training tools to make care safer by improving the foundation of how your physicians, nurses, and other clinical team members work together. These videos reinforce the material presented in each module of the CUSP toolkit.
Engage the Seni…
June 01, 2018 - Physician Engagement
CUSP Toolkit
The CUSP toolkit includes training tools to make care safer by improving the foundation of how your physicians, nurses, and other clinical team members work together. These videos reinforce the material presented in each module of the CUSP toolkit.
Physician Engagement …
December 01, 2012 - Engage the Senior Executive Facilitator Notes
CUSP Toolkit
The Engage the Senior Executive module of the CUSP Toolkit focuses on the role and responsibilities of the senior executive within the CUSP team. Engaging a senior executive to partner with a unit will bridge the gap between senior management and fron…
December 01, 2012 - Engage the Senior Executive
The Engage the Senior Executive module of the CUSP Toolkit focuses on the role and responsibilities of the senior executive within the CUSP team. Engaging a senior executive to partner with a unit will bridge the gap between senior management and frontline providers and will facilita…
December 01, 2012 - Daily Goals Checklist
CUSP Toolkit
Effective communication is particularly important in the unit if complicated care plans are to be effectively managed by the care team
Problem statement: Clear communication among health care providers is paramount. Communication failures lead to patient harm, increased l…
December 01, 2012 - Implement Teamwork and Communication
CUSP Toolkit
The Implement Teamwork and Communication module of the CUSP Toolkit will help you to identify barriers to communication.
Slide 1. Cover Slide
Slide 2. Learning Objectives
Slide 3. Basic Components and Process of Communication 2
Slide 4. Four…
June 01, 2018 - The Senior Executive's Characteristics
CUSP Toolkit
The CUSP toolkit includes training tools to make care safer by improving the foundation of how your physicians, nurses, and other clinical team members work together. These videos reinforce the material presented in each module of the CUSP toolkit.
July 01, 2018 - Senior Executive Roles and Responsibilities
CUSP Toolkit
The CUSP toolkit includes training tools to make care safer by improving the foundation of how your physicians, nurses, and other clinical team members work together. These videos reinforce the material presented in each module of the CUSP toolkit.
December 01, 2012 - Observing Patient Care Rounds
CUSP Toolkit
Communication among disciplines can be improved if viewed through the eyes of an objective observer.
Problem statement: Interdisciplinary rounds are in the best interest of patients. Poor communication among staff is a root cause of many patient adverse and sentin…
December 01, 2012 - CEO and Senior Leader Checklist
CUSP Toolkit
Checklists for senior leadership
Who should use this tool? Senior leaders.
Checklist items
Leader Responsible
Date Initiated
1. Ensure all current and new employees receive Science of Safety training.
2. Assign a senior executive …
December 01, 2012 - Conducting a Morning Briefing
CUSP Toolkit
Improve communication with nursing staff
Problem statement: Physicians can improve communication with nursing staff while more efficiently prioritizing patient care delivery and admissions and discharges.
What is a Morning Briefing? A morning briefing is a dial…
December 01, 2012 - Presentation Slides
CUSP Toolkit, Apply CUSP
The Apply CUSP module of the CUSP Toolkit introduces Just Culture principles, which emphasize shared accountability and attitudes towards risk. This module also summarizes the concepts and activities of the other six modules in the CUSP Toolkit, including TeamSTEPP…
June 01, 2018 - Introduction
The CUSP toolkit includes training tools to make care safer by improving the foundation of how your physicians, nurses, and other clinical team members work together. These videos reinforce the material presented in each module of the CUSP toolkit.
Learn About CUSP [10 min. 10 sec.]
December 01, 2012 - Learn About CUSP
CUSP Toolkit
The Learn about CUSP module of the CUSP Toolkit offers an outline and brief history of the CUSP model, summarizes the CUSP Toolkit modules, and how to use them.
Slide 1. Cover Slide
Slide 2. Learning Objectives
Slide 3. CUSP Supports Kotter's Eight Steps of Cha…
July 01, 2018 - Understand the Science of Safety
Facilitator Notes
The Understand the Science of Safety module of the CUSP Toolkit discusses the importance of understanding system design, safe design principles, and valuing diverse input from team members. By analyzing patient safety as a science, frontline providers will pr…
December 01, 2017 - The Falls Management Program: A Quality Improvement Initiative for Nursing Facilities
Appendix C8: Fall Interventions Plan Sample
Previous Page Next Page
Table of Contents
The Falls Management Program: A Quality Improvement Initiative for Nursing Facilities
Chapter 1. Introduction and Program Over…