September 01, 2015 - of care with the goal of improving the health
outcomes of specified groups such as patients with diabetes … reports on specific groups of patients defined by the practice, such as patients with
hypertension or diabetes … For example, suppose a practice found
that 23 percent of its patients with diabetes with HbA1c in the … EXAMPLE:
Diabetes lab
data, PHQ 9
data, visit
Manual entry
from PHQ 9
forms; auto
March 01, 2013 - For example, consider how differently the mechanisms of diabetes are understood by a molecular biologist
July 01, 2017 - Patients’ participation in medical care: effects on blood sugar control and
quality of life in diabetes
February 01, 2012 - In the case of CMP, results among all patients and the subgroup without diabetes were not statistically … significant, and results among the subgroup with diabetes had uncertain statistical significance due … interventions employing principles of complexity science have improved outcomes for patients with Type II diabetes … Evaluation of Community Care of North Carolina asthma and diabetes initiative: January 2000-December
January 01, 2011 - If you’re looking
at a clinical outcome measure like what’s your rate of treating patients with diabetes
December 03, 2013 - recomm. screening) Team 1 Led by Provider A Team 5 Led by Provider B
Coronary artery disease 77% 91%
March 01, 2013 - were not significant, and among the subgroup with diabetes had uncertain significance, rendering all … in the odds of an ED visit in the first year among all patients, or among patients with or without diabetes … results for all patients continued to be not significant, while among the subgroups with and without diabetes … Evaluation of Community Care of North Carolina Asthma and Diabetes Initiative: January 2000-December … Practice systems are associated with high-quality care for diabetes.
January 01, 2013 - or “projects” (for example, implementation of chronic
kidney disease guidelines or improvements to diabetes … sessions cover specific research methods or clinical areas (for example,
chronic kidney disease or diabetes
December 01, 1999 - What are the most effective preventive and treatment strategies for children with diabetes or pain?
May 01, 2019 - National Committee for Quality Assurance for meeting standards for overall care for a condition such as diabetes
January 01, 2011 - Connecting for Health Common Framework Resources for Implementing Secure Health Information Exchange
Project RED: The ReEngineered Discharge
Care Transitions: Navigating the Health Care System
AHRQ 2011 Annual Scientific Meeting
Bethesda, Maryland
September 19, 2011
Brian Jack MD
Professor and Vice Chair
June 01, 2017 - screening)
Team 1 Led by Provider A
Team 5 Led by Provider B
Coronary artery disease
October 01, 2014 - Diabetes: Patients with diabetes have consistently been shown to be at increased risk of pressure ulcers
November 09, 2017 - index
Significant weight change
An active physician’s order for vitamin D
Diabetes … Diabetes. … for this item is either an active physician
diagnosis showing the appropriate diagnosis code for diabetes … during the report week or the MDS assessment documenting an
active diagnosis of diabetes.
July 01, 2022 - ., describes how facilitators called practice enhancement assistants improved patient care, such as diabetes
December 01, 2012 - Racial/ethnic disparities in potentially preventable readmissions: the case of diabetes.
May 08, 2008 - mortality and are more likely to report risk factors for serious and
often chronic diseases, such as diabetes … chronic disease management for a set of target conditions (i.e.,
cardiovascular disease, depression, diabetes
October 01, 2011 - For example, because of variation in practice patterns, the rate of foot exams for patients with diabetes … Intra-cluster correlation coefficients in adults with diabetes in primary care practices: the Vermont … Diabetes Information System field survey.
January 01, 2011 - Racial/ethnic disparities in potentially preventable
readmissions: the case of diabetes.
January 01, 2011 - Racial/ethnic disparities in potentially preventable readmissions: the case of diabetes.