September 01, 2021 - counterparts and
are also more likely to be physically inactive, use tobacco, and be diagnosed with
November 01, 2015 - medical practices and in rural practices; beneficiaries treated by nonphysicians;
and beneficiaries with diabetes
July 01, 2015 - Pharmacist Practice Based Research Network (UT Pharm Net)
Pharmacist-physician collaboration for diabetes … pharmacist-physician collaboration on attainment of cardiovascular-
related goals in patients with type 2 diabetes … Pharmacist-physician collaboration for diabetes care:
cardiovascular outcomes.
June 01, 2020 - The same federal research leader reported work on a diabetes prevention model that involved collaboration … with CDC “working hand-in-glove” utilizing not only CDC research expertise in diabetes prevention, but … as described by a federal research leader from the VHA:
Obviously, we have a lot of veterans with diabetes … But, you know, just a single kind of vanilla intervention for patients who just have diabetes is not
August 01, 2021 - people of color were more likely to have underlying health issues such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes
January 01, 2016 - Transfer
Slide ‹#›
ICU Transfer Note
Past Medical History
Diagnosis Date
• Diabetes … • Cirrhosis
Problem List:
Patient Active Problem List:
Gout, Unspecified [274.9]
September 01, 2012 - Source: National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
May 22, 2014 - interest
We are including a different list of
clinical outcomes and deleting
dementia, depression, diabetes … interest
We are including a different list of
clinical outcomes and deleting
dementia, depression, diabetes … lipid levels); including a different list of clinical outcomes and deleting
dementia, depression, diabetes
July 13, 2015 - their
children's dietary and physical activity behaviors, especially in
relation to family history of diabetes … The study found that family history of
conditions such as diabetes and CVD are associated with parents … research
Location: Minnesota (With 135 Practices Across 2 States)
Ventura County Medical Center Diabetes … Project Practice Based Research Network (VCMCDDCP)
http://healthyventuracounty.org/healthy-eating/diabetes … /
August 01, 2023 - "Low-value" glycemic outcomes among older adults with diabetes cared for by primary care nurse practitioners
May 01, 2023 - Association of community walkability and glycemic control among pregnant individuals with pregestational diabetes
July 01, 2023 - Health systems and telemedicine adoption for diabetes and hypertension care.
May 01, 2023 - cotransporter-2 inhibitor and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist prescribing in patients with diabetes
May 01, 2023 - Accomplishing these goals would reduce the number of Americans who experience diet-related diseases like type 2 diabetes
December 01, 2022 - comportamiento
__No sé
__No sé
diabetes … comportamiento
__No sé
32. nutrición
__No sé
33. diabetes
May 01, 2017 - Patients’ participation in medical care: Effects on blood sugar control and
quality of life in diabetes
April 11, 2018 - For example:
Patients with a specific chronic condition, such as asthma or diabetes
First and last patient … For our patients with diabetes, what is their HbA1C pre- and post-implementation?
March 01, 2024 - e-Care Plan Development
This project is a partnership between AHRQ and the National Institute of Diabetes
March 01, 2020 - Living a healthy life with chronic conditions: Self-management of heart disease, arthritis, diabetes,
April 01, 2023 - Developing and testing an integrated patient mHealth and provider dashboard application system for type 2 diabetes