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    September 01, 2019 - this decision, such as infectious diseases or critical chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes … anemia; hemolytic anemia; aplastic anemia • Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (END) – diabetes … mellitus type 1; diabetes mellitus type 2; obesity • Mental, behavioral, neurodevelopmental disorders … The third diagnosis is cross-classified into three CCSR categories listed in rows 3–5: END003–Diabetes … mellitus with complication, END005–Diabetes mellitus, Type 2, and GEN003–Chronic kidney disease.
    September 01, 2008 - pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium 184: Early or threatened labor 185: Prolonged pregnancy 186: Diabetes
    August 01, 2015 - pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium 184: Early or threatened labor 185: Prolonged pregnancy 186: Diabetes
    December 23, 2007 - Following successful weight loss, diabetes was completely resolved in 76.8 percent of patients. 1 Bariatric … =35 with serious medical conditions (such as severe sleep apnea, obesity-related cardiomyopathy, or diabetes
    March 01, 2017 - Common reasons for hospitalization among adult patients with diabetes. … Common reasons for hospitalization among adult patients with diabetes.
    October 01, 2014 - and subcutaneous tissue infections 6 2 8 114,800 2.9 74,900 4.2 158,700 2.2 Diabetes … Nonspecific chest pain   7   46,400 2.6         Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … Pneumonia, asthma, diabetes mellitus with complications, epilepsy, acute bronchitis, and chronic obstructive … In contrast, among uninsured stays only pneumonia (ranked tenth) and diabetes mellitus with complications
    April 08, 2010 - 6528 0.03 47: Other and unspecified benign neoplasm 10891 0.04 48: Thyroid disorders 7651 0.03 49: Diabetes … mellitus without complication 48402 0.19 50: Diabetes mellitus with complications 151036 0.59 51: … disease; alcohol-related 13876 0.05 151: Other liver diseases 29723 0.12 152: Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … puerperium 6803 0.03 184: Early or threatened labor 22443 0.09 185: Prolonged pregnancy 2345 0.01 186: Diabetes
    January 01, 2006 - 6935 0.03 47: Other and unspecified benign neoplasm 11162 0.04 48: Thyroid disorders 8117 0.03 49: Diabetes … mellitus without complication 49824 0.19 50: Diabetes mellitus with complications 154177 0.59 51: … disease; alcohol-related 14521 0.06 151: Other liver diseases 30495 0.12 152: Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … puerperium 7100 0.03 184: Early or threatened labor 23235 0.09 185: Prolonged pregnancy 2590 0.01 186: Diabetes
    October 01, 2011 - chronic conditions of old age or comorbidities that may be exacerbated by septicemia—hypertension, diabetes … failure 185,900 222.4 Congestive heart failure; non-hypertensive 182,900 218.8 Diabetes … renal failure 15,800 19.1 Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections 14,500 17.5 Diabetes
    February 01, 2009 - Stays for pneumonia and diabetes with complications were also commonly cited in uninsured hospital stays … The percentage of uninsured stays for diabetes with complications remained about the same over the ten-year … 3.3% 1.5% 47,700 54,700 246,400 Alcohol-related disorders 2.8% 2.4% 0.6% 31,000 52,000 516,600 Diabetes
    January 01, 2013 - For example, a study of readmissions for diabetes might only consider the number of days between two … diabetes discharges, whereas a study of post-surgery infections might consider any discharge in 30 days … 16.45 2.2 226: Fracture of neck of femur (hip) 172,566 13.89 14.19 2.2 50: Diabetes … 34,259 12.74 13.18 3.4 48: Thyroid disorders 9,288 10.81 11.00 1.8 49: Diabetes … 151: Other liver diseases 36,907 32.88 34.08 3.7 152: Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes
    May 01, 2016 - Status (CO, CT, GA, RI, UT) Cost (CT, GA, MD) Common topics: heart disease/stroke, HIV/STDs, diabetes
    January 01, 1996 - $7,328 $14,072 6.2 10.0 44.0 54.3 9.9 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes
    February 11, 2011 - 7948 V427 9.9 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes
    September 01, 1997 - 0.00 4.47 8,839 nutritional & metabolic OR procedures w/o CC 294 Diabetes … age >35 194,040 0.56 5.54 6,915 295 Diabetes age 0-35 75,234
    September 01, 1997 - 0.00 3.92 7,668 nutritional & metabolic OR procedures w/o CC 294 Diabetes … age >35 172,306 0.50 5.87 6,616 295 Diabetes age 0-35 71,927
  17. Ff 2009 Section2 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - Malaise and fatigue Prolonged pregnancy Anemia Diabetes mellitus without complications Number of … 17% 20% 31% 0 10 20 30 40 Mood disorders Esophageal disorders Cardiac dysrhythmias Anemia Diabetes
    October 01, 2016 - 550,746 2.7 Schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders 5 182,581 1.8       Diabetes … Inpatient stays at SNHs were more likely to be for diabetes and skin infections, whereas stays at non-SNHs … SNHs did not appear as leading diagnoses at non-SNHs: schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders; diabetes … pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium 184: Early or threatened labor 185: Prolonged pregnancy 186: Diabetes
    January 01, 2014 - heart failure 4 220,589 2.2 3 550,746 2.7 Schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders 5 182,581 1.8 Diabetes … ■ Inpatient stays at SNHs were more likely to be for diabetes and skin infections, whereas stays … SNHs did not appear as leading diagnoses at non-SNHs: schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders; diabetes … pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium 184: Early or threatened labor 185: Prolonged pregnancy 186: Diabetes
    January 01, 2008 - 0.03 47: Other and unspecified benign neoplasm 12,163 0.04 48: Thyroid disorders 8,761 0.03 49: Diabetes … mellitus without complication 63,320 0.22 50: Diabetes mellitus with complications 171,917 0.60 51 … Biliary tract disease 140,999 0.50 151: Other liver diseases 33,246 0.12 152: Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … puerperium 9,387 0.03 184: Early or threatened labor 34,416 0.12 185: Prolonged pregnancy 4,311 0.02 186: Diabetes

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