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    March 01, 2010 - Stays for pneumonia and diabetes with complications were also commonly cited in uninsured hospital stays … The percentage of uninsured stays for diabetes with complications remained more common among uninsured … 3.2% 604,100 1.5% Alcohol-related disorders 55,100 3.1% 66,600 2.9% 256,800 0.7% Diabetes
    September 01, 2011 - The only shift was a small decline in diabetes complications and a rise in anemia problems between 1999 … medications and drugs 548 (3.0%) 5 Poisoning by other medications and drugs 496 (2.1%) 6 Diabetes … 2.1%) 8 Deficiency and other anemia 428 (1.81%) 9 Poisoning by psychotropic agents 311 (1.7%) 9 Diabetes
    April 01, 2011 - ■ The largest growth in uninsured stays was for skin infections, gallbladder disease, and diabetes … infections grew by 54.9 percent, stays for biliary tract disease grew by 42.9 percent, and stays for diabetes … Markets, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Nationwide Inpatient Sample, 1998, 2003 and 2008 Diabetes
    November 01, 2014 - Other common conditions among super-utilizers included diabetes; cancer treatment, sickle cell anemia … 312,711 18 2 Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders 47,831 170,190 28 3 Diabetes … Chronic conditions among the top 10 diagnoses for Medicaid super-utilizers included diabetes (ranked
    September 01, 1998 - 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2468 2469 7945 49 Diabetes … mellitus without complication 25000 25001 7902 7915 7916 50 Diabetes mellitus with complications … treatment is required for code 2510 (Hypoglycemic coma) which resides in diagnosis category 50 Diabetes
    September 01, 1998 - 5728 5730 5734 5738 5739 7824 7891 7895 7904 7905 7948 152 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … 64400 64403 64410 64413 64420 64421 185 Prolonged pregnancy 64500 64501 64503 186 Diabetes … treatment is required for code 2510 (Hypoglycemic coma) which resides in diagnosis category 50 Diabetes
    January 01, 2006 - 31428 0.03 47: Other and unspecified benign neoplasm 51974 0.04 48: Thyroid disorders 38149 0.03 49: Diabetes … mellitus without complication 232536 0.19 50: Diabetes mellitus with complications 717563 0.60 51: … ; alcohol-related 67577 0.06 151: Other liver diseases 143200 0.12 152: Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … puerperium 32583 0.03 184: Early or threatened labor 104177 0.09 185: Prolonged pregnancy 12436 0.01 186: Diabetes
    January 01, 2006 - Complications due to hypertension, diabetes, and anemia were present in a higher proportion of C-section … the share complicated by hypertension rose from 10 percent to 13 percent, the share complicated by diabetes … Secondary diagnoses of disorders of hypertension, lipid metabolism, esophageal disorders, diabetes, and … or abnormal glucose tolerance complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium (diabetes or high … or abnormal glucose tolerance complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium (diabetes or high
    December 01, 2014 - reported in this Statistical Brief are dehydration, bacterial pneumonia, urinary tract infection, diabetes … with short-term complications, diabetes with long-term complications, uncontrolled diabetes without … complications, diabetes with lower extremity amputation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma … conduction disorders without CC/MCC 313 Chest pain 378 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage with CC 638 Diabetes
    January 01, 2016 - pregnant women, and individuals with chronic conditions, such as asthma and other lung conditions, diabetes … Conditions due to neoplasm or the treatment of neoplasm FAC006 Encounter for antineoplastic therapies Diabetes … END003 Diabetes mellitus with complication END002 Diabetes mellitus without complication END006 Diabetes … mellitus, due to underlying condition, drug or chemical induced, or other specified type END004 Diabetes … mellitus, Type 1 END005 Diabetes mellitus, Type 2 Heart/cerebrovascular disease CIR004 Endocarditis
    July 01, 2016 - derived by comparing one measure to another, such as a state finding that African Americans have a diabetes … Ohio has plans that address disparities in infant mortality, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and … The state has published a report on the Medicaid cost of diabetes within the state. … "Medical Care Costs for Diabetes Associated With Health Disparities Among Adult Medicaid Enrollees in … The majority of states include data on heart disease/stroke, HIV/STDs, diabetes, and cancer.
    January 01, 2010 - comorbidity measure: Depression 7,800,441 0 0.00 1.00 0.08 0.28 CM_DM : AHRQ comorbidity measure: Diabetes … , uncomplicated 7,800,441 0 0.00 1.00 0.15 0.36 CM_DMCX : AHRQ comorbidity measure: Diabetes with chronic … 3,451 0.04% END01: Adrenal Insufficiency 2,411 0.03% END02: Cushing's Syndrome 110 0.00% END03: Diabetes … insipidus 577 0.01% END04: Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 36,424 0.47% END05: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, … Unspecified Types of Diabetes, and Hyperglycemic 111,330 1.43% END06: Goiter: Nontoxic or Euthyroid
    April 18, 2016 - 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2468 2469 7945 3.2 Diabetes … 25000 25001 7902 79021 79022 79029 7915 7916 V4585 V5391 V6546 3.3 Diabetes … mellitus with complications [50.] 50 3.3.1 Diabetes … with ketoacidosis or uncontrolled diabetes - 24901 24910 … - 24940 24941 25040 25041 25042 25043 3.3.3 Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations
    December 01, 2015 - ) reported in this Statistical Brief are dehydration, bacterial pneumonia, urinary tract infection, diabetes … with short-term complications, diabetes with long-term complications, uncontrolled diabetes without … complications, diabetes with lower extremity amputation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma … conduction disorders without CC/MCC 313 Chest pain 378 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage with CC 638 Diabetes
  15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (pdf file)
    January 01, 2020 - Ohio has plans that address disparities in infant mortality, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and … The state has published a report on the Medicaid cost of diabetes within the state. … “Medical Care Costs for Diabetes Associated With Health Disparities Among Adult Medicaid Enrollees in … medical-care-costs-for-diabetes-associated-with-health-disparities-among-adult-medicaid- Hll i th li … The majority of states include data on heart disease/stroke, HIV/STDs, diabetes, and cancer.
    January 01, 2009 - posthemorrhagic anemia 10 26 0.4 0.9 123% Anemia 100 231 3.7 7.5 104% Diabetes
    January 01, 2009 - prostheses, and adjustment of devices $3.9 $4.9‡ $4.8‡ $10,000 $10,700 $11,800 1.8% Diabetes
    October 01, 2017 - 7 7.1 11 19.5 Acute and unspecified renal failure 436,833 8 7.0 8 20.1 Diabetes … Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 331,739 17 6.5 20 16.9 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes) (7-day readmission rate=6.2): 36.1%. … Diabetes mellitus with complications (7-day readmission rate=6.9): 33.7%.
    January 01, 2012 - 2.8 185,100 2.5 Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections 6 2 8 114,800 2.9 74,900 4.2 158,700 2.2 Diabetes … 62,800 3.5 Nonspecific chest pain 7 46,400 2.6 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … Pneumonia, asthma, diabetes mellitus with complications, epilepsy, acute bronchitis, and chronic obstructive … In contrast, among uninsured stays only pneumonia (ranked tenth) and diabetes mellitus with complications
    January 01, 2025 - one of the following three categories: Chronic (value 1) Examples include malignant cancer, diabetes

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