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    January 01, 2012 - Description Prevention Quality Indicators5 PQI 1 Admissions for diabetes with short-term complications … and transfers from other institutions) per 1,000 admissions, age 18 and over PQI 3 Admissions for diabetes … obstetric admissions) per 100,000 population, age 18 and over PQI 14 Admissions for uncontrolled diabetes … 100,000 population, age 65 years and older PQI 16 Lower extremity amputations among patients with diabetes … with short-term complications PQI 3 Diabetes with long-term complications PQI 5 Chronic obstructive
    December 01, 2020 - /07/2022) 5 Determinants of Opioid Hospitalizations Variable Year Source* Hospitalizations with diabetes … in the county with select comorbidities (%) Chronic pulmonary disease 17.5 20.6 24.3 1.39 <.0001 Diabetes … Hospitalizations in the county with select comorbidities Chronic pulmonary disease 1.246 1.153–1.346 Diabetes … 1.034, 95% CI: 1.009, 1.059), higher proportion of hospitalizations with chronic pulmonary disease or diabetes … that counties with a higher percentage of hospitalizations involving chronic pulmonary disease and diabetes
    November 01, 2011 - 0.7 $1.9 $3.2 4.5% 13.6 9.3 $3.8 $4.2 0.9% Previous C‐section 1.1 2.0 $0.9 $2.4 8.2% NA NA NA NA NA Diabetes … Complications of surgical procedures or medical care Congestive heart failure Nonspecific chest pain Diabetes … Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis Congestive heart failure, nonhypertensive Diabetes
    August 01, 2009 - ■ Nonspecific chest pain and diabetes with complications were 3.6 and 2.7 times more common in … hospital stay may be avoided with effective and timely ambulatory care: nonspecific chest pain and diabetes … Substance-related disorders 21,000 (5.7) 207,900 (0.5) 10.8 4 Mood disorders 13,900 (3.8) 760,400 (1.9) 1.9 5 Diabetes
  5. Sb113 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2020 - conditions occurred at a rate of 50 99 for every 1,000 hospital stays:  anemia (99 per 1,000 stays)  diabetes … early or threatened labor (81 per 1,000 stays)  malposition, malpresentation (80 per 1,000 stays)  diabetes … Other early or threatened labor 8,200 17.3 25.8 Prolonged pregnancy 478,700 121.2 27.0 Diabetes
    October 01, 2024 - This example focuses on revisits for diabetes but can easily be adapted to any diagnoses. … For illustrative purposes, we selected “diabetes mellitus with complications” (HCUP Clinical Classification … Select all events with the specified condition (diabetes) 2. … Find patients with a clean period before their first diabetes event i. … Program code ** diagnosis CCS code to examine and clean period (months); %let condX = 50; ** diabetes
    January 01, 2019 - 30192 0.03 47: Other and unspecified benign neoplasm 51580 0.04 48: Thyroid disorders 36347 0.03 49: Diabetes … mellitus without complication 228852 0.19 50: Diabetes mellitus with complications 710846 0.59 51: … ; alcohol-related 65236 0.05 151: Other liver diseases 141142 0.12 152: Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … puerperium 31683 0.03 184: Early or threatened labor 102510 0.09 185: Prolonged pregnancy 11274 0.01 186: Diabetes
    January 01, 2017 - "O24911", "O24912", "O24913", "O24919", "O2492", "O2493"="DM" /*Diabetes … ", "E13641", "E13649", "E1365", "E1369", "E138", "P702"="DMCX" /*Diabetes … asthma */ 190-192, 202-203 = "YES" ; VALUE DIABDRG /* Diabetes
    November 01, 2010 - pain were among the most frequent acute conditions seen in the ED, while cardiac conditions and diabetes … was followed by several other chronic conditions including coronary atherosclerosis (11.9 percent), diabetes … 14.9% 2 7,494,809 41.1% Coronary atherosclerosis (101) 2 11,697,463 11.9% 1 7,784,801 42.6% Diabetes
    January 01, 2018 - "O24911", "O24912", "O24913", "O24919", "O2492", "O2493"="DM" /*Diabetes … ", "E13641", "E13649", "E1365", "E1369", "E138", "P702"="DMCX" /*Diabetes … /* COPD asthma */ 190-192, 202-203 = "YES" ; VALUE DIABDRG /* Diabetes
    December 01, 2016 - pneumonitis; food/vomitus 128,019 7 7.1 11 19.5 Acute and unspecified renal failure 436,833 8 7.0 8 20.1 Diabetes … 417,261 16 6.5 15 17.9 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 331,739 17 6.5 20 16.9 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … procedures/medical care (6.5) Aspiration pneumonitis; food/vomitus (7.1) Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … failure (7.0) Hypertension with complications (7.2) Complication of device; implant or graft (6.7) Diabetes
    January 01, 2010 - national, regional, state, county, and ZIP Code o Diseases and health statistics – health status, diabetes … Entity: National, state Diseases and Health: Examples include: health status, immunization, diabetes … The rate for the adult admissions for diabetes in the US per 100,000 U.S. population, age 18 and above … Create a 0/1 variable named DIABETES in which the value 1 indicates adult discharges with a diagnosis … of diabetes and the value 0 is used for all other discharges.
  13. 2016-07 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2016 - 1 Day, % 47: Other and unspecified benign neoplasm 592 66.6 48: Thyroid disorders 123 70.7 49: Diabetes … mellitus without complication 51 68.6 50: Diabetes mellitus with complications 3,417 66.3 51: Other … Maintenance chemotherapy; radiotherapy 12 -- 47: Other and unspecified benign neoplasm 12 -- 50: Diabetes … mellitus without complication 1,101 65.2 50: Diabetes mellitus with complications 4,549 76.1 51: Other … mellitus without complication 202 66.3 50: Diabetes mellitus with complications 1,021 69.6 51: Other
    January 01, 2006 - ■ Complications due to hypertension, diabetes, and anemia were present in a higher proportion of … ■ Complications due to hypertension, diabetes, and anemia in- creased among both C-section and vaginal … ❏ Secondary diagnoses of disorders of hypertension, lipid metabolism, esophageal disorders, diabetes … or abnormal glucose tolerance complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium (diabetes or … or abnormal glucose tolerance complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium (diabetes or
    January 01, 2008 - 1.7 1.7 1.3 2.2 Biliary tract disease 3.4 4.5 4.9 1.5 1.5 1.3 3.2 Diabetes
    January 01, 2011 - utilization (all) – Mortality (all) – Socioeconomic Status (C – Cost (CT, GA, MD) Common topics: heart d diabetes
    January 01, 2007 - 6.8 9.5 57 Appendicitis 140 181 12.5 14.3 29 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes
    January 01, 2006 - Description Prevention Quality Indicators PQI 1 Admissions for diabetes with short-term complications … excluding obstetric and neonatal admissions and transfers from other institutions) PQI 3 Admissions for diabetes … other institutions) per 100,000 population, age 18 years and older PQI 14 Admissions for uncontrolled diabetes
    January 01, 2007 - Following successful weight loss, diabetes was completely resolved in 76.8 percent of patients.1 Bariatric … 35 with serious medical conditions (such as severe sleep apnea, obesity-related cardiomyopathy, or diabetes
    January 01, 2012 - ■ Other common conditions among super-utilizers included diabetes; cancer treatment, sickle cell … Mood disorders 55,061 312,711 18 2 Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders 47,831 170,190 28 3 Diabetes … Chronic conditions among the top 10 diagnoses for Medicaid super-utilizers included diabetes (ranked

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