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    December 01, 2023 - independent living, and social interactions.3 Examples of a chronic condition include malignant cancer, diabetes … The diagnosis of diabetes will only be reported on a hospital record if the care in the emergency department … included the evaluation or treatment of diabetes or if diabetes affected the treatment of diarrhea. … mapped to the CCSR category END003 and the second diagnosis is mapped to the CCSR category END004 (Diabetes … Codes indicating a pre-existing chronic condition (e.g., hypertension, diabetes mellitus, malignant
    January 01, 2009 - percentages of admissions than those in the FFS plan among indicators for long term complications of diabetes … , hypertension, lower extremity amputation, angina, and short term complications of diabetes. … minority groups, which tend to have a higher prevalence of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes … 16,664 2.04 Urinary tract infection 97,916 2.01 14,985 1.84 Dehydration 57,571 1.18 8,252 1.01 Diabetes … 0.35 3,275 0.40 Lower extremity amputation 13,470 0.28 2,792 0.34 Angina 11,046 0.23 2,373 0.29 Diabetes
    July 01, 2013 - 729 15 Rehabilitation care, fitting of prostheses, and adjustment of devices 5,487 1.4 420 16 Diabetes …  Diabetes with complications was top ranked for hospitalizations covered by Medicare and Medicaid … 1.8 271 10 Previous C-section 1,054 1.8 218 11 Acute cerebrovascular disease 1,043 1.7 45 12 Diabetes … 774 4.5 44 3 Acute cerebrovascular disease 538 3.2 34 4 Biliary tract disease 441 2.6 47 5 Diabetes … Coronary atherosclerosis 403 2.4 27 8 Mood disorders 398 2.3 103 9 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes
    January 01, 2009 - Description Prevention Quality Indicators PQI 1 Admissions for diabetes with short-term complications … obstetric admissions) per 100,000 population, age 18 and over PQI 14 Admissions for uncontrolled diabetes … Complications Adult Diabetes Prevalence (Diagnosed) + 32.36% Percent of Population 65 Years and Over … Without Complications + 30.61% PQI 1: Adult Admissions for Short-term Diabetes Complications + 42.17% … PQI 3: Adult Admissions for Long-term Diabetes Complications + 60.26% PQI 16 - Diabetes- Related
    March 10, 2021 - How do inpatient stays related to diabetes differ for patients who reside in urban and rural areas? … How do inpatient stays related to diabetes differ for patients who reside in urban and rural areas? … ED Treat-and-Release Data Comorbidity Measure Count Percent Diabetes with chronic complications … Comorbidity Measure Count Percent Diabetes with chronic complications 2,670,980 2.16 Hypertension … , complicated 3,553,963 4,694,529 32.1 5,042,970 7.4 Diabetes, uncomplicated 4,268,121 3,445,964 –
    December 08, 2004 - neurological disorders' CHRNLUNG = 'Chronic pulmonary disease' DM = 'Diabetes … ' DMCX = 'Diabetes w/ chronic complications' HYPOTHY = 'Hypothyroidism
  7. Ff 2009 Exhibit4 1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - fitting of prostheses, and adjustment of devices $3.9 $4.9 ‡ $4.8 ‡ $10,000 $10,700 $11,800 1.8% Diabetes … 125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 Heart valve disorders Mood disorders Fracture of neck of femur (hip) Diabetes
    January 01, 2017 - atherosclerosis and other heart disease 8,711 2.0 374 1.0 9 Cerebral infarction 7,402 1.7 525 1.5 10 Diabetes … disorders 4,017 2.0 92 0.6 13 Pneumonia (except that caused by tuberculosis) 3,922 1.9 383 2.6 14 Diabetes … 11 Complication of other surgical or medical care, injury, initial encounter 1,510 1.3 95 0.9 12 Diabetes … Hospital stays, % 1 Septicemia 1,265 8.9 81 5.4 2 Acute myocardial infarction 677 4.8 32 2.1 3 Diabetes … payers, as shown in Tables 2–5), ordered by aggregate cost: • Pancreatic disorders (excluding diabetes
    April 01, 2013 - 520,901 85,932 16.5 16 Acute cerebrovascular disease 520,793 71,174 13.7 17 Diabetes … Diverticulosis and diverticulitis 289,097 35,461 12.3 29 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … Figure 4 shows readmission rates for diabetes mellitus with complications. … All-cause 30-day readmission rates for diabetes with complications by age and insurance status, U.S. … mellitus without complication 20,776 1,776 8.5 50 Diabetes mellitus with complications
    December 15, 2022 - national, regional, state, county, and ZIP Code o Diseases and health statistics – health status, diabetes … : National Diseases and Health: Adult conditions (e.g., hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes … The rate for the adult admissions for diabetes in the US per 100,000 U.S. population, age 18 and above … Create a 0/1 variable named DIABETES in which the value 1 indicates adult discharges with a diagnosis … of diabetes and the value 0 is used for all other discharges.
  11. MS-2020-02 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2020 - national, regional, state, county, and ZIP Code o Diseases and health statistics – health status, diabetes … The rate for the adult admissions for diabetes in the US per 100,000 U.S. population, age 18 and above … is defined as follows: Number of weighted NIS discharges age 18 and above with a diagnosis of diabetes … Create a 0/1 variable named DIABETES in which the value 1 indicates adult discharges with a diagnosis … of diabetes and the value 0 is used for all other discharges.
    January 01, 2021 - national, regional, state, county, and ZIP Code o Diseases and health statistics – health status, diabetes … The rate for the adult admissions for diabetes in the US per 100,000 U.S. population, age 18 and above … is defined as follows: Number of weighted NIS discharges age 18 and above with a diagnosis of diabetes … Create a 0/1 variable named DIABETES in which the value 1 indicates adult discharges with a diagnosis … of diabetes and the value 0 is used for all other discharges.
    January 01, 2003 - : PQI 14 Adult admissions for uncontrolled diabetes without complication† (excluding obstetric and … PQI 1 Adult admissions for diabetes with short-term complications† (excluding obstetric admissions … PQI 3 Adult admissions for diabetes with long-term complications† (excluding obstetric admissions and … Uncontrolled Diabetes = f(obesity) + Uncontrolled diabetes = f(diabetes prevalence) + Uncontrolled … Diabetes = f(% pop 65+ years) ns Uncontrolled Diabetes = f(% uninsured) ns Uncontrolled Diabetes =
    January 01, 2003 - neurological disorders' CHRNLUNG = 'Chronic pulmonary disease' DM = 'Diabetes … ' DMCX = 'Diabetes w/ chronic complications' HYPOTHY = 'Hypothyroidism
  15. (pdf file)
    May 01, 2006 - alizations for diabetes thma—chronic illnesses n be controlled on an ient basis with adequate y care—were … consisted of chronic illnesses that can be controlled on an outpatient basis with adequate primary care—diabetes … Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections 42,300 9.1% $13,200 7 Drug abuse 39,300 22.3% $9,300 * 8 Diabetes … Appendicitis 31,300 10.6% $18,100 * 13 Pancreatic disorders (primarily pancreatitis) other than diabetes
    January 01, 2005 - ear infection and related conditions) 14.9 0.982 2.8 0.071482 12,100 609 49 Diabetes … 349 245 Syncope (fainting) 263.0 9.036 2.8 0.035435 14,800 415 186 Diabetes … or abnormal glucose tolerance complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium (diabetes or high … 931 231 Other fractures 193.6 5.903 5.3 0.079001 28,200 1,223 50 Diabetes … intestines) 213.2 5.311 5.6 0.050963 26,100 649 152 Pancreatic disorders other than diabetes
    May 01, 2020 - News Brief #102 Hospitalizations Related to Diabetes in Pregnancy, 2008 ( PDF file, 121 KB
  18. Section2 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 -  Hypertension was a comorbidity in 35 percent of all hospital stays in 2007, diabetes in 17 percent … Obesity Congestive Heart Failure Depression Hypothyroidism Renal Failure Deficiency Anemias Diabetes … Rheumatoid Arthritis/Collagen Vascular Diseases Diabetes with Chronic Complications Comorbidities … However, retinopathy would not be considered a comorbidity of diabetes, as it is a related condition. … HCUP Facts and Figures: Statistics on Hospital-Based Care in the United States, 2007 28  Diabetes
    August 01, 2013 - Rehabilitation care, fitting of prostheses, and adjustment of devices 5,487 1.4 420 16 DiabetesDiabetes with complications was top ranked for hospitalizations covered by Medicare and Medicaid as well … valve disorders 3,085 1.7 76 18 Urinary tract infections 2,712 1.5 406 19 Diabetes … C-section 1,054 1.8 218 11 Acute cerebrovascular disease 1,043 1.7 45 12 Diabetes … cerebrovascular disease 538 3.2 34 4 Biliary tract disease 441 2.6 47 5 Diabetes
    November 01, 2013 - readmissions were mood disorders (41,600 readmissions), schizophrenia (35,800 readmissions), and diabetes … Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders 35,800 5.3 302 4.0 24.9 Diabetes … 322 4.0 15.2 Septicemia (except in labor) 14,800 2.4 272 3.4 15.4 Diabetes … threatened labor 11,300 1.9 59 0.7 18.7 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes … mellitus with complications 7,400 4.6 63 4.1 14.7 Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes) 5,800

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