January 01, 2015 - In December 2014, an injected drug long used for treating type 2
diabetes received FDA approval for … For individuals with type 2
diabetes however, Saxenda may address two needs: weight loss and blood glucose … drugs can produce a benefit sufficient to offset obesity-associated
morbidity, such as diabetes … -year health care spend estimates of December 2013 and June 2014
moderate- and high-impact topics: diabetes … The drug was FDA approved for treatment of type 2
diabetes in 2010, and was FDA approved for treating
January 01, 2018 - Health, and At-Risk Populations, the last of which consists of five measures and two composites:
diabetes … , hypertension, ischemic vascular disease, heart failure and coronary artery disease.19
The diabetes … Often, a patient
cohort is defined by the presence of a chronic disease such as diabetes or heart disease … are frequently influenced by payer performance
metrics associated with managing conditions such as diabetes … Care
immediate, non-urgent care) or at opticians (examples include eye exams for patients with
January 01, 2018 - Health, and At-Risk Populations, the last of which consists of five measures and two composites:
diabetes … , hypertension, ischemic vascular disease, heart failure and coronary artery disease.19
The diabetes … Often, a patient
cohort is defined by the presence of a chronic disease such as diabetes or heart disease … are frequently influenced by payer performance
metrics associated with managing conditions such as diabetes … Care
immediate, non-urgent care) or at opticians (examples include eye exams for patients with
October 12, 2015 - Gestational diabetes
!! Placental abnormalities (placental abruption, placenta previa)
!! … diabetes!
o! diagnostic!criteria/evaluationO!stage!of!endometriosisO!
presence!or! … diabetes!
o! diagnostic!criteria/evaluationO!presence!or!absence!of!
common! … diabetes.!
•! Women!of!reproductive!age!(18044)!who!are!potential!donors!of!
oocytes! … diabetes!
o! Placental!abnormalities!(placental!abruption,!placenta!
o! Mode!of!
October 01, 2013 - populations that need transition support range widely, including
those with chronic illnesses such as diabetes … tiab] OR “mental retardation”[tiab]
OR “mentally retarded”[tiab] OR asthma[mh] OR asthma*[tiab] OR diabetes … [tiab] OR
diabetic[tiab] OR “Diabetes Mellitus”[mh] OR Epilepsy[mh] OR “seizure disorders”[tiab] OR
July 25, 2017 - on clinical CVD outcomes were mostly conducted in populations at increased risk for CVD (e.g., with diabetes … demographic features, or cointerventions (e.g., patients also taking cholestrol-lowering statins, aspirin, or diabetes
July 01, 2017 - clinical CVD outcomes were mostly conducted in
populations at increased risk for CVD (e.g., with diabetes … features, or
cointerventions (e.g., patients also taking cholestrol-lowering
statins, aspirin, or diabetes
June 01, 2012 - chronic conditions: cancer, Alzheimer’s, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), depression, diabetes … † 3.6 3.4 2.9 2.8
Alzheimer’s 3.5 1.0 1.4 0.3
COPD 12.0 9.4 6.2 2.5
Depression 12.4 9.3 6.9 4.1
Diabetes … of full duals
have at least one of our target conditions of cancer, Alzheimer’s, COPD,
depression, diabetes … Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease
11,266 2,253 4,080 57,189
Depression 11,632 2,246 4,554 95,030
January 01, 2018 - has led to great
concern, because of the known associations between
weight gain and obesity with diabetes … Over the long term, aripiprazole appears to
increase the risk for developing diabetes compared with … There may be no difference
between 5 mg/day and 10 mg/day asenapine for risk of
developing diabetes … A large retrospective cohort study compared
incidence of type 2 diabetes in patients newly initiated … Consensus
development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and
March 09, 2010 - .1 JIA is an important cause of chronic disease in childhood, with a prevalence
similar to type 1 diabetes … Karvonen M, Viik-Kajander M, Moltchanova E, et al, for the Diabetes Mondiale
(DiaMond) Project Group … Incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes worldwide. Diabetes
Care 2000;23:1516-26.
June 01, 2011 - education for children with type 1
diabetes mellitus and their families 2008 14
University of … agents in women with gestational
diabetes. … Examples of populations include: women with gestational diabetes, adults on anti-depressive
medication … Diabetes education for children with type 1
diabetes mellitus and their families. … Tables and
9 University of Alberta EPC
education for
children with type
March 31, 2009 - models: patient demographics (race, age, gender), CAD risk factors (smoking history, hypertension, diabetes … However, fewer patients in the BMS–C group had a history of diabetes while more patients in the DES-C … , and socioeconomic status ( Table 3 ); however, fewer patients in the BMS-C group had a history of diabetes … 395 (20.0)
398 (62.5)
368 (63.6)
266 (63.8)
1233 (62.4)
History of diabetes … 310 (18.9)
164 (65.1)
170 (61.6)
204 (59.0)
1031 (62.7)
History of diabetes
February 01, 2015 - cerebrospinal fluid insulin levels.3 Additionally,
clinical and epidemiologic studies have associated type 2 diabetes … NovoLog® (Novo Nordisk a/s, Bagsvaerd,
Denmark).22,23 FDA has approved these medications for treating diabetes … Repurposing diabetes
drugs for brain insulin resistance in Alzheimer
disease. … Diabetes. 2014 Jul;63(7):2253-61. Also
available: http://dx.doi.org/10.2337/db14-0287. … Comparative study
of the effect of intranasal insulin on memory
deficits in type 2 diabetes and early
March 15, 2010 - decreased quality of life,6 cardiac disease and stroke,3,7
hypertension,8-10 and noninsulin-dependent diabetes … subgroups of patients, based on:
race, gender, body mass index (BMI), existing non-insulin dependent diabetes … Non-insulin dependent diabetes (diagnosis, resolution, start or end treatment)
d. … KQ)
(No KQ)
Legend: CVD, cardiovascular disease; KQ, key question; NIDDM, non-insulin dependent diabetes … Type 2 diabetes, glycemic control, and
continuous positive airway pressure in obstructive sleep apnea
January 01, 2020 - breastfeeding or a shorter duration of
breastfeeding) was associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes … ,
cardiovascular outcomes (e.g., stroke, myocardial infarction), postpartum
weight change, type 2 diabetes … Postpartum depression, postpartum weight change, breast
cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes … Postpartum depression,
postpartum weight
change, breast cancer,
ovarian cancer,
osteoporosis, type 2
diabetes … Criteria diabetes, hypertension,
cardiovascular outcomes
(e.g., stroke, myocardial
September 01, 2009 - Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Oral Diabetes Medications for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes. … Systematic review: comparative effectiveness and safety of oral medications for type 2 diabetes mellitus … The duration of the intervention was 24 months for the RIO-North America and 12 months for the RIO-Diabetes … Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Oral Diabetes Medications for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes.
September 29, 2011 - control
C = Cigarette smoking cessation and Cholesterol management
D = Diet modification and Diabetes … 12
Second, at the
time CAD is diagnosed, women are more likely to have comorbid factors such as diabetes … Coronary disease risk factors such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or other comorbid
disease? … Coronary disease risk factors such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or other comorbid
disease? … Coronary disease risk factors such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or other comorbid
March 18, 2009 - Diabetes was defined by the presence of diagnoses plus use of anti-diabetic medications. … Diagnoses:
Cardiac arrhythmia
Cerebrovascular disease
Diabetes … * Controlled for calendar year, age, gender, race, prior arrhythmias, cerebrovascular disease, CHF, diabetes
January 01, 2013 - For
example, a decrease in diabetes-related preventable hospitalizations was observed in the U.S. … Secular
trends in diabetes-related preventable
hospitalizations in the United States, 1998-2006. … Diabetes Care. 2009 Jul;32(7):1213-17.
26. Thall PF, Simon R. … Medications for
Adults With Type
2 Diabetes
2007 Yes No No No No No NA Yes Not stated 216 Not … Yes No No No No No NA No NA 45 NA NA
Analogues in
Formulations for
Adults with Type
2 Diabetes
April 05, 2024 - and adolescents (<22 years
of age) with chronic physical health
condition(s), including cancer and