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    December 01, 2010 - period of at least 2 years, and present data on at least one serious adverse event (including type 2 diabetes … changes (including changes in glucose levels, triglycerides, and lipids and the risk of developing diabetes … Specific adverse events: Major: mortality, cerebrovascular disease-related events, development of diabetes … period of at least 2 years, and present data on one long-term serious adverse events including type 2 diabetes … Major adverse events : mortality, cerebrovascular disease-related events, development of diabetes mellitus
    March 01, 2017 - Among subpopulations defined by hypertension, diabetes, and obesity health status. … Among subpopulations defined by hypertension, diabetes, and obesity health status. … Among subpopulations defined by hypertension, diabetes, and obesity health status. … Among subpopulations defined by hypertension, diabetes, and obesity health status. III. … Blood pressure lowering in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    April 18, 2017 - Among subpopulations defined by hypertension, diabetes, and obesity health status. 2. … Among subpopulations defined by hypertension, diabetes, and obesity health status. 3. … Among subpopulations defined by hypertension, diabetes, and obesity health status. 7. … Among subpopulations defined by hypertension, diabetes, and obesity health status. III. … Blood pressure lowering in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    January 01, 2018 - emotional, speech/language, motor skills) o childhood cancer (including leukemias), o Type I and II diabetes
    January 01, 2012 - particularly for BP reduction which is preferable, particularly if the goal of BP control is <130/80 for diabetes … telemonitoring for achieving tighter targets of blood pressure control in patients with complicated diabetesDiabetes Technol Ther 2010;12:575-579. … “This study was conducted in individuals with Type 1 diabetes and diabetic kidney disease and has limited
    March 01, 2013 - There was no difference in diabetes risk for MTX. No issues identified. … Conclusion is possibly out of date if diabetes risk is a concern to stakeholders. … Those with high risk comorbidities (cardiovascular events, diabetes, malignancies, renal impairment … Association between disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and diabetes risk in patients with rheumatoid … New Evidence: Those with highrisk comorbidities (cardiovascular events, diabetes, malignancies,
    March 01, 2013 - There was no difference in diabetes risk for MTX. No issues identified. … Conclusion is possibly out of date if diabetes risk is a concern to stakeholders. … Those with high risk comorbidities (cardiovascular events, diabetes, malignancies, renal impairment … Association between disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and diabetes risk in patients with rheumatoid … New Evidence: Those with highrisk comorbidities (cardiovascular events, diabetes, malignancies,
    July 28, 2010 - Disease factors (e.g., diabetes vs COPD ; multi-morbidity vs single disease; recent diagnosis vs long-standing … hypertension Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease Depression and other mental health disorders Diabetes
    April 01, 2022 - J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2021;20:271-8. 7. Langford RM, Mares J, Novotna A, et al. … J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2021;20:271-8. 5. Langford RM, Mares J, Novotna A, et al. … Diabetes Technol Ther. 2020;22:A189-A90. doi: 10.1089/dia.2020.2525.abstracts. … versus transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on painful peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes … Rom J Diabetes Nutr Metab Dis. 2019;26(4):401-11. Exclusion: 4. E-1 Appendix E.
    August 13, 2012 - One possible cluster could be diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, concomitant with depression; this … Our review shows that investigators are beginning to examine these outcomes, particularly in diabetes … We have changed all instances of “diabetics” to “people with diabetes.” As above. … An example is patients with diabetes and depression. … (Simon G et al 2007 Archives General Psychiatry, Katon W 2006 Diabetes Care, and Hay J in press Value
    December 09, 2020 - care programs using telehealth (e.g. virtual consultation, remote monitoring of blood pressure and diabetes
    August 06, 2021 - and second trimester ultrasounds (for dating and viability and to evaluate anatomy, respectively), a diabetes … Allow studies of pregnant individuals at increased risk of poor outcomes (e.g., with gestational diabetes … Overdiagnosis (“unnecessary” negative workups or misdiagnoses) Delayed diagnoses (e.g., gestational diabetes … *  Pregnancy complications : maternal mortality, antenatal pregnancy complications (gestational diabetes … ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 190: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.
    January 01, 2009 - Indian/Alaska Native 2006 0.6 0.4 58.4% 0.3 56.4% 0.3 82.0% 1.8 1.3 Comorbid Condition Diabetes … Indian/Alaska Native 2007 0.9 0.5 58.0% 0.5 55.9% 0.4 82.6% 1.8 1.3 Comorbid Condition Diabetes … Indian/Alaska Native 2008 1.0 0.5 56.2% 0.5 54.7% 0.5 84.1% 1.9 1.3 Comorbid Condition Diabetes … Indian/Alaska Native 2009 1.0 0.6 54.7% 0.6 53.2% 0.5 84.6% 1.9 1.3 Comorbid Condition Diabetes … 0.2 44.4 0.1 12.2 0.1 25.5 0.2 38.6 0.2 38.4 0.1 8.9 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.1 0.1 12.4 Comorbid Condition Diabetes
    January 01, 2023 - States,4 with a projected future increase in cardiovascular disease risk factors which include type II diabetes … Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2017 Oct;5(10):774-87. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(17)30283-8. … high-carbohydrate versus a high--cis- monounsaturated fat diet on blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetesDiabetes Care. 2005 Nov;28(11):2607-12. doi: 10.2337/diacare.28.11.2607. PMID: 16249527. 27.
    January 01, 2010 - What are the environmental factors (maternal smoking, maternal diabetes mellitus, etc.) that may contribute
    January 01, 2011 - among patients with specific clinical characteristics (e.g., family history, chronic pancreatitis, diabetes
    January 17, 2012 - Mental Illness Systematic Review Archived April 22, 2013 Interactive Media for Diabetes
    September 03, 2016 - infertility, other female causes of infertility, or common comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes … factor infertility, other female causes of infertility, or common comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes … diagnostic criteria/evaluation; and presence or absence of common comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes … infertility, insurance status , and presence or absence of common comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes
    November 01, 2014 - Condition- specific health-related quality of life (diabetes) RCT: 1 (73) Insufficient Medium study … : insufficient Diabetes: low for benefit High study limitations, inconsistent, direct, imprecise … CHF or COPD: 1 (169,099 to 200,722) Diabetes: 1 (150,470) Insufficient for CHF or COPD Low for … benefit for diabetes High study limitations, consistency unknown, direct, imprecise High study … Differences range from -363 USD to -399 USD for diabetes.

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