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    January 30, 2012 - percent for those who are 80 to 89 years old.9 Congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥75 years, diabetes … embolism in patients with nonvalvular AF are congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥75 years, diabetes … hepatic failure; patients with multiple coexisting conditions (e.g., combinations of hypertension, diabetes … Abbreviations: AF = atrial fibrillation; CHADS2 = congestive heart failure, hypertension, age >75, diabetes … Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality CHADS2 congestive heart failure, hypertension, age > 75, diabetes
    June 15, 2012 - PCC-related health IT interventions on health care process outcomes, disease-specific clinical outcomes (for diabetes
    June 08, 2018 - therapy to treat clinically localized prostate cancer may also be associated with an increased risk of diabetes
    August 18, 2014 - An observational study of a multi-professional system in a diabetes service. … Impact of an EHR-Based Diabetes Management Form on Quality and Outcomes of Diabetes Care in Primary Care … The effectiveness of implementing an electronic health record on diabetes care and outcomes. … The impact of a physician-directed health information technology system on diabetes outcomes in primary … Outpatient electronic health records and the clinical care and outcomes of patients with diabetes mellitus
    January 01, 2014 - An observational study of a multi-professional system in a diabetes service. … Impact of an EHR-Based Diabetes Management Form on Quality and Outcomes of Diabetes Care in Primary … The effectiveness of implementing an electronic health record on diabetes care and outcomes. … The impact of a physician-directed health information technology system on diabetes outcomes in primary … Outpatient electronic health records and the clinical care and outcomes of patients with diabetes mellitus
    December 01, 2010 - period of at least 2 years, and present data on at least one serious adverse event (including type 2 diabetes … changes (including changes in glucose levels, triglycerides, and lipids and the risk of developing diabetes … Major: mortality, cerebrovascular disease-related events, development of diabetes mellitus, diabetic … Adverse effects  Major: mortality, cerebrovascular disease- related events, development of diabetes … • Major adverse events: mortality, cerebrovascular disease-related events, development of diabetes
    March 09, 2010 - . 1 JIA is an important cause of chronic disease in childhood, with a prevalence similar to type 1 diabetes … Karvonen M, Viik-Kajander M, Moltchanova E, et al, for the Diabetes Mondiale (DiaMond) Project Group. … Incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes worldwide. Diabetes Care 2000;23:1516-26.
    October 27, 2017 - percent for those who are 80 to 89 years old.10 Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, older Age, Diabetes … embolism in patients with nonvalvular AF are congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥ 75 years, diabetes … -VASc = congestive heart failure/left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 40%, hypertension, age ≥ 75, diabetes … , stroke/TIA/thromboembolism, vascular disease, age 65-74, sex; CT = computed tomography; DM = diabetes … history AF atrial fibrillation AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ATRIA age, female, diabetes
    June 12, 2019 - certification to deliver interventions for asthma and selected other topics or chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes … certification to deliver interventions for asthma and selected other topics or chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes … opulation Studies conducted among CHWs. * Study addresses the use of CHWs for patients with asthma, diabetes … Studies that address the use of CHWs for patients with conditions other than asthma, diabetes, CVD, or
  11. Obesity (pdf file)
    June 01, 2015 - Obesity is associated with increased risk of mortality and comorbidities, including type 2 diabetes … (Liraglutide was previously approved with a different brand name and dosing regimen for treating diabetes … However, liraglutide may also help resolve diabetes in addition to reducing weight, so may be an option … are also obese, the drug may fulfill a dual role of managing both diabetes and obesity. … : SCALE obesity and pre-diabetes trial.
    February 01, 2014 - Included triglycerides and non–HDL-c in diabetes subgroup. … Twelve trials among patients with preexisting CHD and four trials among patients with diabetes compared … effectively lowers LDL-c and raises HDL-c than high-potency statin monotherapy among patients with diabetes … These populations include patients with diabetes and preexisting cardiovascular disease, as well as … Effects of combination lipid therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
    August 05, 2010 - autologous; BMF: bone marrow failure; CML: chronic myelogenous leukemia; CR: complete remission; DM: diabetes … Setting(s) Type Of Transplant Comparator Abbreviations: allo: allogeneic; auto: autologous; DM: diabetes … allo Immunosuppressants, targeted biologic therapies and low-dose chemotherapy Autoimmune type 1 diabetes … Additional searching was done to obtain information on comparators in the following diseases: Diabetes … Mellitus, Type 1"[Mesh] OR ("type 1" AND (diabetes OR diabetic OR DM)) OR "juvenile diabetes" 10:17
  14. Obesity (pdf file)
    December 01, 2014 - If priced similarly to the diabetes indication, this would provide 18, 3 mg doses—the daily dose for … are also obese, the drug fulfills a dual role of managing both diabetes and obesity. … The second trial of the series (SCALE™ Diabetes) was a double-blind RCT of 846 overweight or obese … Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus added to EnteroMedics CE mark for obesity. [internet]. … In: 47th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD); 2011 Sep 12
    December 03, 2019 - scope of the review is limited to 10 preventive services for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes … receiving evidence- based preventive services for individuals with cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes
    December 03, 2019 - scope of the review is limited to 10 preventive services for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes … receiving evidence- based preventive services for individuals with cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes
    October 20, 2009 - require temporary assistive devices to be ambulatory, and who may have other co-morbidities such as diabetes
    March 26, 2019 - certification to deliver interventions for asthma and selected other topics or chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes … certification to deliver interventions for asthma and selected other topics or chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes … Population • Studies conducted among CHWs* • Study addresses the use of CHWs for patients with asthma, diabetes … of CHWs • Studies that address the use of CHWs for patients with conditions other than asthma, diabetes
    January 06, 2017 - One of the concerns of the community is that this diabetes program is housed in a food desert, and so … We asked the question do patients who don’t have enough food have worst diabetes control because that … certainly makes a whole lot of sense since diabetes involves substantial lifestyle management. … If we’re doing things let’s say for diabetes and we’re identifying people with high hemoglobin A1Cs … He said I’ve been blind since birth so I’m okay and I know how to manage that, but my diabetes that’
  20. Slide 1 (pdf file)
    August 27, 2012 - Treatment preferences and medication adherence of people with type 2 diabetes using oral glucose-lowering

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