September 01, 2011 - We did not include alcohol- and substance-related disorders, developmental
disorders, anxiety disorders … Prevention, early identification, trajectories, and developmental perspective.* This includes topics … Disease control
priorities related to mental, neurological,
developmental and substance abuse
disorders … Prevention, early identification, trajectories, and developmental perspective. (25)*
• R NT9. … This could be to assist with meeting
normal developmental challenges or early adulthood or during later
March 07, 2021 - and medical management.2 Uncontrolled seizures in children 0 to
3 years old may lead to significant developmental … adverse event'/de OR 'adverse drug
reaction'/de OR 'behavior disorder'/de OR 'cognitive
defect'/de OR 'developmental … delay'/de OR
'developmental disorder'/de OR dystonia/de OR 'liver
injury'/de OR 'loss of appetite'
May 01, 2022 - have special
healthcare needs,1 defined as having or being at increased risk for chronic physical,
May 01, 2015 - Peer Reviewer
Findings An additional challenge is some developmental and
behavioral screening … One recent study was "Improving
developmental screening documentation and referral
completion." … the Well Child Visit) or at least acknowledge that
Developmental screening is only one area of RHCM … Workflow issues are very important and
part of the challenge of developmental screening and
anticipatory … I think with some studies like the
one about developmental screening and referral to early
September 03, 2016 - the relationship between tympanostomy tubes and a variety of outcomes, including hearing, balance, developmental … primary ciliary dyskinesia
High-risk children: preexisting hearing loss, speech/language problems, or developmental
September 02, 2016 - the
relationship between tympanostomy tubes and a variety of outcomes, including hearing,
balance, developmental … ciliary
o High-risk children: preexisting hearing loss, speech/language
problems, or developmental
October 01, 2015 - in early
childhood often experience persistent
impairment1 and are at increased risk
for negative developmental … studies
of disruptive behavior secondary to other conditions
(e.g., treatment of substance abuse, developmental … In a study of school-age
children, concomitant developmental delay was associated
with less effectiveness … Developmental
epidemiology of the disruptive behavior disorders. In: Quay HC,
Hogan AE, eds. … Conduct disorder and
oppositional defiant disorder in a national sample: developmental
February 01, 2013 - Prevention of or reduction in traumatic stress symptoms or syndromes (e.g., PTSD, acute stress disorder,
developmental … • Healthy development (including improvements in interpersonal/social functioning), or signs of
developmental … Healthy development, including improvements in
interpersonal and social functioning or reductions in
developmental … development, including improvements in
interpersonal/social functioning, or reductions in signs
of developmental … the efficacy of
particular interventions is thought anecdotally to differ
across factors such as developmental
April 01, 2022 - development (1 study), motor
development (1 study),
communication and adaptive
behavior (2 studies), developmental
December 07, 2015 - the conditions for this update have been revised according to changes in the DSM-V (e.g., pervasive developmental … Autism spectrum disorders
Autism spectrum disorders include autism, pervasive developmental disorders … , Asperger's disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified. 3 These disorders … Autism spectrum disorders, including pervasive developmental disorder, autism, Rett's disorder, childhood … disintegrative disorder, Asperger's disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
October 01, 2016 - Bayley’s Scale of Infant and Toddler
Development Mental Development
Index (MDI)
� Griffith Mental Developmental … Most observational
studies assessed the association between the status of
particular n-3 FA and developmental … report found no consistent effect of maternal
or infant supplementation with n-3 FA on neurological
developmental … Risk for Autism, Learning Disorders, and
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Developmental outcomes … between dietary n-3 FA intake
or biomarkers of n-3 FA intake and birth, respiratory,
allergy, or developmental
December 04, 2015 - the
conditions for this update have been revised according to changes in the DSM-V (e.g., pervasive
developmental … Autism spectrum disorders include autism, pervasive developmental
disorders, Asperger’s disorder, and … pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified.3
These disorders are characterized by: 1 … developmental!disorder,!autism,!
Rett's!disorder,!childhood!disintegrative!disorder,!Asperger's! … developmental!disorder!not!otherwise!specified.!
•! Bipolar!disorder.!
December 01, 2023 - Response by the criminal justice system (accommodate the special
developmental needs of children exposed … Parent Curriculum:
Provides caregiver training on
trauma and information
specific to different
developmental … Missouri Model: A Developmental Framework for Trauma Informed. … Children Exposed to Violence: A Developmental Trauma Informed Response for the Criminal Justice
System … Trauma-informed Day Services for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities:
May 11, 2011 - Childhood adverse effects, such as drug dependency and developmental complications. … Childhood adverse effects, such as drug dependency and developmental complications.
January 01, 2022 - and quality of life
Harms: Includes the displacement of
evidence based care (e.g., screening for
August 24, 2020 - populations – diseases/conditions –controlled terms
'disabled person'/exp OR 'disability'/exp OR 'developmental … multisymptom OR 'multi symptom')):ti,ab) OR ((multiple NEAR/3 (comorbid* OR morbid*)):ti,ab) OR (((mental OR developmental
May 01, 2017 - craniofacial anomalies, and primary
ciliary dyskinesia; and children at high risk of adverse
clinical or developmental … outcomes, such as those with
preexisting hearing loss, speech and language problems,
or developmental … Similarly, patients at increased risk of developmental
or behavioral sequelae from middle ear disease … Tympanostomy tube
outcomes in children at risk and not at-risk for developmental
November 12, 2013 - standards
for the development process and outlined a development framework that builds upon several
other developmental … Briefly, the key features of the developmental process include
(1) scoping and design, (2) developing … Should a DST’s developmental stage be unclear
or fail to fulfill all the IPDAS criteria, the Ottawa … database and documentation requested from the DST developers will be consulted in
order to establish the developmental
November 12, 2013 - standards for the development process and outlined a development framework that builds upon several other developmental … Briefly, the key features of the developmental process include (1) scoping and design, (2) developing … Should a DST’s developmental stage be unclear or fail to fulfill all the IPDAS criteria, the Ottawa Hospital … database and documentation requested from the DST developers will be consulted in order to establish the developmental
November 12, 2015 - aid
that we are developing that focuses on
promoting informed
consent by individualswith developmental