July 01, 2021 - may be used to compare the best practices with the processes currently in place in your organization, determine
April 01, 2020 - AIR evaluated the measurement properties of modified items and composites to determine whether any of
April 02, 2018 - Scientific Soundness of the Measure
Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness of … study team member
reopened the electronic medical record to review each abstractor’s response and determine … implemented for performance measurement.
Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine … The tool was piloted to determine its usability and revised as
August 01, 2022 - Analyze past data to determine the monetary value of resolution.
October 01, 2008 - Phase I involves conducting a site assessment to
determine the teamwork-related needs within the unit … as part of their site
assessment for determining their teamwork needs and as an evaluation tool to determine … assess attitudes toward the
core components of teamwork, as part of an institution’s site assessment to determine
August 03, 2017 - Training
4A: Assigning Responsibilities for Using Best Practices
Background: This tool can be used to determine
December 01, 2013 - items within a test, where "test" refers to a series of questions, ratings, or other items designed to determine … Test-retest ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-retest_reliability ) is a statistical method used to determine
January 05, 2017 - To make a diagnosis of ADHD, the primary care clinician should
determine that Diagnostic and Statistical … Multiple
informants are required for clinicians to determine the nature and severity of
symptoms, their … Scientific Soundness of the Measure
Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness of … Testing
Testing at each of the participating sites in CPQSC was conducted to determine the methods, … Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine the feasibility of
April 01, 2019 - Scientific Soundness of the Measure
Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness of … Specifically for this measure, administrative claims were used to
determine the number of children 4 … Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine the feasibility of
implementing … Advances would further allow for electronic
capture of structured clinical information needed to determine … This measure was also tested
to determine the feasibility of using administrative claims data exclusively
January 01, 2008 - health
insurance costs for a year.
Read instructions on a prescription label, and determine … Standard t-tests were
used to determine statistical significance
of differences among group.
August 01, 2022 - The facilitator should review the questions in advance to determine which questions are appropriate for
March 01, 2012 - health systems will collaborate with their EHR vendors to implement and
test the model format and determine
March 01, 2012 - project planning tool developed by CHCS to quantifiably measure their
collaborative‐wide goals and determine
March 01, 2012 - project planning tool developed by CHCS to quantifiably measure their
collaborative‐wide goals and determine
March 01, 2012 - produce practice‐level reports for the core measures that can be
calculated at that level and will determine
March 01, 2012 - part of its Quality Learning Collaborative
to quantifiably measure their collaborative‐wide goals and determine
March 01, 2012 - The State will develop a process to track the measures and develop key performance
indicators to determine
March 01, 2019 - Determine when topics would benefit from an interactive discussion among members of the stakeholder group
September 01, 2020 - your practice members to use and how you plan to receive the assessments and use the information to determine … Run regular queries of your EHR to determine how many patients have undergone medicine review and reconciliation … Use teach-back to determine whether patients understand.
January 01, 2004 - To promote safe and effective care,
clinicians should sequentially determine adherence (missed doses … regimen concordance, while similar to
those in the few published studies,12, 23–25 does not allow us to determine … To promote safe and effective care, clinicians should sequentially
determine adherence (missed doses