
Total Results: 903 records

Showing results for "determine".

    September 01, 2022 - Issue Brief 9: Improved Diagnostic Accuracy Through Probability-Based Diagnosis 1 PATIENT SAFETY e Issue Brief 9 Improved Diagnostic Accuracy Through Probability-Based Diagnosis This page intentionally left blank. e Issue Brief 9 Improved Diagnostic Accuracy…
    January 24, 2019 - CHIPRA 213: Section 2 Technical Specifications The percentage of children identified as having Sickle Cell Anemia who received anticipatory guidance regarding the risks and benefits of treatment with hydroxyurea as part of outpatient care during the measurement year. A higher proportion indicates b…
    July 12, 2019 - CHIPRA 230: Technical Specifications 1 The percentage of children, ages 2 through 17 years old, who had documentation of BMI percentile and documentation of weight classification at an outpatient care visit during the measurement year. A higher proportion indicates better performance. This mea…
    October 01, 2016 - patients’ self-identified goals to build trust in relationships, and then we use action planning to determine … “We interviewed patients to determine their needs, matched our services to them.
    March 01, 2016 - to derive more informative and less biased estimates of the long-term effects of episiotomy or to determine … Scientific Soundness of the Measure Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness of … Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine the feasibility of implementing … The DET is an Excel workbook designed to capture information that will determine whether or not each
    December 31, 2015 - screening tests should trigger full diagnostic interviews that use standard diagnostic criteria to determine … Scientific Soundness of the Measure Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness … Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine the feasibility of implementing … The DET is an Excel workbook designed to capture information that will determine whether or not it is
    June 30, 2009 - CHIPRA 155: Section 7.C, Socioeconomic Status Table …
    April 01, 2023 - index.html The goal of this guide is to promote evidence-based decision-making and help decisionmakers determine … developed the Incident Decision Tree to help National Health Service (NHS) managers in the United Kingdom determine … This guide can be used to help determine the current state of an organization’s journey, inform dialogue … assess patient experience and documentation, plan for improvement, implement change, and reassess to determine
    October 31, 2016 - Use mother’s place of residence to determine UIC.
    January 01, 2012 - From the patients who did not meet the Numerator criteria, determine if the patient meets any criteria
    February 01, 2020 - children, in which weight and height are plotted on standard sex- and age-appropriate growth charts to determine … Scientific Soundness of the Measure Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness of … Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine the feasibility of implementing
    February 01, 2020 - Scientific Soundness of the Measure Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness of … Although reliability was not tested per se, medical records were reviewed to determine the extent to … Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine the feasibility of implementing
    July 01, 2022 - Evaluation —How you determine what worked? Dissemination work plan —Where you start?
    September 08, 2022 - collecting those data, and using them as the accurate, timely, actionable, nonjudgmental feedback loops to determine … measure of the financial impact is also necessary, since the fiscal implications of the solution will determine
    August 31, 2015 - Factors Contributing to Sustainment Outcomes in Four States 1 Factors Contributing to Sustainment Outcomes in Four States This supplementary material contains brief case studies that examine key factors influencing decisions about sustaining elements of four states’ CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grants. The …
    June 09, 2017 - Patterns of behavior determine the commitment, style, and proficiency of an organization in relation
    October 16, 2019 - Overuse of Computed Tomography Scans for the Evaluation of Children with a First Generalized Afebrile, Atraumatic Seizure: Technical Specifications This measure assesses the percentage of children, 1 through 17 years old, for whom computed tomography (CT) imaging of the head is obtained for the evaluation of a first…
    December 31, 2015 - SCIENTIFIC SOUNDNESS OF THE MEASURE Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness … implemented for performance measurement.10 Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine … within a test, where “test” refers to a series of questions, ratings, or other items designed to determine … Test-retest ( is a statistical method used to determine
    July 01, 2019 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health and Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Search all AHRQ sites Search small Search Menu …
    March 01, 2023 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health and Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Search all AHRQ sites Search small Search Menu …

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