January 01, 2014 - Scientific Soundness of the Measure
Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness of … Direct inspection of the data was performed to determine that each of the elements of
the measure could … Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine the feasibility of
implementing … The first is the ability to determine whether a developmental
screen was positive. … The second
issue is whether or not it is possible to determine that, if a screening result was positive
February 18, 2021 - Appendix A explains how to determine whether
the returned questionnaire is “complete.”) … Further testing is needed before we can
determine if and how users should adjust data collected using … Survey
Document No. 93
Page 21
Appendix A: Determining Whether a Survey Response Is
To determine … Contact the person again before the end of data collection to
determine if he/she has recovered and
June 01, 2023 - I'M SAFE Checklist
"I'M SAFE" is a checklist that can be used to determine the ability of you or your
May 29, 2013 - to
specialists; together they clarify co-
management roles among family,
PCP and specialists and determine
March 01, 2017 - • Catheters in newly admitted and readmitted residents should be assessed to determine if they
are … One way to determine
improvement opportunities is to complete the Staff Safety Assessment found in Module … Measuring results provides the LTC facility team and leadership with a way
to determine if the intervention … Process
measures, such as device utilization ratio or urine culture collection rate, can help to determine … an indwelling urinary catheter can provide
staff with the opportunity to review cases together and determine
July 01, 2011 - Potential Partners
Identify the Subject
Decide on Your Role
Choose Quality Measures
February 26, 2018 - Sickle Cell Disease Technical Specifications
Sickle Cell Disease
Measure 15: Appropriate Emergency Department Fever Management
for Children with Sickle Cell Disease
The percentage of children identified as having Sickle Cell Disease presenting to an emergency
department with fever during the me…
November 01, 2016 - Guide
Implement, Monitor, and Sustain an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
October 01, 2014 - Determine the optimal covariate types for inclusion in the component models.
October 01, 2014 - Determine the level of patient satisfaction and patient knowledge about atopic dermatitis in the asynchronous
October 01, 2014 - Determine how imaging with stress testing is associated with clinical and financial outcomes.
January 01, 2011 - of Pediatrics
Action Statement 2: To make a diagnosis of ADHD, the primary care
clinician should determine … Patients Should Be Assessed Periodically to
Determine Whether There Is Continued Need for Treatment
January 01, 2011 - of
Action Statement 2: To make a diagnosis of ADHD, the primary care
clinician should determine … Patients Should Be Assessed Periodically to
Determine Whether There Is Continued Need for Treatment
May 01, 2017 - occurs, the hospital will investigate and analyze it (e.g., a root cause analysis may be conducted) to determine … This tool provides a series of statements to help someone determine whether they are ready to become
March 01, 2021 - Steven helped the Cascades East team identify specific actions that would help close the gap and determine
November 01, 2018 - Potential Partners
Identify the Subject
Decide on Your Role
Choose Quality Measures
July 01, 2021 - may be used to compare the best practices with the processes currently in place in your organization, determine
April 01, 2020 - AIR evaluated the measurement properties of modified items and composites to determine whether any of
April 02, 2018 - Scientific Soundness of the Measure
Explain the methods used to determine the scientific soundness of … study team member
reopened the electronic medical record to review each abstractor’s response and determine … implemented for performance measurement.
Using the following sections, explain the methods used to determine … The tool was piloted to determine its usability and revised as
August 01, 2022 - Analyze past data to determine the monetary value of resolution.