April 01, 2016 - If there really isn't a clear, compelling rationale, it is best to determine that up front and postpone … Identify all the changes that are currently occurring within the organization, determine who the changes … Then determine the level of teamwork required within the units. … Use this information to determine a rollout plan or sequence within the institution. … Identify measures that are being used for the safety and quality initiatives and determine whether any
October 01, 2014 - years (2009-2014) Total Award: $703,000
Project Description: This research has three main aims:
Determine … Determine whether inaccuracies in present-on-admission coding are biased by hospital characteristics … This data was then used for Aim #2 to determine whether hospital or patient characteristics influence
January 29, 2021 - for pre-visit planning for
patients being seen during week – review date of last TCD
screening to determine … including TCD screening
• Clinic staff follow up after specified time period following
provider order to determine
February 04, 2021 - Determine if these members are receiving care management services.
3. … Determine if these patients are being seen in the clinic as recommended.
February 01, 2020 - Improve Patient Experience (PDF, 1.2 MB)
To identify opportunities to improve patient experience and determine … measure and its items to the mean top box score (CAHPS DB Overall) and the percentile scores, you can determine … Patient Experience Are Most Important to Your Members or Patients
Another method you can use to help determine … typically have access to or can easily gather various types of administrative data that you can "mine" to determine … Analyze visit appointment records to determine the amount of time between scheduling an appointment and
October 01, 2014 - (2008-2013) Total Award: $764,000
Project Description: The proposed research has three aims:
Determine … Determine whether severity-adjusted differences in mortality exist for injured patients treated at trauma … Determine if validated estimates of prehospital time are significant predictors of severity-adjusted
December 01, 2023 - Determine bonuses and other rewards for delivering high-quality care and/or improving patient experience … practices, health systems, and health plans monitor performance on the Clinician & Group Survey to determine … need of improvement, healthcare organizations can combine survey data along with other information to determine
January 01, 2016 - The purpose of the implementation measurement tool is to provide a format in which you can determine … The implementation measurement tool will help you develop an approach to determine whether the selected … As part of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, studying your results will help your team determine if … Without studying the process of change implementation, your team cannot determine why an implementation … For example, for “(1) Follow Protocol for Insertion,” you might want to determine adherence to several
August 28, 2012 - Measurement and feedback help the social system better understand new ideas and determine how easily … Pilot tests let organizations assess components of the process to determine if they need modifications … Once the team tests and improves the process in one unit, the team is ready to determine how to sustain … Identifying units that can easily adopt the new process: An organization should examine unit data to determine … The Spread Checklist can help organizations identify gaps in their spread plan and determine whether
May 01, 2014 - Work with your staff to determine what's out there already by looking for existing inventories (Approach … Determine if a resource inventory or directory already exists in the community. … Contact resources to determine what they offer . … The ability to actually see the resource and not rely on a web site or professional photos to determine … If they agree, determine how the resource would want to be informed.
April 01, 2023 - Skip to main content
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July 01, 2012 - In some cases, we will be able to achieve this goal by conducting formal impact analyses to
determine … • Determine whether and how health IT increases transparency and consumer choice
while safeguarding … • Determine the impact of provider-based models of care on the quality of children’s
health care, … We will work with the grantees to determine whether they will
be providing any reports to CMS regarding … • Determine the extent to which the project achieved intended effects and complemented
October 04, 2016 - To determine continuous enrollment for an
enrollee for whom enrollment is verified monthly, the adolescent … Note: NCINQ will work with coding experts to determine codes that correspond to relevant care setting
October 04, 2016 - To determine continuous enrollment for an enrollee
for whom enrollment is verified monthly, the adolescent … Note: NCINQ will work with coding experts to determine codes that correspond to relevant care setting
October 01, 2018 - Potential Partners
Identify the Subject
Decide on Your Role
Choose Quality Measures
Determine … forward with your reporting project, consider the strategic decisions that will shape your initiative and determine
August 15, 2012 - To determine continuous enrollment for an
enrollees for whom enrollment is verified monthly, the adolescent … enrollment in smoking or tobacco use cessation program
Note: NCINQ will work with coding experts to determine
June 01, 2023 - Skip to main content
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May 01, 2019 - Potential Partners
Identify the Subject
Decide on Your Role
Choose Quality Measures
Determine … You can use these insights to:
Determine which kinds of health care organizations they care about and … Determine whether people are interpreting the comparative information correctly.
August 10, 2016 - To determine continuous enrollment for an enrollees
for whom enrollment is verified monthly, the adolescent … enrollment in smoking or tobacco use cessation program
Note: NCINQ will work with coding experts to determine
March 01, 2017 - Determine how staff will be trained. See suggested ways to deploy education below. … Instructing staff to complete self-guided education, then work with facility staff to determine the best