
Total Results: 5,444 records

Showing results for "determine".

  1. Fallpxtool3F (doc file)
    January 29, 2013 - for Identifying Fall Risk Factors, or Tool 3G, ‘STRATIFY Scale for Identifying Fall Risk Factors”) to determine … Sometimes it may be difficult to determine if the resident/patient has orthostatic hypotension when checking
    May 25, 2016 - In Column 4, determine whether communication/training is required for each task. … If target dates are not met, determine the cause and revise the implementation plan.
    May 25, 2016 - In Column 4, determine whether communication/training is required for each task. … If target dates are not met, determine the cause and revise the implementation plan.
    November 20, 2014 - Determine how to build in new practices. Do the care processes follow best practices? … Then we can determine who is responsible for this task and when it tentatively will be completed.
    June 01, 2017 - (Determine revisions)     Continue to update and use the visual management board for five consecutive … (Determine revisions) Add the previous day’s surgical safety checklist observation to the visual board
    October 01, 2014 - Determine patient, physician, and organizational predictors of quality of care in surgical specialties
    March 01, 2017 - Long-Term Care Safety Modules Staff Safety Assessment Purpose: To tap into your experience to determine
    July 01, 2016 - Performance measures need to accurately assess performance within a scenario to determine if the objectives … of training were achieved, to determine the degree to which training participants are learning, and … Tell participants that before they determine the measures they will use, they need to clarify the purpose … They will need to determine if the purpose is to evaluate the level of proficiency or readiness. … They can review the TeamSTEPPS behaviors associated with the tasks and determine whether the team used
    May 01, 2019 - You can determine whether your expectations were too ambitious to achieve within the time you allotted
  10. Data Request Guide (pdf file)
    October 01, 2024 - Department of Health and Human Services WARNING: ANY EFFORT TO DETERMINE THE IDENTITY OF INDIVIDUALS … not authorize the use of SyH-DR for commercial or competitive purposes affecting establishments; to determine … not authorize the use of SyH-DR for commercial or competitive purposes affecting establishments; to determine … AHRQ shall determine whether a data recipient has violated any term of the Agreement. … AHRQ shall determine what actions, if any, are necessary to remedy a violation of this Agreement, and
    January 01, 2004 - In the process of completing a study to determine the prevalence of outpatient dosing errors, we identified … for children of different ages and weights, and the lack of readily available documented weights to determine … In our attempt to define overdoses and underdoses of medications to determine potential dosing errors … We found the recommendations listed in Table 1 when attempting to determine appropriate dosing ranges … Therefore, it is difficult for pharmacies to correctly determine if a weight-based dosing error has
    January 01, 2021 - SHARE: More topics in this section News Newsroom Press Releases AHRQ Social Media AHRQ Stats Impact Case Studies Blog Newsletter Events Online Resource Offers First-Time Access to Numerous Social Determinants of Health Data Files Social Determinants of Health Database , a new online resource from AHRQ gives …
    January 01, 2012 - Recommended Practice: Skin Assessment at Admission and Daily, With Documentation of Lesions • Determine … Recommended Practice: Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment at Admission and Daily • Determine which pressure … compliance with elements of established protocol steps.8,9 • Evaluate effectiveness of new processes, determine … • Conduct surveillance and determine prevalence of healthcare-associated pressure ulcers to evaluate
    November 01, 2019 - An antibiotic time out allows providers or teams to review their patients on antibiotics to determine … This includes working with surgery and anesthesia colleagues to determine antibiotic selection and … ASPs should work with infection-control colleagues to evaluate units where CDI rates are high and determine … ASPs should determine metrics for their work that include assessment of antibiotic use over time. … ASPs should determine that they are using methods to ensure uptake of change regarding antibiotic prescribing
    January 30, 2020 - After imputing, models and rates were determined by stratifying by imputation then combining to determine
    June 01, 2014 - Therefore, the USPSTF cannot determine the balance of benefits and harms of screening for hypertension … Therefore, the USPSTF could not determine the balance of benefits and harms of screening newborns for … The USPSTF was unable to determine the balance between the benefits and harms of iron supplementation … The USPSTF was unable to determine the balance between the benefits and harms of iron supplementation … Balance of Benefits and Harms The USPSTF was unable to determine the balance between the potential
    December 01, 2017 - Survey frontline staff involved in the incident to determine whether the plan has been implemented effectively … Determine the level of attention your intervention requires by considering the level of support it is … Survey frontline staff involved in the incident to determine whether the plan has been implemented effectively … Determine the level of attention your intervention requires by considering the level of support it is … Determine the amount of attention your team can devote to an intervention, and factor that into your
    August 01, 2021 - 4 Determine training plan � How will you train providers and staff?
    September 01, 2022 - During the same meeting the stewardship leader(s) should generate conversation among staff members to determine
    September 01, 2022 - During the same meeting the stewardship leader(s) should generate conversation among staff members to determine

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