January 01, 2024 - The study aim was to determine the effects of California’s patient-to-nurse
ratio mandate on outcomes … Methods
This observational study implemented difference-in-differences based approaches to
determine … The specific aims of the research was to determine whether 1) staffing and skill mix
(registered nurses … To determine the effect of the
mandate on registered nurse staffing and skill mix, I estimated models … I also examined models that
included an interaction term that allowed me to determine whether the effect
September 01, 2020 - Use a bus schedule to determine time of arrival. … Read an over-the-counter medicine box to determine how much medicine to give a child of a specified weight … Determine the point-of-view [bias] in an editorial. … Intermediate: Determine healthy weight from BMI chart; interpret prescription and over-the-counter drug
October 01, 2014 - Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults," also used other clinical criteria validated through AHRQ-funded research to determine … the United States and Canada, the PSI helps physicians assess the severity of a patient's illness and determine
June 05, 2016 - on Patient
Safety Culture)
• Review current performance on each of the metrics (Section B tools)
• Determine … Tool D.7)
• Collect data on key
process measures related
to each best practice
• Review data to determine
May 26, 2016 - Survey on Patient Safety Culture)
Review current performance on each of the metrics (Section B tools)
Determine … Measurement (Tool D.7)
Collect data on key process measures related to each best practice
Review data to determine
July 01, 2016 - Survey on Patient Safety Culture)
Review current performance on each of the metrics (Section B tools)
Determine … Measurement (Tool D.7)
Collect data on key process measures related to each best practice
Review data to determine
June 05, 2016 - on Patient Safety
• Review current performance on each of the metrics (Section B tools)
• Determine … Tool D.7)
• Collect data on key
process measures related
to each best practice
• Review data to determine
August 10, 2016 - To determine continuous enrollment for an enrollees
for whom enrollment is verified monthly, the adolescent … enrollment in smoking or tobacco use cessation program
Note: NCINQ will work with coding experts to determine
November 02, 2018 - Determine what data you may be able to use from what your facility or workspace already collects. … Determine whether and how coaches will be used to sustain your implementation plan. … How Coaches May be Used (Slide 14)
Key Actions:
Determine whether coaches will be used to facilitate … Here are a few things to consider and determine. What are your measures and target outcomes? … It is important to determine how data from your Monitoring Plan will be used to improve processes and
October 01, 2014 - reports have served as important background information as SSA rewrites the medical listings it uses to determine
September 01, 2023 - But without rigorous research, we can’t determine which digital technologies truly help deliver better … Using human-centered design techniques, COMPACT will empower patients to work with their providers to determine
March 01, 2014 - Plan for Testing the Effectiveness of Your TeamSTEPPS Intervention
Objective: To develop a method to determine … Determine who needs to be trained on what team knowledge/skills and by when in order to achieve your … Determine how you will implement your intervention in order to achieve your aims.
April 01, 2018 - of this focus group was to assess surgeons' acceptance of current risk stratification models and to determine … emphasized the importance of focusing on factors that greatly affect the rate of SSI; (3) data are needed to determine … To determine what risk factors surgeons deem important for future model development.
March 07, 2019 - Thirdly, determine which TeamSTEPPS tools or strategies are going to work best to eliminate the process … Then you can actually begin to draft your TeamSTEPPS intervention, determine what tools and strategies … It’s important that you determine exactly which TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies are the ones specific … Key Actions:
Determine how coaches will be used to facilitate sustainment
How many are needed? … It’s important to determine how the data from your sustainment plan will also be used to continually
August 24, 2015 - Determine fair and reasonable compensation for the patient/family after an adverse event. … Determine the cost of defending this claim compared to a well-thought-out compensation plan. … Analyze past data to determine the monetary value of resolution. … knowledgeable of the issues within their communities.
Determining Compensation
Valuation considerations:
Determine … Use existing organizational expertise to determine compensation.
June 01, 2021 - The presentations on developing an ASP and the gap analysis tool can be used to determine what areas … Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines, you should meet with your administrative
leadership to determine … Decision Making Framework
Next, review the Four Moments of Antibiotic
Decision Making framework and determine … Thus, guidelines
should use appropriate diagnostic criteria to determine if a patient has an infection … The ASP should determine how to present the material to frontline providers over time.
January 01, 2012 - really reorganize how primary care is delivered through medical homes, at the same time we also
need to determine … stakeholders together including payers, providers, employers, patient
groups and others from a community to determine … starts with shared decision-making between a physician and
their provider and the patient to really determine … what patients -- let’s say I’m going
to look at all of my diabetic patients and determine what percent … And once you start to track that, you can then start to determine how do you outreach to
those patients
March 01, 2016 - One still has to determine, however, whether the benchmark will be internal to the set of entities on
April 01, 2022 - It can help determine the risk of COVID-19 virus infection of all health care workers who have been exposed
September 01, 2017 - Determine whether your facility’s EHR can be modified. … Determine whether your facility’s EHR can be modified. … Determine the best ways to integrate risk assessment with care planning. … Determine the most efficient ways to use your facility’s EHR. … Determine the best ways to integrate risk assessment with care planning.