
Total Results: 2,145 records

Showing results for "determine".

  1. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2009 - Future research is needed to determine if ACE inhibitors or ARBs offer additional benefits over other … • An individual patient data meta-analysis is needed to determine if ACE inhibitors provide greater … • An individual patient data meta-analysis is needed to determine if a history of revascularization … • Future studies are needed to determine if the dosing intensity of ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy is … • Future trials are needed to determine the impact of genetic polymorphisms within the ACE gene or
  2. Ced -Appendix-2 (xls file)
    October 12, 2022 - "CMS should have flexibility to determine whether certain requirements may be waived based upon the technology … No clear pathway or standards for when or how CMS will determine that the CED questions have beenaddressed … Development [and] Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) in December" "CMS should have flexibility to determine … indications Patient access barriers under CED (equity) No clear pathway or standards for when or how CMS will determine
    April 02, 2014 - To determine the efficacy and impact of contacting authors to clarify discordant data or obtain missing
    January 01, 2008 - ages and a body mass index (BMI) under 35 will be critical for a report on this topic in order to determine
    June 01, 2012 - The evidence is insufficient to determine whether any particular type is more effective than the others … The evidence is insufficient to determine whether any particular type of health IT application is more … Without stronger evidence on specific PCC-related outcomes, it will be difficult to determine the net … are needed on clinical conditions other than diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease in order to determine … We clearly need more research, as indicated above, to determine the extent to which health IT interventions
    November 01, 2012 - nails, palms, and soles of the feet.4,5 Different parameters determine disease severity such as the … These data were also reviewed to determine the overall applicability of data per outcome, describing … However, we could not determine the comparative effectiveness of these therapies with regard to final … We could not determine the comparative efficacy between other available biologics such as alefacept … Future research should be designed to determine whether there are specific disease or patient factors
    July 12, 2017 - We may invite representatives from additional organizations and agencies if we determine that additional … decision analysis methodology to 1) identify who the decision-makers are and how decisions are made, 2) determine … If we determine these reviews contain sufficient information to address the guiding questions, we will … Process for Selecting Studies The guiding questions will be used to determine eligibility for inclusion
    January 21, 2016 - If the biopsy shows prostate cancer, your doctor will determine how likely your cancer is to grow quickly … Your doctor can use your PSA level, Gleason score, and tumor score (T-score) to determine your risk level … Gleason Score The Gleason score is a common scale used to determine how fast your prostate cancer is … Risk Level Your doctor may use your PSA level, Gleason score, and T-score to determine the risk that
    December 06, 2011 - input  Engage the decision makers for whom results are intended  Set goals for deliberation  Determine … participant population (e.g., lay public, patient group)  Select deliberative process or create hybrid  Determine … This study sought to address the issue of surrogate consent for research participation and determine … As Ela mentioned, you’ll want to determine whether you will evaluate your approach and how you will … The researchers here employed a randomized controlled evaluation to determine whether deliberation affected
    December 06, 2011 - input  Engage the decision makers for whom results are intended  Set goals for deliberation  Determine … participant population (e.g., lay public, patient group)  Select deliberative process or create hybrid  Determine … This study sought to address the issue of surrogate consent for research participation and determine … As Ela mentioned, you’ll want to determine whether you will evaluate your approach and how you will … The researchers here employed a randomized controlled evaluation to determine whether deliberation affected
    August 01, 2011 - Frameworks for Determining Research Gaps During Systematic Reviews Timeline June 11, 2010 Topic Initiated August 01, 2011 Research Report Frameworks for Determining Research Gaps During Systematic Reviews
    September 06, 2023 - Any chosen framework will determine to a large extent which quality measures are prioritized, which
    February 21, 2013 - Framework for Determining Research Gaps During Systematic Review: Evaluation Timeline August 01, 2012 Topic Initiated February 21, 2013 Research Report Framework for Determining Research Gaps During Systematic Review: Evaluation
    August 13, 2012 - Determine the Stage of Knowledge Development What stage of knowledge is the study designed to address … Together, investigators and stakeholders should work collaboratively to determine the major objectives … Endpoints Since stakeholders ultimately determine effectiveness, it is important for investigators … The endpoints that stakeholders will use to determine effectiveness may vary considerably. … On the other hand, a regulatory health authority may determine that the population risk is too great
    November 19, 2012 - methodological characteristics of existing quantitative approaches for assessing benefits and harms, (3) to determine
    January 01, 2010 - One of the key considerations in study design is how to determine and then characterize exposure to … In measuring exposure in this example, it would be important to determine the number of sessions that … For panel I, it would be most important to determine if the exposure occurred (as this is associated … Cumulative dose can also be used to determine if there is a threshold effect. … Determine the most suitable scale for the measurement of exposure.
    November 12, 2020 - What are important contexts that determine whether different mechanisms could be effective? KQ2. … What are important contexts that determine whether different mechanisms could lead to outcomes? … What are important contexts that determine whether different mechanisms could lead to outcomes? … We will review included studies to determine how a particular (full or partial) CMOC relates to the program … We will continue to interpret that data to determine if the relationships between CMO change. 24 Throughout
    March 10, 2014 - Assessment of a Method To Detect Signals for Updating Systematic Reviews White Paper March 10, 2014 Web Version [NLM Site] Download Main Document PDF 740.6 KB People using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in these files. For additional assistance, please contact us . S…
    January 01, 2009 - Effect modifiers are cofactors that determine the extent to which an intervention results in an outcome … Determine and Report the Most Important Factors in PICOS Format PICOS = population, intervention, comparators … Determine and Report the Most Important Factors in PICOS Format In Step 1, first identify conditions … The researcher should determine if this regimen is reflective of current practice. … Population-based surveys, pharmacoepidemiologic studies, and large case series or registries can help determine
    February 01, 2013 - Likewise, evaluative measurements to determine the outcomes of public deliberation differ across formats … Just as the recruitment method will help determine who is involved in the process, so will the mode … single cases or multiple cases; they compare selected measures before and after the deliberation to determine

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