
Total Results: 2,145 records

Showing results for "determine".

  1. M (pdf file)
    September 01, 2009 - Many factors that determine whether an existing SR is relevant or not are addressed in the SR’s methods … For issues of this type, the input of clinical experts can be particularly useful to determine changes … Now EPCs must determine the appropriate way to incorporate them into the CER (Figure 1, Step 4). … In cases where an EPC cannot determine the accuracy or validity of the result of an earlier SR, an EPC … Determine use for SR STEP 5.
    April 25, 2013 - whether the use of echocardiography or biomarkers affects decisionmaking and clinical outcomes; and to determine … Conclusions Further confirmation is needed to determine if the combination of echocardiography and
    July 01, 2016 - Additional research is needed to determine the most effective treatments for PPH and the order in which … compression sutures may not be associated with subsequent preterm birth. ��� Evidence is insufficient to determine … insufficient for all outcomes of hysterectomy. ��� Combined interventions Evidence is insufficient to determine
    September 28, 2015 - Strength of evidence (SOE) for key outcomes in T1DM was assessed to determine our confidence in the results … More evidence is required to determine the effects of behavioral programs for other outcomes, including
    June 28, 2017 - goal of this project was to evaluate the utility of for detecting selective reporting, and to determine
  6. Decision Modeling (ppt file)
    June 01, 2012 - The second is to be able to determine the appropriateness of using decision modeling when performing … Decision Modeling: A Five-Step Approach We propose a five-step approach to determine whether modeling … Instead, they influence downstream clinical decisions that eventually determine outcomes. … Therefore, it is easier to determine when decision modeling is not useful. … The results influence downstream clinical decisions that eventually determine outcomes.
  7. Decision Modeling (ppt file)
    June 01, 2012 - The second is to be able to determine the appropriateness of using decision modeling when performing … Decision Modeling: A Five-Step Approach We propose a five-step approach to determine whether modeling … Instead, they influence downstream clinical decisions that eventually determine outcomes. … Therefore, it is easier to determine when decision modeling is not useful. … The results influence downstream clinical decisions that eventually determine outcomes.
    June 20, 2012 - Structured Abstract Objective To determine the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of multidisciplinary
    January 01, 2010 - The next step is to determine whether or not the available OSs provide valid and useful information. … using PICOTS (population, intervention, comparator, outcome, timing, and setting) as a framework to determine … The presence of reporting bias can be difficult to determine but may be inferred when important outcomes … After identifying gaps in the trial evidence, the next step is to determine whether or not the available … Keep in mind that the reason for assessing suitability is to determine whether or not the relevant OSs
    January 01, 2010 - The next step is to determine whether or not the available OSs provide valid and useful information. … using PICOTS (population, intervention, comparator, outcome, timing, and setting) as a framework to determine … The presence of reporting bias can be difficult to determine but may be inferred when important outcomes … After identifying gaps in the trial evidence, the next step is to determine whether or not the available … Keep in mind that the reason for assessing suitability is to determine whether or not the relevant OSs
    June 08, 2018 - Research is not available to determine the effectiveness and safety of some newer treatment options,
    November 28, 2011 - Abstract Background The Effective Health Care Program undertook a stakeholder engagement forum to determine
    June 01, 2014 - Determine appropriate use and incorporate existing SR(s). Step 1. … Appropriate Use And Incorporate Existing SR(s) Methods by which to determine appropriate uses for relevant … Conversely, systematic reviewers may determine the need for adding to existing abstracted data either … address dealing with discordant results from existing reviews and recommends making an effort to determine … Identified articles should be compared with the focused question to determine if the article may answer
    September 15, 2014 - Structured Abstract Objective To determine the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of treatments
    May 04, 2017 - have considered the studies you cited to determine whether they should be included. … We have considered all suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion … We have considered all suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion … We have considered all suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion … suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion/exclusion criteria.
    May 04, 2017 - have considered the studies you cited to determine whether they should be included. … We have considered all suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion … We have considered all suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion … We have considered all suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion … suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion/exclusion criteria.
    May 04, 2017 - have considered the studies you cited to determine whether they should be included. … We have considered all suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion … We have considered all suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion … We have considered all suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion … suggested articles to determine whether they meet our prespecified inclusion/exclusion criteria.
    June 08, 2018 - To determine if you have prostate cancer, your doctor might take a biopsy of your prostate gland.
    August 23, 2012 - The strength of evidence was insufficient to determine the effect of nitrous oxide on route of birth.
  20. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    December 01, 2011 - More research is needed to truly determine the balance of benefits to harms. … Given the inadequate power in overall analyses and lack of data, we could not definitively determine … No data were available to determine if the results differed based on ethnicity or ejection fraction. … Sensitivity analysis: A ”what if ” analysis that helps determine the robustness of a study. … Helps determine the degree of importance of each variable for a given outcome.

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