December 15, 2009 - Methods to Study the Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects in Comparative Effectiveness Research
Abstract Archived December 15, 2009
Topic Abstract
Background: Understanding the heterogeneity of treatment effects (HTE) is essential for making optimal treatment choices for individuals. Randomized contro…
December 11, 2015 - review will focus on strategies that aim to improve the quality of mental health care
rather than to determine … Research is under way to determine the most
important contextual factors for effective implementation … For studies without adequate information to
determine inclusion or exclusion, we will retrieve the full … To determine whether quantitative analyses are appropriate, we will assess the clinical
and methodological … The truth table, the key analytic device
in QCA, helps determine which combinations of conditions occur
January 29, 2014 - Conceptually, it is not clearly how justifiable to use different
criteria to determine important vs. … For other outcomes, “To determine that there is evidence of a
clinically important difference, the 95 … Also, 0.80 and 1.20 is not asymmetric around 1 for 95% CI – a
problem to determine no important difference … It is helpful to clarify that in some cases, evidence could be
insufficient to determine whether or … review, guiding discussion
about how future studies might or might not be conducted, in
order to determine
June 02, 2011 - be valuable for clinicians to understand the potential added utility of this new technology and to determine … We will also determine whether these outcomes differ by the type of strategy used for blood glucose monitoring … Finally, based on the studies available in the literature, we will attempt to determine if there is an … Because insulin regimens may change over time, it may be difficult to determine if the current delivery … If we find substantial heterogeneity, we will attempt to determine potential reasons for this by conducting
June 02, 2011 - With this in mind, to try to determine the impact of a screening program without detailed information … Thus, mathematical modeling may be required to determine where screening and decolonization might be … Using the final study-selection criteria, full-text articles will be reviewed in the same manner to determine … A prospective study to determine whether cover gowns in addition to gloves decrease nosocomial transmission … Final study-selection criteria will be applied to full-text articles in the same manner to determine
January 01, 2010 - With this in mind, to try to determine the impact of a screening
program without detailed information … Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: October 24, 2011
may be required to determine … A prospective study to determine whether cover gowns in
addition to gloves decrease nosocomial transmission … the final
criteria, full-text
articles will be
reviewed in the
same manner to
determine … study-selection criteria
will be applied to full-
text articles in the same
manner to determine
January 01, 2017 - All citations were independently
reviewed by two investigators to determine eligibility for
inclusion … We did not exclude studies rated high risk
of bias a priori, but performed sensitivity analyses to
determine … or high); the consistency of
results across studies (graded consistent, inconsistent, or
unable to determine … – Evidence was insufficient to determine effects of
level of training or professional background … For over- and under-triage, studies should
utilize standardized, validated measures to determine the
January 01, 2010 - be valuable
for clinicians to understand the potential added utility of this new technology and to determine … We will also determine
whether these outcomes differ by the type of strategy used for blood glucose … Finally, based on the studies available in the literature,
we will attempt to determine if there is … and followup time.
2) Because insulin regimens may change over time, it may be difficult to determine … promoted on the basis of the abstract review will undergo another independent
parallel review to determine
May 23, 2012 - Meet Our Presenters
Julia Abelson, PhD
McMaster University, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Associate Member, Department of Political Science
Member, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA)
Dr. Abelson's research interests include the design and evaluation of public engage…
October 13, 2011 - As we said about determining techniques for selection, you
need to determine what specific information … Advocacy experience, this may help you determine their
comfort for example in working with scientists … We clearly define the needs and involve their
advocates and their organizations in helping determine … their personal views, and to try
and determine how they deal with controversy; also how well
they … Requiring an essay helps us determine their ability to
write well and determine their ability to think
January 01, 2016 - even in early stages.8,9 The rapid growth of IH leaves little
time for prospective observation to determine … information about the current state of evidence, and
assesses the quality of studies that aim to determine … As no
objective lab value or other measures exist to determine
size changes, investigators have developed … When
a diagnosis is in question, a tissue biopsy is the most
accurate method to determine the diagnosis … Existing studies do not provide
data to determine optimal dosing.
April 01, 2013 - This research should help to determine the role PCA3 should play in the
diagnosis and management of … • The need for outcome studies to determine how well PCA3 and other comparators used
to categorize … The goal of the research question would be to determine if the trade-off
between reduction in biopsies … Patients followed prospectively to determine
choices about biopsy and treatment. … There is a growing interest in the
use of conjoint analysis to determine
how medical information is
April 26, 2011 - Using the final study-selection criteria, full-text articles will be reviewed in the same fashion to determine
July 01, 2010 - Relevant literature will be discussed with the Task Order Officer to determine whether to incorporate … Below we describe in more detail the features that will determine the strength of evidence for the different
August 07, 2012 - We will newly synthesize the literature related to this intervention if we
determine that there are … of tube design and surgical procedures and concluded that there is as yet
insufficient evidence to determine … For studies without adequate
information to determine inclusion or exclusion, we will retrieve the full … To
determine whether quantitative analyses are appropriate, we will assess the clinical
December 23, 2014 - in early stages.9, 10 With this rapid growth, there is
little time for prospective observation to determine … Potential psychosocial impact may also help determine treatment. … The team will evaluate any additional non-English studies that
appear relevant to determine how or if … bias of RCTs by examining outcomes of trials as reported in resources
such as ClinicalTrials.gov to determine … Because of the numerous possible harm outcomes,
we cannot determine a specific sample size that
June 01, 2012 - The reviewers must determine in advance whether failure to report certain criteria constitutes a “fatal … Reviewers must determine in advance whether failure to report certain criteria constitutes a “fatal flaw … partial verification bias to be present in the following situations:
Knowledge of the index test will determine … UNCLEAR: Insufficient information to determine whether partial verification was present. … For an answer to be “unclear,” the study would have presented insufficient information to determine whether
June 01, 2012 - The reviewers must determine in advance whether failure to report certain criteria constitutes a “fatal … Reviewers must determine in advance whether failure to report certain criteria constitutes a “fatal flaw … partial verification bias to be present in the following situations:
Knowledge of the index test will determine … UNCLEAR: Insufficient information to determine whether partial verification was present. … For an answer to be “unclear,” the study would have presented insufficient information to determine whether
October 24, 2006 - Current Page Topic Timeline Jan. 1, 2005 Topic Initiated Nov. 19, 2007 Systematic Review Jun. 13, 2013 Surveillance Report Comparative Effectiveness of Management Strategies for Renal Artery Stenosis
Systematic Review Archived October 24, 2006 Web Version [NLM Site] Download Main Document PDF 1.8 MB
April 01, 2021 - As a proxy to determine
whether the intended audience was satisfied with the report and methods used … bifurcation aneurysms: a
single-center experience
and a systematic review
and meta-analysis14
To determine … Authors should determine a priori the outcomes that require strength of
evidence (SOE) grading (after … The stakeholder needs, decisional dilemmas, and context will determine the most appropriate
outcomes … available in each
meditation category
Given the lack of
monotherapy studies, it was
not possible to determine