October 24, 2019 - systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or other cross-study comparisons; (2) help identify research
gaps to determine … Process for Selecting Studies: PICOTS described in Section II and criteria in Table 1 will be
used to determine … One investigator will
determine eligibility at the title/abstract review stage and a second investigator
August 01, 2012 - There is insufficient evidence to determine
the effect of rhGH on final health outcomes. … However, there is insufficient evidence to
determine the effect of rhGH on pulmonary
exacerbations, … IGFBP-3 Levels:
There is insufficient evidence to determine
New Evidence: … A time period of 6-12
months may be insufficient to determine
the effect of rhGH on development of … We cannot determine the benefits
of rhGH therapy in patients with unaddressed
nutritional deficiencies
November 01, 2022 - Sometimes EMS is referenced alone and
other times EMS/911 is used and I can’t always determine why … The authors should describe the qualification of the team
members that “assessed each citation to determine … infection and with an overwhelmed
public health contact tracing system, it was also challenging to
determine … We also
acknowledged that it was challenging to
determine whether COVID-19 infections
in EMS providers … We also
acknowledged that it was challenging to
determine from the published studies
whether COVID
October 30, 2012 - disease state to be treated,
the mechanism, and the intended effect of the
treatment under study determine … myelitis).16
Interactions With the Health Care
For any medical condition, one should first
determine … with
the risk of inappropriate targeting or classification
if items answered incorrectly early on determine … Both the patient’s and the
health care provider’s perspectives are needed to
determine if the minimally
March 01, 2016 - Additional testing may be needed to determine a diagnosis.
» Review the evidence about the benefits
March 01, 2016 - Additional testing may be needed to determine a diagnosis.
» Review the evidence about the benefits
May 15, 2012 - Understanding Evidence-based Healthcare: A Foundation for Action (Video Presentation)
Presentation May 15, 2012
This web course has been created by the United States Cochrane Center as part of a project undertaken by Consumers United for Evidence-based Healthcare (CUE), and is designed to help consumer …
July 01, 2012 - useful framework for other investigators
conducting systematic review of medical tests:
• Determine … of the key question; and (2) studies that do not provide sufficient in formation about context to
determine … Including all the technologies to determine if there were clear differences
among techniques made clear
December 27, 2016 - We will attempt to determine potential reasons
by conducting relevant subgroup analyses and/or meta-regression
August 18, 2016 - ADHD Diagnosis: ADHD diagnosis is normally based on physician assessment to determine
whether the patient … Rating
scale data are integrated with a clinical interview to determine the onset, course, duration, … interest, future decisionmakers could incorporate our effectiveness findings into their cost
analysis to determine … Primary care providers
often use one or more standardized instruments and clinical judgment to
determine … We will then determine the feasibility of completing a quantitative synthesis (i.e., meta-
September 23, 2010 - upon which to base study design; capturing
baseline comorbidities as separate predictive factors to determine … However, this pilot project could not determine whether the majority of orthopaedic surgeons
who treat … (importance = 8.5, SD 1.5); capturing baseline comorbidities as separate predictive factors to
determine … However, this pilot project could not determine whether the majority of orthopaedic surgeons
who treat … for randomized clinical trials,
systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and observational studies, to determine
March 02, 2011 - What is the validity of the tests and measures used to determine intermediate outcomes of physical therapy … What are minimal clinically important differences of the tests and measures used to determine intermediate … evidence from controlled trials and observational studies. 31 Three investigators will independently determine … pre-established inclusion/exclusion criteria; and 4) retrieve and review full articles on eligible studies to determine … We will determine the eligibility of studies based on the developed a priori algorithm.
April 03, 2014 - Two independent investigators will screen full text to determine if all
inclusion criteria are met and … to determine if subgroup outcomes are reported. … critical appraisal
by Fisher et al.57 of the principal methods for pooling individual-level RCT data to determine … We will assess the heterogeneity among clinical, methodological and PICOTS elements to
determine the
May 14, 2010 - Further, the evidence was insufficient to determine the relative superiority of any agent. … reviewed and abstracted, and their findings qualitatively assessed using a process devised by the EPC to determine
June 01, 2023 - related to the grieving
processes that make it challenging to determine … No reference standard or
method to detect the impact of
KQ2: No reference standard to
determine … intervention will be the description of the comparator, i.e., what is the
intervention compared against to determine … of the appraisal will be to identify high risk of bias studies for sensitivity analysis
(e.g., to determine
November 01, 2013 - In the case of NT-proBNP, limited evidence is
available to determine if the manufacturers’ suggested … Research Gaps
• More studies are needed to determine the effect of
age on the diagnostic cutpoints, … • More studies are needed to determine the effect of
declining renal function on the diagnostic performance … • More studies are needed to determine the effect of sex,
ethnicity, and BMI on natriuretic peptide
September 27, 2011 - elbows) but may also affect the genitals, nails, palms, and soles of the feet. 4,5 Different parameters determine … These data will also be reviewed to determine the overall applicability of data per outcome, describing
November 04, 2013 - Further study is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of newer agents in combination with
January 01, 2010 - prostate biopsy
II. adult men with previous normal biopsy following elevated PSA levels to
March 15, 2010 - What is the correlation between the choice of initial diagnostic test to determine the diagnosis of sleep … Timing & Study Design
KQ 1, 3, & 4
Cross-sectional or longitudinal of any duration
Determine … cohorts within non-randomized comparative studies as separate “studies”/cohorts
(Not KQ 6)
Determine … We will determine the consistency of the data as having or not having inconsistency (or not applicable