May 21, 2013 - Staging is used primarily to determine appropriate treatment strategies; treatment options for colorectal … Clinicians determine the T, N, and M components and use them to assign patients into four broad disease … One of the challenges of this systematic review is to determine how cancer stages can be translated between … Staging after treatment (interim staging, or restaging) is primarily intended to determine if the tumor … diagnosis of a recurrence, staging aims to assess the extent of disease to guide treatment decisions and determine
October 19, 2010 - approach to searching for grey literature/regulatory information therefore included consulting the TEP to determine … Determine Outcomes to Extract. … number of abstracts and articles out for review to the Methods and Content Leads, contact reviewers to determine
April 10, 2009 - Home »
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Date submitted: April 10, 2009
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Briefly describe a specific question, or set of related questions, about a health …
September 06, 2018 - Current Page Topic Timeline Aug. 30, 2016 Topic Initiated Apr. 3, 2017 Research Protocol Sep. 6, 2018 Systematic Review Lower Limb Prostheses: Measurement Instruments, Comparison of Component Effects by Subgroups, and Long-Term Outcomes
Systematic Review September 6, 2018 Download Main Document PDF 2.2 MB
September 01, 2012 - The agency (or contractor) would also determine appropriate terms of service.
Based on internal
December 08, 2014 - Multidetector CT is widely used as the critical imaging test to
determine whether, where, and how to … cancer (most often non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC)), as accurate N staging is
important to determine … If direct comparisons are insufficient to determine comparative
accuracy, we will broaden the inclusion … Grading the Strength of Evidence (SOE) for Major Comparisons and Outcomes
We will determine
May 24, 2010 - We will review abstracts against pre-established inclusion/exclusion criteria to determine
potential … The project manager, together with the expert clinical abstractors, will
review all the abstracts to determine … abstracts and articles out
for review to the project and scientific directors, contact reviewers to determine
November 19, 2012 - In men it may also be important to determine whether the retention is high-pressure or
low-pressure … Two independent
investigators will screen full text to determine if inclusion criteria are met. … We will assess the clinical heterogeneity among methodological and PICOTS
elements to determine appropriateness
February 01, 2013 - Advantages for
producing a
valid result
Results will attempt to determine the existence of geographic … Data Observational Study
Systematic review of the literature that
seeks to determine … Advantages for
producing a
valid result
Results will attempt to determine the
existence of genetic … Causality
will be difficult to determine, but it is
possible that associations between genetics
and … Individual Participant Data
Systematic review of the literature that seeks to determine
June 01, 2013 - The draft CER found insufficient
evidence to determine the comparative effectiveness of MRSA screening … • While there are several ongoing clinical trials, additional research is needed to determine
the … It
would be important to determine whether to address all surgical patients or the
listed subgroups … • Outcomes: It is important to clarify the study objectives as they will determine the
appropriate … • Recommendations:
o Examine each element of an
intervention bundle to
accurately determine the
December 14, 2017 - We aimed to report on the content of the literature for this KQ in order
to determine if studies themselves … TEP Reviewer#4 Discussion/
But to determine appropriate sample sizes we need to know
what … We primarily sought to determine if the literature now contained trials
explicitly designed and powered … to determine for which women/which
type of fibroids outcomes might differ. … “as is data to
determine” should read “as are data to determine.”
June 29, 2016 - The results of the trial cannot be used to determine the effect of specific glucocorticoids (triamcinolone
December 01, 2014 - Those impressions are used
to determine potential impact.
April 03, 2014 - Two independent investigators will screen full text to determine if all inclusion criteria are met and … to determine if subgroup outcomes are reported. … critical appraisal by Fisher et al. 57 of the principal methods for pooling individual-level RCT data to determine … We will assess the heterogeneity among clinical, methodological and PICOTS elements to determine the
June 01, 2013 - Those impressions are used
to determine potential impact.
May 01, 2013 - We also sought to
determine whether any observed changes in asthma care
processes directly improve … In the absence of national qualitative standards to
determine magnitude of effect in clinical asthma … The
strength of the evidence is insufficient to determine the
effect of feedback and audit interventions … The strength of evidence is insufficient to determine the
effect of multicomponent interventions on … In summary, with only one
study at high risk of bias, there is insufficient evidence to
determine the
October 01, 2014 - reporting imaging
used for treatment evaluation and following the women for
some time after that to determine … Findings are limited by the lack of studies done to determine utility
of imaging in a particular instance … obtained by randomized trials or, more realistically,
pragmatic trials or prospective studies to determine … These clinical decision-support tools are based on
research and evidence, and aid physicians to determine … We agree that it can be challenging to determine the effects
of any one type of imaging on outcomes
August 05, 2010 - alternative diagnostic tools conducted by the
state of Washington in 2007 did not reveal adequate data to determine … Diagnosis: use of the test to determine the presence and type of structural or
functional abnormalities … Patient management or treatment planning: use of the test to determine the
management plan, including
August 26, 2008 - Analysts may not be able to predict, or determine, what factors are unbalanced or in which direction … To determine whether patients were persistent with a course of therapy, we examined two types of gaps … We determined the frequency of subjects who linked to the enrollment table to determine the percentage … Further analysis is required to determine if this higher rate is causally associated with initiating … Likewise, researchers should determine if the ADEs display a dose-response relationship.
May 20, 2013 - We consulted with several
statisticians and methodologists to determine what
methods would be most … We consulted with several
statisticians and methodologists to determine what
methods would be most … We consulted with several
statisticians and methodologists to determine what
methods would be most … Unfortunately, there
are insufficient results to determine non-inferiority or
superiority based on … Thus, we sought to demonstrate which was in
evidence and determine if more evidence is needed.