October 13, 2011 - and support organizations to identify and nominate qualified candidates, and interviews nominees to determine
February 13, 2014 - quantitative approaches to assessing benefits and harms in the context of a systematic review, and to determine
October 01, 2020 - Effectiveness –
Community settings:
Insufficient evidence to
determine effects of masks … evidence for any mask use
versus no use.
1 new
Insufficient direct evidence to
October 01, 2010 - Key Question 2
There is insufficient evidence to determine the effect of
rhGH on final health outcomes … However, there is insufficient
evidence to determine the effect of rhGH on pulmonary
exacerbations, HRQoL … There is insufficient evidence to determine the impact
of rhGH treatment on IGFBP-3 levels. … We cannot determine
the benefits of rhGH therapy in patients with
unaddressed nutritional deficiencies … A time period of 6
to 12 months may be insufficient to determine the
effect of rhGH on development of
July 19, 2023 - We will use detailed pre-established criteria to determine eligibility for inclusion and
exclusion of … of the appraisal will be to identify high risk of bias studies for sensitivity
analysis (e.g., to determine … We will determine the feasibility of a quantitative synthesis (i.e., meta-analysis) for each
February 02, 2018 - can make it difficult for users of EPC reviews to reach bottom-line conclusions regarding harms or determine
October 15, 2020 - Home »
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Date submitted: July 16, 2020
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Update to Fecal Incontinence Guidance
1. What is the decision or change you are fac…
March 01, 2010 - Thus, the time, effort, and expense to find all of the trials and studies conducted on aliskerin, to determine … Harms need to be considered in order to determine the balance of benefits to harms. … and relevant subgroups based on gender, age, baseline clinical status, and prior therapy, we seek to determine … In the growth hormone project, we wanted to determine what populations were being assessed: were they
August 17, 2012 - Future studies should consider comparing modes of
anesthesia to determine its impact.” … where we observed large differences
among study results for a few outcomes, we did examine
these to determine
May 19, 2011 - addressed in the specific KQs by following guidelines described in the Methods
We will determine … We will determine the risk of bias (low, medium, or high) based on the study design and the
methodological … We will determine the consistency of the data either as having no inconsistency or as having
May 24, 2010 - We will review abstracts against pre-established inclusion/exclusion criteria to determine potential … The project manager, together with the expert clinical abstractors, will review all the abstracts to determine … abstracts and articles out for review to the project and scientific directors, contact reviewers to determine
April 15, 2010 - Methods Guide chapter (if they are of high quality, work with our experts and Task Order Office to determine … abstracts and articles being reviewed by the methods and content leads, and 2) the contact reviewers who determine … developing the report, the content leads in consultation with epidemiologists and biostatisticians will determine
February 01, 2014 - Because a key goal of the
project was to determine which report formats and products are most beneficial … typically prefer an SOE format, such as in the clinician summary, that allows them to quickly
scan to determine … the “Clinical
Bottom Line” in particular because it allowed them to quickly scan the evidence to determine … sources and types of information that you and
your organization use in making coverage decisions
o Determine
December 08, 2014 - Multidetector CT is widely used as the critical imaging test to determine whether, where, and how to … lung cancer (most often non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC)), as accurate N staging is important to determine … If direct comparisons are insufficient to determine comparative accuracy, we will broaden the inclusion … Grading the Strength of Evidence (SOE) for Major Comparisons and Outcomes
We will determine the strength
January 01, 2000 - eligibility criteria on interpretation of a review
Learning Objectives
Study Eligibility Criteria
Determine … questions
Are powerful tools for widening or narrowing the scope of a review
Provide information to determine … Specifically, consider each of the PICOTS components individually and determine with the team whether
January 01, 2010 - Gibbons
1: Social Media
and Health Care
M. Chris Gibbons, M.D., M.P.H.
Associate Director
Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute
Baltimore, MD
2: Can Social Media
Help Address Health Care
• Are there determinants of disparities…
May 01, 2023 - Two independent investigators will perform full-text screening to determine if
inclusion criteria are … clinical and methodological heterogeneity (including study
design) and variation in effect size to determine … will interpret the I2 statistic as described below.28 When we find heterogeneity, we
will attempt to determine
August 17, 2011 - To determine the effectiveness of public reporting as a quality improvement strategy by
Source … To determine whether public reporting leads to changes in health care delivery or
changes in patients … PICOTS) for a
systematic review is an approach used to generate answerable research questions, to determine … may only measure the change care
processes or providers‟ behaviors and not have sufficient data to determine … Titles and abstracts of studies identified in the search will be subjected to dual review to
June 01, 2010 - Methods Guide chapter (if they are of high quality, work with our experts and Task
Order Office to determine … abstracts and articles being reviewed by the methods and content
leads, and 2) the contact reviewers who determine … developing the
report, the content leads in consultation with epidemiologists and biostatisticians will determine
December 01, 2010 - Specifically, it was often difficult to
determine whether the two groups under study were derived from … For instance, some testers said that they would read the study, determine
their own sense of what the … differences in
Cross-sectional studies
provide a “snapshot” to
determine prevalence of … placebo) to determine differences in outcomes. … Investigators look
back in time and determine the exposure status for cases and controls.