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    July 10, 2018 - serve as a data source for future systematic reviews or meta-analyses; (3) identify research gaps to determine … Process for Selecting Studies: PICOTS described in Section II and criteria in Table 1 will be used to determine … One investigator will determine eligibility at the title/abstract review stage, and a second investigator … Process for Selecting Studies: PICOTS described in Section II and criteria in Table 1 will be used to determine … One investigator will determine eligibility at the title/abstract review stage, and a... IV.
    July 10, 2018 - serve as a data source for future systematic reviews or meta-analyses; (3) identify research gaps to determine … Process for Selecting Studies: PICOTS described in Section II and criteria in Table 1 will be used to determine … One investigator will determine eligibility at the title/abstract review stage, and a second investigator … Process for Selecting Studies: PICOTS described in Section II and criteria in Table 1 will be used to determine … One investigator will determine eligibility at the title/abstract review stage, and a... IV.
    January 01, 2010 - In particular, we have clarified the decision rules used to determine the SOE. … We have clarified the methods used to determine strength of evidence. … We have clarified the methodology used to determine study quality. … significance used to determine precision. … We have clarified the methodology used to determine study quality.
    August 24, 2011 - Determine Outcomes to Extract. Outcomes to extract have been identified a priori. … number of abstracts and articles out for review to the Methods and Content Leads, contact reviewers to determine
    October 16, 2015 - Interventions with inconclusive evidence : Evidence was inconclusive to determine the efficacy of the … Emergency room (ER) visits : Evidence was insufficient to determine if transitional care interventions
    May 01, 2016 - Evidence is insufficient to determine the accuracy of MRI-guided core-needle biopsies. … However, research studies have not included sufficient information about these characteristics to determine
    October 01, 2015 - Findings of the Review �� Interventions with inconclusive evidence: Evidence was inconclusive to determine … low SOE) but not at 6 months (low SOE). �� Emergency room (ER) visits: Evidence was insufficient to determine
    August 17, 2011 - knowledge to inform future public-reporting efforts, the objectives of this systematic review are: To determine … To determine whether public reporting leads to changes in health care delivery or changes in patients … (PICOTS) for a systematic review is an approach used to generate answerable research questions, to determine … may only measure the change care processes or providers’ behaviors and not have sufficient data to determine … Titles and abstracts of studies identified in the search will be subjected to dual review to determine
    April 01, 2020 - End-users also need to determine package accessibility (e.g., fee, downloadable), then deliver education
    January 01, 2020 - We developed a list of ongoing research and funding opportunities to help determine if research needs … Determine the best measures of patient and provider route of birth preferences. 16. … Determine the best measures of patient and provider route of birth preferences. … Determine the best measures of patient and provider route of birth preferences. 16. … Lower Determine the best measures of patient and provider route of birth preferences.
    January 26, 2015 - TEP Reviewer 3 Executive Summary: Methods Applicability: The PICOTS framework was used to determine … The fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria used per study to determine subject inclusion are listed in Appendix … It may also be appropriate to point out as a key finding that evidence is largely insufficient to determine … following to the Key Points and Conclusion: The fibromyalgia evidence is largely insufficient to determine … Clinical trials should be considered to determine if the treatment of fibromyalgia would best be approached
    July 01, 2011 - In the absence of a standard method to determine when or how to update any given SR, some organizations … expert opinion 13,14 are helpful sources for efficiently identifying new relevant evidence to determine … In 2008, AHRQ asked the Southern California Evidence-based Practice Center (SCEPC) to determine whether … Specifically, they should determine the extent to which the constituent elements of the key research … For example, value-of-information analysis may determine a benefit for making a decision to update
    June 01, 2010 - The criteria in Table 1 can be used at any of these points in the review process to determine whether … consideration of the potential for these biases in the body of relevant observational studies will help to determine … and observational studies is the potential for selection bias, which must be carefully considered to determine … It is also useful to determine whether the study authors required patients to be new users of the specific … The presence of outcome reporting bias can be difficult to determine, but may be inferred when important
    May 01, 2014 - The objectives of this project are to determine the potential value of a Web-based collaborative forum … The objectives of this project are to determine the potential value of a Web-based collaborative forum … Project Objectives The objectives of this project are to determine the potential value of a Web-based … Determine the level of internal and external resources available for this initiative. … Internally, AHRQ should determine to what extent the Web-based CoP will be funded and sponsored by AHRQ
    February 01, 2013 - What is the validity of the tests and measures used to determine intermediate outcomes of PT on OA … What are minimal clinically important differences (MCIDs) of the tests and measures used to determine … Diagnosis—Process and end result of evaluation, organized into categories to help determine prognosis … Reexamination to determine changes in patient status and to modify/redirect intervention based upon … knee OA randomly assigned to either exercise alone or multimodal program and followed over time to determine
    February 01, 2019 - but the study did not present analysis of between-group difference in differences so we could not determine … Therefore, it was difficult to determine whether any changes in outcomes were due to the intervention … only one38 of the eight good- or fair- quality studies reported the ethnicity of its participants) to determine … and other stakeholders are very interested in both health and health care utilization outcomes to determine … (PT and nurse) 6 months (high duration) 1 hour 5 min 5x/week (high intensity) CND = Could Not Determine
    September 23, 2014 - Current Page Topic Timeline Dec. 27, 2011 Topic Suggestion Aug. 9, 2013 Research Protocol Sep. 23, 2014 Systematic Review Jan. 29, 2015 Disposition of Comments Report Imaging Tests for the Diagnosis and Staging of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Systematic Review Archived September 23, 2014 Download Main Document PDF 2.…
    March 16, 2017 - The classification level assigned is used to determine the medical necessity of certain componentry, … compare the differential relative effect of LLP components based on LLP users’ characteristics; 3) determine … evidence for studies of differential comparative effectiveness of LLPs based on validated measures; 5) determine … Amputee requiring Lower Limb Prosthesis Determine appropriate componentry* Satisfaction with
    November 27, 2012 - Review method We used predefined criteria to determine study eligibility.
    October 13, 2011 - SRA. 8 Techniques for Selecting Patient Representatives • Determine specific information needed

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